1,645 research outputs found

    Permutations with limited repetitions

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    AbstractAn explicit formula in terms of Bell polynomials is derived for the number of r-permutations (called “variations, r at a time” in the older literature) with limited repetition, where each one of the n different things to be permuted may appear at most s times

    Lance-Adams Syndrome

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    Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS) is a rare complication of successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation and is often accompanied by action myoclonus. LAS is seen in patients who have undergone a cardiorespiratory arrest, later regained consciousness, and then developed myoclonus days or weeks after the event. Less than 150 cases of LAS have been reported in the worldwide medical literature. Here, we present a 32-year-old man who suffered from myoclonus after hypoxic brain damage due to hanging himself. This case was diagnosed as Lance-Adams syndrome according to a history of hypoxic brain damage, the clinical features, and the neuroimages such as brain SPECT. Making an early diagnosis and properly managing LAS is positively related to improving the patient's functional outcome. If patients have posthypoxic myoclonus after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation, we should consider the diagnosis of LAS and initiate a proper rehabilitation program

    Complete graphs whose topological symmetry groups are polyhedral

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    We determine for which mm, the complete graph KmK_m has an embedding in S3S^3 whose topological symmetry group is isomorphic to one of the polyhedral groups: A4A_4, A5A_5, or S4S_4.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures; v.2 and v.3 include minor revision

    Near-Milne realization of scale-invariant fluctuations

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    A near-Milne Universe produces a very red spectrum of vacuum quantum fluctuations, but has the potential to produce near-scale invariant {\it thermal} fluctuations. This happens if the energy and entropy are mildly sub-extensive, for example if there is a Casimir contribution. Therefore, one does not need to invoke corrections to Einstein gravity (as in loop quantum cosmology) for a thermal scenario to be viable. Neither do we need the energy to scale like the area, as in scenarios where the thermal fluctuations are subject to a phase transition in the early Universe. Some odd features of this model are pointed out: whether they are fatal or merely unusual should be the subject of future investigations

    Automorphism groups of countable algebraically closed graphs and endomorphisms of the random graph

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    We establish links between countable algebraically closed graphs and the endomorphisms of the countable universal graph RR. As a consequence we show that, for any countable graph Γ\Gamma, there are uncountably many maximal subgroups of the endomorphism monoid of RR isomorphic to the automorphism group of Γ\Gamma. Further structural information about End RR is established including that Aut Γ\Gamma arises in uncountably many ways as a Sch\"{u}tzenberger group. Similar results are proved for the countable universal directed graph and the countable universal bipartite graph.Comment: Minor revision following referee's comments. 27 pages, 3 figure
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