592 research outputs found

    Aspectos de la corrosión atmosférica de aceros autopasivables

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    Se estudia la corrosión de aceros Corten y Corcap en un medio que representa una atmósfera urbana industrial. Se compara el comportamiento frente a un acero al carbono corriente. La pasivación de los aceros especiales se logra mediante un ensayo acelerado de inmersiones y emersiones alternadas, la velocidad de corrosión instantánea se mide mediante técnicas electroquímicas de resistencia de polarización. Se discute el efecto que tiene un tratamiento térmico sobre el comportamiento a la corrosión. la capa de pasivaciónse determina mediante espectroscopia infrarroja y Mössbauer

    Factors associated with postharvest ripening heterogeneity of "Hass" avocados (Persea americana Mill)

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceIntroduction. 'Hass' is the main avocado cultivar commercialized worldwide. The extended flowering period, very low percentage of fruit set and inability to ripen on the tree renders the fruit heterogeneous and unpredictable during postharvest management. The "triggered" and "ready-to-eat" growing markets for 'Hass' avocados are affected by the variable postharvest ripening or ripening heterogeneity which creates severe logistical problems for marketers and inconsistent quality delivery to consumers. Synthesis. The dry matter content, the current avocado harvest index that correlates very well with oil content, has been extensively used to harvest 'Hass' avocados to comply with the minimum standards to guarantee consumer satisfaction. However, previous work and empirical experience demonstrate that dry matter does not correlate on a fruit-to-fruit basis with time to reach edible ripeness. Thus, avocados of very different ages are harvested from individual trees, resulting in heterogeneous postharvest ripening of fruit within a specific batch. Several preharvest factors related to environmental and growing conditions and crop management as well as postharvest technology strategies influence the observed variability of postharvest ripening. Conclusion. Modern approaches based on studying the composition of individual fruits displaying contrasting postharvest ripening behavior, combined with non-destructive phenotyping techniques, seem to offer practical solutions for the fresh supply chain of avocados to sort fruit based on their ripening capacity.http://www.pubhort.org/fruits/2016/5/fruits160045.ht

    Complete genome amplification of Equine influenza virus subtype 2

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    This work reports a method for rapid amplification of the complete genome of equine influenza virus subtype 2 (H3N8). A ThermoScriptTM reverse transcriptase instead of the avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase or Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase was used. This enzyme has demonstrated higher thermal stability and is described as suitable to make long cDNA with a complex secondary structure. The product obtained by this method can be cloned, used in later sequencing reactions or nested-PCR with the purpose of achieving a rapid diagnosis and characterization of the equine influenza virus type A. This detection assay might be a valuable tool for diagnosis and screening of field samples as well as for conducting molecular studies.En este trabajo comunicamos un método rápido que permite la amplificación del genoma completo del subtipo 2 (H3N8) del virus de la influenza equina. Se utilizó la enzima transcriptasa reversa ThermoScriptTM en lugar de la transcriptasa reversa del virus de la mieloblastosis aviar o la transcriptasa reversa del virus de la leucemia murina de Moloney. Esta enzima ha demostrado tener una alta estabilidad térmica y la capacidad de hacer largas copias de ADN con una estructura secundaria compleja. El producto obtenido por esta técnica puede ser clonado y utilizado posteriormente en reacciones de secuenciación o de PCR anidada con la finalidad de lograr un diagnóstico rápido y la caracterización del virus de la influenza equina tipo A. Este ensayo de detección puede llegar a ser una valiosa herramienta para el diagnóstico y el análisis de muestras de campo, así como para la realización de estudios moleculares

    Infección experimental por herpesvirus bovino 1 en conejas gestantes

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    Natural infection with Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) produces several clinical manifestations including conjunctivitis, respiratory signs, genital diseases and abortion. The rabbit is a good model for studying of latency, pathogenicity of BoHV-5 and other bovine herpesviruses. This study was conducted in order to analyze the response to experimental infection with BoHV-1 in rabbits during different periods of pregnancy. The results obtained could be useful for better understanding of the infection in cattle. A new method of infection was used. The rabbits developed clinical signs. The virus was recovered from nasal swabs and histological lesions were found in the analyzed samples. The humoral response was demonstrated and viral DNA was detected from the placentas. This work showed for the first time the arrival of BoHV-1 to blood after intranasal infection with the virus. It also provides a useful tool that can be used to evaluate the pathogenicity of by BoHV-1 strains, the immune response and to study viral latency and reactivation.La infección natural por Herpesvirus bovino 1 (BoHV-1) se manifiesta por conjuntivitis, signos respiratorios (rinotraqueitis), lesiones genitales (vulvovaginitis pustular infecciosa o balanopostitis) y abortos. El conejo, hasta el momento, ha resultado ser el mejor modelo experimental para estudiar los diferentes aspectos de la infección por BoHV-1, el fenómeno de latencia, la neuropatogenicidad de BoHV-5 y el comportamiento de diferentes cepas virales. Este trabajo se desarrolló con el objetivo de estudiar la respuesta de conejas infectadas con BoHV-1 en diferentes períodos de la gestación para que los datos resultantes puedan ser utilizados para la mejor comprensión de la infección en el bovino. Se utilizó un nuevo método de infección intranasal. Los animales desarrollaron signos clínicos. Se recuperó virus a partir de hisopados nasales, se observaron lesiones histopatológicas en las muestras analizadas, se demostró la respuesta inmune humoral y se detectó ADN viral a partir de placentas de los animales gestantes infectados. En este trabajo se evidenció por primera vez en el modelo conejo la llegada del virus al torrente sanguíneo luego de la infección intranasal. Además se aporta una herramienta de utilidad que puede ser utilizada para evaluar la virulencia de diferentes cepas de BoHV-1 y la respuesta inmune a distintos inmunógenos como también para realizar estudios de latencia y reactivación

    Correlation effects in ionic crystals: I. The cohesive energy of MgO

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    High-level quantum-chemical calculations, using the coupled-cluster approach and extended one-particle basis sets, have been performed for (Mg2+)n (O2-)m clusters embedded in a Madelung potential. The results of these calculations are used for setting up an incremental expansion for the correlation energy of bulk MgO. This way, 96% of the experimental cohesive energy of the MgO crystal is recovered. It is shown that only 60% of the correlation contribution to the cohesive energy is of intra-ionic origin, the remaining part being caused by van der Waals-like inter-ionic excitations.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, no figure

    Local reactivity index as descriptor of benzene adsorption in cluster models of exchanged zeolite-Y

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    Indexación: Scopus.The adsorption of benzene over sites I, II and III of Cu- and Na-exchanged zeolite-Y, has been studied using the energy profiles for the host-guess interaction, and electronic descriptors of reactivity such as the electronic chemical potential and a local σk index recently defined. Both, the energy and the reactivity index based models consistently complement each other to give a correct interpretation of the reactivity and selectivity patterns experimentally established for these systems.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009261403020803?via%3Dihu