35 research outputs found
メカニカル ストレス オウトウ イデンシ オステオポンチン ノ ハツゲン チョウセツ ト キノウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
Mechanical loading and endocrine system change bone architecture through the stimulation of bone remodeling by the action of a numbers of molecules. Recent investigations revealed that osteopontin (OPN) responds to mechanical loading in rats with an experimental system for tooth movement. However, the molecular mechanism of OPN expression in response to mechanical stress is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the regulation and function of osteopontin in response to mechanical stress loading. Mechanical stress by the experimental tooth movement used orthodontic coil spring was loaded on wild-type mice, OPN knockout mice and transgenic mice lines carrying green fluorescence protein (GFP) under the control of 5.5 kbp length of OPN promoter (GFP-OPN5.5 mice). Furthermore, mechanical force by the motor-driven computer-controlled uniaxial cycle stretch system was loaded to the cultured osteoblasts obtained from calvariae of newborn GFP-OPN5.5 mice. For histological examination, the sections were routinely stained with haematoxylin and eosin (HE). To identify osteoclasts, sections were stained for tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). Expressions of endogenous OPN and GFP were examined by in situ hybridization and fluorescence examination. Morphological feature of osteoclasts in OPN knockout mice was compared with wild-type mice. A number of mono-nucleated TRAP positive cells were seen in OPN knockout mice, but multinucleated TRAP positive cells were much fewer. In addition, the size of resorbed area in bone matrix of OPN knockout mice was smaller than the ones of wildtype mice. In GFP-OPN5.5 mice, OPN and GFP mRNA expressing cells were detected in osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts after 72 hours of treatment, and the localization of GFP was consistent with that of endogenous OPN. Furthermore, similar increase of OPN mRNA and GFP expressing cells was recognized after 72 hours of stress loading on calvarial osteoblasts derived from GFP-OPN5.5 mice. These results indicate the impairment of bone remodeling due to the dysfunction of cell fusion in osteoclasts in OPN knockout mice. It is also suggested that OPN is required for the differentiation of osteoclast. Finally, it is revealed that the promoter region of OPN in response to mechanical stress lies in 5.5 kbp OPN promoter in the upstream regio
Treatment of mandibular condyalr osteochondroma
We successfully treated a case of facial asymmetry involved in unilateral mandibular condylar osteochondroma with ipsilateral mandibular condylectomy and contralateral ramus osteotomy. A female, 32-year 11-month of age, had a chief complaint of facial asymmetry which initiated about 10 years ago. A mirror image analysis using a non-contact 3D image scanner revealed that the soft tissue on the deviated side was protruded more than 5.50 mm compared with the non-deviated side. The patinet was diagnosed as facial asymmetry with a skeletal Class III jaw-base relationship caused by unilateral mandibular condylar osteochondroma. After 18 months of preoperative orthodontic treatment, ipsilateral condylectomy and contralateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy were performed. As the results of postoperative orthodontic treatment for 20 months, an ideal occlusion having a Class I molar relationship with an adequate interincisal relationship was achieved. Facial asymmetry and mandibular protrusion were dramatically improved, and the differences between the deviation and non-deviation sides were decreased to less than 1.11 mm. The acceptable occlusion and symmetric face were maintained throughout 1-year retention period. Conclusively, our results indicated the stability after condylectomy without condylar reconstruction in a patient with unilateral condylar osteochondroma
The risk of hemorrhage in stereotactic biopsy
Objective : One major complication associated with STB is intratumoral hematoma, which is also the most common cause of morbidity related to permanent paralysis and mortality in STB. The risk of perioperative hemorrhage is generally between 1% and 10%, but this could be an underestimation since it is not common for many neurosurgeons to perform CT scans after uncomplicated STBs. In this study, we describe the incidence of cerebral hemorrhage, including asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage. Methods : We recently reviewed data on the diagnosis rate and occurrence of complications, including symptomatic and asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage, in 80 patients who underwent STB at our facility between 2005 and 2014. Results : Histological diagnosis was established for 75 cases (93.8%), glioma was the most frequently encountered tumor. Symptomatic hemorrhage was observed in two cases (2.6%), with the symptoms subsiding within two days. The morbidity and mortality rate was 0%. However, asymptomatic hemorrhages were observed in 23 cases (28.8%). Conclusion : Stereotactic biopsy is a less invasive procedure for obtaining samples of brain tumors for diagnosis. The bleeding of the tissue-resection cavity that includes asymptomatic hemorrhage occurs at a constant rate. It is important to reduce the symptomatic bleeding associated with stereotactic biopsy
サンジゲン デジタル モデル オ モチイタ ヘンソクセイ コウシンレツ コウガイレツ カンジャ ノ コウゴウ ヒョウカ ニ カンスル ケントウ
【目的】Goslon Yardstickは片側性口唇裂口蓋裂患者の咬合状態から治療の難易度を評価する方法で,簡便かつ再現性が高いことから広く用いられている。しかし,評価に際し相当数の歯列模型を用いるため,その管理がしばしば困難となる。一方,三次元デジタルモデル(以下,3DDモデル)は石膏模型をデジタルデータに変換するため保存が容易であるが,デジタルデータより構築した画像は石膏模型とは異なった印象を受けることもある。今回我々は,石膏模型より作成した3DDモデルを用いてGoslon Yardstickによる評価を行い,口腔模型を用いた場合との差異について検討を行った。
【資料および方法】資料として,徳島大学病院矯正歯科を受診した片側性口唇裂口蓋裂患者37症例の石膏模型を用いた。それぞれの石膏模型をスキャニングし,3DDモデル(OrthoCAD,CADENT)を作成した。8年以上の臨床経験をもつ矯正歯科医4名が,石膏模型と3DDモデルをそれぞれ2回ずつ,5日以上の間隔をあけて評価を行った。評価はMarsらの方法に従った。また,評価の一致度を求めるために重み付きkappa値を算出した。kappa値は0.81~1.0をgood agreement,0.61~0.80をsubstantial,0.41~0.60をmoderate,0.21~0.40をfair,0.20以下をpoorとした。
【結果】石膏模型と3DDモデルについて評価者内でのkappa値はそれぞれ0.82~0.91,0.77~0.85となり,ともに評価は一致していた。このことから,石膏模型,3DDモデルのいずれを用いた場合でも評価の再現性が高いことが示された。さらに同一評価者内の石膏模型と3DDモデルの評価の一致度については,kappa値は0.75~0.86となり,石膏模型と3DDモデルにおける評価は比較的一致していた。一致していなかったものに着目すると,3DDモデルの方がGoslon Yardstickの値をやや高く評価する傾向にあった。
【考察】Goslon Yardstickの評価にあたって,3DDモデルの使用は石膏模型と比較しても遜色がないことが示された。三次元デジタルモデルを用いた片側性口唇裂口蓋裂患者の咬合評価に関する検
Blocking COX-2 induces apoptosis and inhibits cell proliferation via the Akt/survivin- and Akt/ID3 pathway in low-grade-glioma
Approximately half of surgically-treated patients with low-grade-glioma (LGG) suffer recurrence or metastasis. Currently there is no effective drug treatment. While the selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib showed anti-neoplastic activity against several malignant tumors, its effects against LGG remain to be elucidated. Ours is the first report that the expression level of COX-2 in brain tissue samples from patients with LGG and in LGG cell lines is higher than in the non-neoplastic region and in normal brain cells. We found that celecoxib attenuated LGG cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. It inhibited the generation of prostaglandin E2 and induced apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest. We also show that celecoxib hampered the activation of the Akt/survivin- and the Akt/ID3 pathway in LGGs. These findings suggest that celecoxib may have a promising therapeutic potential and that the early treatment of LGG patients with the drug may be beneficial
Field log book of Mike Gagner, labeled WM-7, 4/14/04, WM-7, 06/26/04, and WM-7, 8/20/04 of project 1418.01 PHABSIM site
ガクガンメン リョウイキ ニオケル コツチユ ニ タイスル テイシュツリョク チョウオンパ パルス ショウシャ ノ シヨウ ケイケン
Fracture healing has traditionally been thought to be a naturally optimized process with predetermined time-course for bone metabolism, and no one had had an idea that fracture healing may be manipulated to occur at a faster rate. In 1980s, the use of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) was demonstrated with a significant promotion of bone healing and LIPUS has been used extensively for bone fractures in the limbs. On the other hand, the effectiveness of LIPUS for maxillofacial bone fractures has not been studied yet. In clinical orthodontics, there are many cases closely related to bone healing: the traumatic bone fracture in maxillofacial region, the osteotomy of jaw deformity, and the bone grafting in to alveolar cleft. The purpose of this study was to examine the benefit of LIPUS to the acceleration of maxillofacial bone healing.
Thirty-five patients received LIPUS after surgery served as subjects. Of total subjects, 11 patients had surgery for maxillofacial bone fracture fixation, 7 patients with jaw deformity had orthognathic surgery, and 17 patients affected by cleft lip and palate underwent alveolar cleft bone grafting. Five-seven days after surgery, the patient received 15 minutes of LIPUS (BR sonic-pro, ITO Co., Tokyo, Japan) per day for 14 days. A LIPUS signal was transmitted at a frequency of 1.0 MHz with a spatial-average intensity of 160 mW and pulsed 1: 4. In addition, we used the visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain assessment, and simple radiographs and computed tomography (CT) for evaluation of the bone healing.
In most cases, pain disappeared within one week after surgery. In the patients with bone fracture fixation or jaw osteotomy, bone healing was validated by plain radiographs and/or CT taken at 3 months after surgery, leading to stable occlusion. In the cases with alveolar bone grafting, early bone formation was observed from CT taken at 3 months after surgery. In addition, the catabolic effects of LIPUS exposure were not found at all.
In conclusion, LIPUS application might involve in acceleration of maxillofacial bone healing after surgery. Therefore, LIPUS may be a promising therapeutic tool for bone healing in maxillofacial region