35 research outputs found

    Does the non-force-freeness matter for the extrapolation of solar magnetic field?

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    Magnetic field extrapolation is a fundamental tool to reconstruct the three-dimensional solar coronal magnetic field. However, the prevalently used force-free field model might not be applicable in the lower atmosphere, where plasma \b{eta} is greater than 1. In this work, we perform extrapolation in active region 12158, based on an updated magnetohydrostatic (MHS) method. By comparing the results with those from the force-free field method of Current-Field Iteration in Spherical Coordinates (CFITS), we find that the overall properties, which are characterized by the magnetic free energy and helicity, are roughly the same after volume integral. The major differences lie in the magnetic configuration and the twist number of magnetic flux rope (MFR). A coherent MFR with twist around 1 is reproduced from CFITS. In another manner, two sets of MFR, which are highly twisted and slightly coupled, are derived by the MHS method. The latter one is better constrained by the high-resolution observations, such as the filament fibrils, pre-eruptive braiding characteristics and the eruptive double-J shaped hot channel. Overall, our work shows the MHS method is more promising to reproduce the magnetic fine structures that can well match the observations not only in the chromosphere but also in the corona. This initiates the necessity of reconsidering the simplification of low atmosphere for currently widely used nonlinear force-free extrapolation method, since such assumption will not only omit the magnetic structures at low atmosphere but also affect those obtained in the corona, and therefore bringing in ambiguity in interpreting the solar eruption.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    The high helium abundance and charge states of the interplanetary CME and its material source on the Sun

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    Identifying the source of the material within coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and understanding CME onset mechanisms are fundamental issues in solar and space physics. Parameters relating to plasma composition, such as charge states and He abundance (\ahe), may be different for plasmas originating from differing processes or regions on the Sun. Thus, it is crucial to examine the relationship between in-situ measurements of CME composition and activity on the Sun. We study the CME that erupted on 2014 September 10, in association with an X1.6 flare, by analyzing AIA imaging and IRIS spectroscopic observations and its in-situ signatures detected by Wind and ACE. We find that during the slow expansion and intensity increase of the sigmoid, plasma temperatures of 9 MK, and higher, first appear at the footpoints of the sigmoid, associated with chromospheric brightening. Then the high-temperature region extends along the sigmoid. IRIS observations confirm that this extension is caused by transportation of hot plasma upflow. Our results show that chromospheric material can be heated to 9 MK, and above, by chromospheric evaporation at the sigmoid footpoints before flare onset. The heated chromospheric material can transport into the sigmoidal structure and supply mass to the CME. The aforementioned CME mass supply scenario provides a reasonable explanation for the detection of high charge states and elevated \ahe\ in the associated ICME. The observations also demonstrate that the quasi-steady evolution in the precursor phase is dominated by magnetic reconnection between the rising flux rope and the overlying magnetic field structure.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Two-dimensional germanium islands with Dirac signature on Ag2Ge surface alloy

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    Two-dimensional (2D) Dirac materials have attracted intense research efforts due to their promise for applications ranging from field-effect transistors and low-power electronics to fault-tolerant quantum computation. One key challenge is to fabricate 2D Dirac materials hosting Dirac electrons. Here, monolayer germanene is successfully fabricated on a Ag2Ge surface alloy. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements revealed a linear energy dispersion relation. The latter was supported by density functional theory calculations. These results demonstrate that monolayer germanene can be realistically fabricated on a Ag2Ge surface alloy. The finding opens the door to exploration and study of 2D Dirac material physics and device applications

    Preparation of LiFePO<sub>4</sub>/C Cathode Materials via a Green Synthesis Route for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications

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    In this work, LiFePO4/C composite were synthesized via a green route by using Iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) nanoparticles, Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), glucose powder and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) solution as raw materials. The reaction principles for the synthesis of LiFePO4/C composite were analyzed, suggesting that almost no wastewater and air polluted gases are discharged into the environment. The morphological, structural and compositional properties of the LiFePO4/C composite were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra coupled with thermogravimetry/Differential scanning calorimetry (TG/DSC) thermal analysis in detail. Lithium-ion batteries using such LiFePO4/C composite as cathode materials, where the loading level is 2.2 mg/cm2, exhibited excellent electrochemical performances, with a discharge capability of 161 mA h/g at 0.1 C, 119 mA h/g at 10 C and 93 mA h/g at 20 C, and a cycling stability with 98.0% capacity retention at 1 C after 100 cycles and 95.1% at 5 C after 200 cycles. These results provide a valuable approach to reduce the manufacturing costs of LiFePO4/C cathode materials due to the reduced process for the polluted exhaust purification and wastewater treatment

    Determination of the number of ψ(3686)\psi(3686) events at BESIII

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    The numbers of ψ(3686) events accumulated by the BESIII detector for the data taken during 2009 and 2012 are determined to be and , respectively, by counting inclusive hadronic events, where the uncertainties are systematic and the statistical uncertainties are negligible. The number of events for the sample taken in 2009 is consistent with that of the previous measurement. The total number of ψ(3686) events for the two data taking periods is