12 research outputs found

    Cante pela Sua Saúde: Memória do Projeto Grupos de Canto para Seniores

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    Através da primeira edição do Orçamento Participativo Portugal, o ano de 2017 viu nascer uma oportunidade para promover o envelhecimento ativo através de um projeto pioneiro em Portugal, intitulado “Grupos de Canto para Seniores”. Na conceção do programa deste projeto foram tidas em consideração recomendações teóricas e práticas consolidadas, baseadas em evidências empíricas, atendendo ainda ao parecer e à experiência das equipas interdisciplinares que muito contribuíram com as suas competências científicas, técnicas e sociais e que foram, por isso, fundamentais para uma implementação bem-sucedida. O presente livro apresenta a memória deste projeto, evidenciando as diferentes fases de implementação e dando voz a vários dos seus intervenientes

    The European Academy of Andrology (EAA) ultrasound study on healthy, fertile men: scrotal ultrasound reference ranges and associations with clinical, seminal, and biochemical characteristics

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    Background: Scrotal color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) still suffers from lack of standardization. Hence, the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) has promoted a multicenter study to assess the CDUS characteristics of healthy fertile men (HFM) to obtain normative parameters. Objectives: To report and discuss the scrotal organs CDUS reference ranges and characteristics in HFM and their associations with clinical, seminal, and biochemical parameters. Methods: A cohort of 248 HFM (35.3 ± 5.9years) was studied, evaluating, on the same day, clinical, biochemical, seminal, and scrotal CDUS following Standard Operating Procedures. Results: The CDUS reference range and characteristics of the scrotal organs of HFM are reported here. CDUS showed a higher accuracy than physical examination in detecting scrotal abnormalities. Prader orchidometer (PO)- and US-measured testicular volume (TV) were closely related. The US-assessed TV with the ellipsoid formula showed the best correlation with the PO-TV. The mean TV of HFM was ~ 17 ml. The lowest reference limit for right and left testis was 12 and 11 ml, thresholds defining testicular hypotrophy. The highest reference limit for epididymal head, tail, and vas deferens was 12, 6, and 4.5 mm, respectively. Mean TV was associated positively with sperm concentration and total count and negatively with gonadotropins levels and pulse pressure. Subjects with testicular inhomogeneity or calcifications showed lower sperm vitality and concentration, respectively, than the rest of the sample. Sperm normal morphology and progressive motility were positively associated with epididymal head size/vascularization and vas deferens size, respectively. Increased epididymis and vas deferens sizes were associated with MAR test positivity. Decreased epididymal tail homogeneity/vascularization were positively associated with waistline, which was negatively associated with intratesticular vascularization. CDUS varicocele was detected in 37.2% of men and was not associated with seminal or hormonal parameters. Scrotal CDUS parameters were not associated with time to pregnancy, number of children, history of miscarriage. Conclusions: The present findings will help in better understanding male infertility pathophysiology, improving its management

    Resultados de Pesquisa em Nutrição de Aves no Brasil: Resumo dos Ultimos 5 anos Results of Poultry Nutrition Research in Brazil: A Summary of the Last 5 years

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    Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as pesquisas brasileiras na área de nutrição avícola, entre 1994 a l999. Nesse período, foi publicado um total de 496 trabalhos, com uma média de 82,7 trabalhos/ ano. Os trabalhos na área de nutrição revelaram que 64,52% foram realizados com frangos de corte; 24,19%, com poedoiras e aves de reposição; 3,93%, com matrizes pesadas; e 7,66%, com outras aves. Com relação às publicações em forma de resumos expandidos, foram publicados 226 e 163 resumos, nos Anais das Reuniões Anuais da Fundação APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícolas e da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, respectivamente. Na Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia e no Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia foram publicados, respectivamente, 65 e 34 trabalhos completos. Os pesquisadores das instituições UFV, UNESP-Jaboticabal e UFRGS publicaram no total 104, 92 e 46 trabalhos. As pesquisas concentraram-se principalmente nas áreas de proteína/aminoácidos (21,77%), avaliação de alimentos (21,77%), minerais (19,15%) e aditivos (16,33%).<br>A literature review of the papers published in the area of poultry nutrition was done considering Brazilian publications from the period of 1994 to 1999. During this period a total of 496 papers were published, with an average of 82. 7 papers/year. The publications in nutrition revealed that 64. 52% were made with broiler chickens, 24. 19% with laying hens and replacement birds, 3.93% with broiler breeders and 7.66% with other type of birds. Considering the publications in the form of summary, 226 and 163, were published in the Proceedings of Fundação APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícola and Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, respectively. In the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia and Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia were published, 65 and 34 papers, respectively. Researches in the Universities UFV, UNESP-Jaboticabal and UFRGS, accounted for a total 104, 92 and 46 papers, respectively. The papers in poultry nutrition concentrated mainly in the area of protein/amino acid (21.77%), feedstuffs evaluation (21.77%), minerals (19.15%) and additives (16.33%)

    I TUMORI IN ITALIA - RAPPORTO 2013: Tumori multipli = ITALIAN CANCER FIGURES - REPORT 2013: Multiple tumours

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