54 research outputs found

    Der Stadt-Land-Gegensatz in der europĂ€ischen Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts –: ein Abriss

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    The relationship between city and country in 19th and 20th century Europe – a brief sketch While authors like Marx attached prime importance to the relationship between the city and the country many sociologists today deny that there are any meaningful distinctions left between them. The article tries to sketch the most important changes and the most important regional variations within Europe over the last two hundred years and in doing so gives special prominence to structural changes within the economy and society. Without wanting to diminish the importance of processes of industrialization for the dissolution of earlier dividing lines between the (walled) city and its surroundings the articles proposes to make use of recent work on the economics of agglomeration because such an approach has at least two advantages: It allows to identify more clearly the exceptional character of industrial towns in coal regions and to conceptualize more convincingly the conditions of growth of the many other types of cities growing rapidly in the late 19th and 20th century. This is especially true for the cities of Southern Europe where the long and widespread absence of industrialization did not prevent urban growth. Well into the 21st century the relationship between the city and the country in these regions nevertheless shows quite different features than the metropolitan regions in the northwestern parts of the continent. (The exclusion of Eastern Europe is solely due to the fact that another contribution to this volume deals with it.

    Kritische Theorie, vierhÀndig: Nancy Fraser und Rahel Jaeggi versuchen sich an einer Erneuerung der Kapitalismuskritik

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    Nancy Fraser / Rahel Jaeggi: Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press 2018. 978-0-7456-7157-

    Capitalism Made in USA: Rezension zu "American Capitalism: New Histories" von Sven Beckert und Christine Desan (Hg.)

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    Sven Beckert, Christine Desan (eds.): American Capitalism - New Histories. New York: Columbia Universtiy Press 2019. 978-0-231-18525-

    Transithandel, helvetisch: Rezension zu "Transithandel: Geld- und Warenströme im globalen Kapitalismus" von Lea Haller

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    Lea Haller: Transithandel - Geld- und Warenströme im globalen Kapitalismus. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2019. 978-3-518-12731-

    Kritische Theorie oder empirieferne Deduktion? Rezension zu "Der Allesfresser: Wie der Kapitalismus seine eigenen Grundlagen verschlingt" von Nancy Fraser

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    Nancy Fraser: Der Allesfresser - Wie der Kapitalismus seine eigenen Grundlagen verschlingt. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag 2023. 978-3-518-02983-

    Nutzen und Grenzen einer Ideengeschichte der Politischen Ökonomie: Rezension zu "Capitalism: The Story Behind the Word" von Michael Sonenscher

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    Michael Sonenscher: Capitalism - The Story behind the Word. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2022. 978-0-691-23720-

    Loss, gain and choice difficulty in gambling patients: Neural and behavioural processes

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    Impaired decision‐making is often displayed by individuals suffering from gambling disorder (GD). Since there are a variety of different phenomena influencing decision‐making, we focused in this study on the effects of GD on neural and behavioural processes related to loss aversion and choice difficulty. Behavioural responses as well as brain images of 23 patients with GD and 20 controls were recorded while they completed a mixed gambles task, where they had to decide to either accept or reject gambles with different amounts of potential gain and loss. We found no behavioural loss aversion in either group and no group differences regarding loss and gain‐related choice behaviour, but there was a weaker relation between choice difficulty and decision time in patients with GD. Similarly, we observed no group differences in processing of losses or gains, but choice difficulty was weaker associated with brain activity in the right anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex in patients with GD. Our results showed for the first time the effects of GD on neural processes related to choice difficulty. In addition, our findings on choice difficulty give new insights on the psychopathology of GD and on neural processes related to impaired decision‐making in GD

    Wallerstein on early modern capitalism and global inequality: a reevaluation

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    A critical review of Immanuel Wallerstein’s Modern World-System is far more than just an obligation sociologists and historians owe to one of the most influential social scientists of the last fifty years. Rather a reconsideration is both timely and urgent for two reasons: On the one hand, the theme he dealt with most intensively—early modern capitalism—is more topical than ever in the early twenty-first century because with the demise of industrial capitalism structural similarities between early modern forms of mercantile capitalism like the putting-out system and today’s attempts of platform or digital capitalism to monopolize market access become more and more obvious. And on the other hand, Wallerstein’s dominant concern with the asymmetrical power relations between center, semiperipheries and peripheries can still serve as a powerful reminder to seriously engage the global dimension of capitalist development today. This article although written from the perspective of a historian will try to do justice to Wallerstein’s theoretical ambitions as well will be extremely simple. It will be shown that although some critical points were well taken Wallerstein’s general approach to early modern capitalism is by no means completely outdated and superseded. Even if some of the answers he gave may seem indefensible today, there can be no doubt that he asked crucially important questions which still are in need of answers today.Un examen critique du systĂšme moderne du monde d’Immanuel Wallerstein est bien plus qu’un devoir des sociologues et des historiens envers l’un des sociologues les plus influents des cinquante derniĂšres annĂ©es. Un rĂ©examen est plutĂŽt opportun et urgent pour deux raisons. D’une part, le thĂšme qu’il a abordĂ© le plus intensĂ©ment – le capitalisme moderne prĂ©coce – est plus d’actualitĂ© que jamais au dĂ©but du xxie siĂšcle, car avec la disparition du capitalisme industriel, les similitudes structurelles entre les formes modernes du capitalisme mercantile comme le « putting » et les tentatives actuelles du capitalisme numĂ©rique ou de plateforme pour monopoliser l’accĂšs aux marchĂ©s deviennent de plus en plus Ă©videntes. D’autre part, la prĂ©occupation dominante de Wallerstein Ă  l’égard des rapports de pouvoir asymĂ©triques entre les centres, les semi-pĂ©riphĂ©ries et les pĂ©riphĂ©ries peut encore servir de puissant rappel pour envisager sĂ©rieusement la dimension mondiale du dĂ©veloppement capitaliste aujourd’hui. Cet article, bien qu’écrit du point de vue d’un historien, tente de rendre justice aux ambitions thĂ©oriques de Wallerstein. Il montre que, malgrĂ© certains points critiques, l’approche gĂ©nĂ©rale de Wallerstein Ă  l’égard du capitalisme moderne n’est nullement dĂ©passĂ©e. MĂȘme si certaines des rĂ©ponses qu’il a donnĂ©es peuvent sembler indĂ©fendables aujourd’hui, il ne fait aucun doute qu’il a posĂ© des questions cruciales qui ont encore besoin de rĂ©ponses aujourd’hui

    Das Ruhrgebiet - eine europÀische Metropole?

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    Im Jahr der Kulturhauptstadt Europas RUHR.2010 und in einem Jahrzehnt, in dem der Begriff „Ruhrstadt“ immer wieder fĂ€llt, geht der Historiker Friedrich Lenger der Frage nach, inwieweit es sich beim Ruhrgebiet um eine Metropole handelt und warum das Ruhrgebiet — trotz seiner FlĂ€che und Einwohnerdichte — keine Weltstadt geworden ist. Er problematisiert die verbreitete Anwendung des Metropolenbegriffs auf die StĂ€dteregion des Ruhrgebiets. Der Autor vergleicht die Entwicklung der Region einerseits mit der anderer europĂ€ischer Montanregionen in Nordfrankreich, Oberschlesien oder der Donbass-Region und fragt zum anderen nach dem Wandel des MetropolenverstĂ€ndnisses in der Stadtforschung seit den 1960er Jahren. Aus dieser doppelten Perspektive heraus wird deutlich, weshalb es wenig sinnvoll erscheint, den Metropolenbegriff auf die polyzentrische StĂ€dteregion des Ruhrgebiets anzuwenden, und warum dies einige StĂ€dteforscher von der Mitte der 1960er Jahre bis in die spĂ€ten 1980er Jahre hinein dennoch taten. Das ist relevant fĂŒr, wenn auch keine direkte Einmischung in, die das gesamte 20. Jahrhundert durchziehenden Diskussionen der kommunalen und regionalen Politik. Lengers AusfĂŒhrungen entstanden aus einem Vortrag, den er im Rahmen der vom Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut Essen veranstalteten Tagung „Metropole im Wandel. Die europĂ€ische Metropole Ruhr zwischen Industrialisierung und postkarbonem Zeitalter“ im Januar 2010 gehalten hat
