79 research outputs found

    Factor VIII/protein C ratio independently predicts liver-related events but does not indicate a hypercoagulable state in ACLD

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    Background & Aims: It has been suggested that the ratio of procoagulant factor VIII to anticoagulant protein C (FVIII/PC) reflects the hemostatic equilibrium. Moreover, FVIII/PC predicted decompensation/death in a small study not accounting for portal hypertension severity. We investigated (i) the prognostic value of FVIII/PC (outcome-cohort) and (ii) whether FVIII/PC reflects the hypercoagulable state (assessed by thrombomodulin-modified thrombin generation assay [TM-TGA]) or the risk of bleeding/thrombotic events in patients undergoing hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) measurement during follow-up. Methods: (i) The outcome-cohort comprised 576 patients with evidence of advanced chronic liver disease (liver stiffness measurement ≥10 kPa and/or HVPG ≥6 mmHg). (ii) TM-TGA-cohort patients (n = 142) were recruited from the prospective VIenna CIrrhosis Study (VICIS: NCT03267615). Results: (i) FVIII/PC significantly increased across clinical stages (p <0.001) as well as HVPG (p <0.001) and MELD score (p <0.001) strata and remained independently associated with decompensation/liver-related death (adjusted hazard ratio 1.06; 95% CI 1.01–1.11; p = 0.013), even after multivariable adjustment. It was also associated with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) development (adjusted hazard ratio 1.10; 95% CI 1.02-1.19; p = 0.015) in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. (ii) FVIII/PC showed a weak positive correlation with endogenous thrombin potential (Spearman's ρ = 0.255; p = 0.002), but this association disappeared after adjusting for the severity of liver disease. FVIII/PC was not associated with the development of bleeding (p = 0.272) or thrombotic events (p = 0.269). However, FVIII/PC correlated with biomarkers of different pathophysiological mechanisms that promote liver disease progression. Conclusion: FVIII/PC provides prognostic information regarding hepatic decompensation/death and ACLF, independently of established prognostic indicators. However, this is not evidence that hypercoagulability drives disease progression, as the correlation between FVIII/PC and thrombin generation is confounded by liver disease severity and FVIII/PC was not associated with thrombosis. Therefore, FVIII/PC does not reflect coagulation and results from previous studies on FVIII/PC require re-interpretation. Clinical trial number: NCT03267615 (in part). Lay summary: A balanced coagulation system is essential for preventing bleeding episodes and blood clot formation (thrombosis). Blood of patients with advanced liver disease may have increased coagulation potential, possibly promoting the worsening of liver disease via thrombosis in the blood vessels of the liver. The ratio between the results of 2 blood tests (procoagulant factor VIII to anticoagulant protein C) has been suggested to reflect these increases in coagulation potential. Our study demonstrates, on the one hand, that this ratio is a versatile predictor of the development of complications of cirrhosis, yet on the other hand, that it is unrelated to coagulation

    Evidence based medicine in physical medicine and rehabilitation (English version)

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    In the last twenty years the term “Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)” has spread into all areas of medicine and is often used for decision-making in the medical and public health sector. It is also used to verify the significance and/or the effectiveness of different therapies. The definition of EBM is to use the physician’s individual expertise, the patient’s needs and the best external evidence for each individual patient. Today, however, the term EBM is often wrongly used as a synonym for best “external evidence”. This leads not only to a misuse of evidence based medicine but suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of the model which was created by Gordon Guyatt, David Sackett and Archibald Cochrane. This problem becomes even greater the more social insurance institutions, public healthcare providers and politicians use external evidence alone as a main guideline for financing therapies in physical medicine and general rehabilitation without taking into account the physician’s expertise and the patient’s needs.The wrong interpretation of EBM can lead to the following problems: well established clinical therapies are either questioned or not granted and are therefore withheld from patients (for example physical pain management). Absence of evidence for individual therapy methods does not prove their ineffectiveness! In this short statement the significance of EBM in physical medicine and general rehabilitation will be analysed and discussed

    Highly Efficient Elimination of Colorectal Tumor-Initiating Cells by an EpCAM/CD3-Bispecific Antibody Engaging Human T Cells

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    With their resistance to genotoxic and anti-proliferative drugs and potential to grow tumors and metastases from very few cells, cancer stem or tumor-initiating cells (TICs) are a severe limitation for the treatment of cancer by conventional therapies. Here, we explored whether human T cells that are redirected via an EpCAM/CD3-bispecific antibody called MT110 can lyse colorectal TICs and prevent tumor growth from TICs. MT110 recognizes EpCAM, a cell adhesion molecule expressed on TICs from diverse human carcinoma, which was recently shown to promote tumor growth through engagement of elements of the wnt pathway. MT110 was highly potent in mediating complete redirected lysis of KRAS-, PI3 kinase- and BRAF-mutated colorectal TICs, as demonstrated in a soft agar assay. In immunodeficient mice, MT110 prevented growth of tumors from a 5,000-fold excess of a minimally tumorigenic TIC dose. T cells engaged by MT110 may provide a potent therapeutic means to eradicate TICs and bulk tumor cells derived thereof

    Influence of recombination on acquisition and reversion of immune escape and compensatory mutations in HIV-1

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    AbstractFollowing transmission, HIV-1 adapts in the new host by acquiring mutations that allow it to escape from the host immune response at multiple epitopes. It also reverts mutations associated with epitopes targeted in the transmitting host but not in the new host. Moreover, escape mutations are often associated with additional compensatory mutations that partially recover fitness costs. It is unclear whether recombination expedites this process of multi-locus adaptation. To elucidate the role of recombination, we constructed a detailed population dynamics model that integrates viral dynamics, host immune response at multiple epitopes through cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and viral evolution driven by mutation, recombination, and selection. Using this model, we compute the expected waiting time until the emergence of the strain that has gained escape and compensatory mutations against the new host's immune response, and reverted these mutations at epitopes no longer targeted. We find that depending on the underlying fitness landscape, shaped by both costs and benefits of mutations, adaptation proceeds via distinct dominant pathways with different effects of recombination, in particular distinguishing escape and reversion. When adaptation at a single epitope is involved, recombination can substantially accelerate immune escape but minimally affects reversion. When multiple epitopes are involved, recombination can accelerate or inhibit adaptation depending on the fitness landscape. Specifically, recombination tends to delay adaptation when a purely uphill fitness landscape is accessible at each epitope, and accelerate it when a fitness valley is associated with each epitope. Our study points to the importance of recombination in shaping the adaptation of HIV-1 following its transmission to new hosts, a process central to T cell-based vaccine strategies

    Occurrence of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in the European survey of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE): a prospective, multinational study

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    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Heartbeat and arrhythmia perception in diabetic autonomic neuropathy

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    A comparative study of diabetics with autonomic neuropathy (N = 13) as against nonneuropathic diabetics (N = 16) and healthy control persons (N = 20) was carried out with respect 10 heart rate both at rest and under stress, frequency of cardiac arrhythmias in a 24-h ECG and accuracy of heartbeat and arrhythmia perception. In the subjects with diabetic autonomic neuropathy, the spontaneaus variability and stress-induced reactivity of the heart rate as weil as the number of tachycardic episodes were reduced, whereas the frequency of ventricular extrasystoles was somewhat increased. Impaired heartbeat perception and a complete Ioss of perception of arrhythmias as a consequence of neuropathic deafferentation could be demonstrated. Cardiac perception disordersalso playavital roJe in other clinical problems, e.g. silent myocardial infarction and Iack of awareness of hypoglycaemia in diabetes mellitus