14 research outputs found

    On the mechanical properties of N-functionalised dipeptide gels

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    The properties of a hydrogel are controlled by the underlying network that immobilizes the solvent. For gels formed by the self-assembly of a small molecule, it is common to show the primary fibres that entangle to form the network by microscopy, but it is difficult to access information about the network. One approach to understand the network is to examine the effect of the concentration on the rheological properties, such that G cx, where G is the storage modulus and c is the concentration. A number of reports link the exponent x to a specific type of network. Here, we discuss a small library of gels formed using functionalized dipeptides, and describe the underlying networks of these gels, using microscopy, small angle scattering and rheology. We show that apparently different networks can give very similar values of x

    Tuning the antimicrobial activity of low molecular weight hydrogels using dopamine autoxidation

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    We present a method to trigger the formation of dipeptide-based hydrogels by the simple addition of dopamine. Dopamine undergoes oxidation in air, reducing the pH to induce gelation. The production of polydopamine and release of reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide confers antimicrobial activity. Gel stiffness can be controlled by modulating the initial starting pH of the gelator solution. We can use this method to tune the antimicrobial activity of the gels, with gels that are less stiff demonstrating increased bactericidal efficacy against Gram-positive bacteria

    Isotopic control over self-assembly in supramolecular gels

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    It is common to switch between H2O and D2O when examining peptide-based systems with the assumption being that there are no effects from this change. Here, we describe the effect of changing from H2O to D2O in a number of low molecular weight dipeptide-based gels. Gels are formed by decreasing the pH. In most cases, there is little dif-ference in the structures formed at high pH, but this is not universally true. On lowering the pH, the ki-netics of gelation are affected and, in some cases, the structures underpinning the gel network are dif-ferent. Where there are differences in the self-assembled structures, the resulting gel properties are different. We therefore show isotopic control over gel properties is possible

    Controlling the properties of the micellar and gel phase by varying the counterion in functionalised-dipeptide systems

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    The micellar aggregates formed at high pH for dipeptide-based gelators can be varied by using different alkali metal salts to prepare the solutions. The nature of the micellar aggregates directly affects the properties of the resulting gels

    PAINT‐ing fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc)‐diphenylalanine hydrogels

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    Self‐assembly of Fmoc‐protected diphenylalanine (FmocFF) in water is widely known to produce hydrogels. Typically, confocal microscopy is used to visualize such hydrogels under wet conditions, i.e. without freezing or drying. However, key aspects of hydrogels like fibre diameter, network morphology and mesh size are sub‐diffraction limited features and cannot be visualized effectively using this approach. In this work, we show that it is possible to image FmocFF hydrogels by Points Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography (PAINT) in native conditions and without direct gel labelling. We demonstrate that the fibre network can be visualized with improved resolution (~50 nm) both in 2D and 3D. Quantitative information is extracted such as mesh size and fibre diameter. This method can complement the existing characterization tools for hydrogels and provide useful information supporting the design of new materials

    Mechanical characterization of multilayered hydrogels: a rheological study for 3D-printed systems

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    We describe rheological protocols to study layered and three-dimensional (3D)-printed gels. Our methods allow us to measure the properties at different depths and determine the contribution of each layer to the resulting combined properties of the gels. We show that there are differences when using different measuring systems for rheological measurement, which directly affects the resulting properties being measured. These methods allow us to measure the gel properties after printing, rather than having to rely on the assumption that there is no change in properties from a preprinted gel. We show that the rheological properties of fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-diphenylalanine (FmocFF) gels are heavily influenced by the printing process

    Controlling photocatalytic activity by self-assembly – Tuning perylene bisimide photocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction

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    Amino acid functionalized perylene bisimides (PBIs) form self-assembled structures in solution, the nature of which depends on the local environment. Using a high-throughput photocatalysis setup, five PBIs are studied for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) under a range of conditions (pH and hole scavenger concentration) across 350 experiments to explore the relationship between supramolecular structure and photocatalytic activity. Using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), NMR spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy, it is shown that photocatalytic activity is determined by the nature of the self-assembled aggregate that is formed, demonstrating the potential of self-assembly to tune activity. There is a clear correlation between the presence of charged flexible cylindrical aggregates and the occurrence of photocatalytic H2 production, with UV–vis spectroscopy indicating that the most active structure type has a distinctive form of π-aggregation which is proposed to enable efficient charge separation across multiple PBI units

    Annealing multicomponent supramolecular gels

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    Annealing is widely used as a means of changing the physical properties of a material. The rate of heating and cooling used in the annealing process controls the final properties. Annealing can be used as a means of driving towards the, or at least a, thermodynamic minimum. There is surprisingly little information on annealing kinetically-trapped supramolecular gels. Here, we show that annealing multicomponent gels can be used to prepare materials with tunable mechanical properties. We show that annealing in a two-component gel leads to a self-sorted network, which has significantly different mechanical properties to the asprepared gels. Whilst the fibres are self-sorted, we show that the annealing of this system leads to significant change in the network level of assembly, and it is this that leads to the increase in storage modulus. We also show that it is possible to selectively anneal only a single component in the mixtureAMFC thanks the University of Glasgow for funding. FPGF acknowledges an Erasmus traineeship. DJA thanks the EPSRC for a Fellowship (EP/L021978/1), which funded BD. MarvinSketch was used for naming chemical structures. This work benefitted from SasView software, originally developed by the DANSE project under NSF award DMR-0520547. SasView also contains code developed with funding from the EU Horizon 2020 programme under the SINE2020 project Grant No. 654000. The X-ray scattering apparatus was purchased under (EP/K035746/1)

    Annealing Supramolecular Gels by a Reaction Relay

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    Supramolecular gels have potential in many areas. In many cases, a major drawback is that the gels are formed at a high rate. As a result, nonoptimal, kinetically trapped self-assembled structures are often formed, leading to gels that can be hard to reproduce and control. One method to get around kinetic trapping is annealing. Thermal annealing is one possibility, but it is not always desirable to heat the gels. Here, we describe a method to anneal pH-triggered gels after they are formed. We employ a reaction relay in a peptide-based hydrogel system to anneal the structures by a controlled and uniform pH change. Our method allows us to prepare gels with more controlled properties. We show that this can be used to enable homogeneous “molding and casting” of the hydrogels. This method of annealing is more effective in improving gel robustness than a conventional heat–cool cycle

    Investigating aggregation using in situ electrochemistry and small-angle neutron scattering

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    Using small-angle neutron scattering to investigate the aggregation of self-assembling molecules is well established. Some of these molecules are electrochemically useful, for example, in electrochromic devices. Electrochemistry can also be used in some cases to induce aggregation. Here, we describe an approach whereby electrochemistry can be directly carried out on a sample in the neutron beam, allowing us to monitor changes directly in situ. We exemplify with two examples but highlight that there are many other potential opportunities