5,770 research outputs found

    On complex surfaces diffeomorphic to rational surfaces

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    In this paper we prove that no complex surface of general type is diffeomorphic to a rational surface, thereby completing the smooth classification of rational surfaces and the proof of the Van de Ven conjecture on the smooth invariance of Kodaira dimension.Comment: 34 pages, AMS-Te

    Possibility of long-range order in clean mesoscopic cylinders

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian of the magnetostatic interaction is discussed. This long-range interaction can play an important role in mesoscopic systems leading to an ordered ground state. The self-consistent mean field approximation of the magnetostatic interaction is performed to give an effective Hamiltonian from which the spontaneous, self-sustaining currents can be obtained. To go beyond the mean field approximation the mean square fluctuation of the total momentum is calculated and its influence on self-sustaining currents in mesoscopic cylinders with quasi-1D and quasi-2D conduction is considered. Then, by the use of the microscopic Hamiltonian of the magnetostatic interaction for a set of stacked rings, the problem of long-range order is discussed. The temperature TT^{*} below which the system is in an ordered state is determined.Comment: 14 pages, REVTeX, 5 figures, in print in Phys. Rev.

    A Combined Deep Learning-Gradient Boosting Machine Framework for Fluid Intelligence Prediction

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    The ABCD Neurocognitive Prediction Challenge is a community driven competition asking competitors to develop algorithms to predict fluid intelligence score from T1-w MRIs. In this work, we propose a deep learning combined with gradient boosting machine framework to solve this task. We train a convolutional neural network to compress the high dimensional MRI data and learn meaningful image features by predicting the 123 continuous-valued derived data provided with each MRI. These extracted features are then used to train a gradient boosting machine that predicts the residualized fluid intelligence score. Our approach achieved mean square error (MSE) scores of 18.4374, 68.7868, and 96.1806 for the training, validation, and test set respectively.Comment: Challenge in Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Neurocognitive Predictio

    Josephson-phase qubit without tunneling

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    We show that a complete set of one-bit gates can be realized by coupling the two logical states of a phase qubit to a third level (at higher energy) using microwave pulses. Thus, one can achieve coherent control without invoking any tunneling between the qubit levels. We propose two implementations, using rf-SQUIDs and d-wave Josephson junctions.Comment: REVTeX4, 4pp., 6 EPS figure files; N.B.: "Alec" is my first, and "Maassen van den Brink" my family name. v2: gate universality fleshed out, small fix in d-wave decoherence para, discussion expanded, two Refs. added. v3: some more Refs., a molecular example, and a few minor fixes; final, to appear in PRB Rapid

    Optical absorption spectra in fullerenes C60 and C70: Effects of Coulomb interactions, lattice fluctuations, and anisotropy

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    Effects of Coulomb interactions and lattice fluctuations in the optical absorption spectra of C60 and C70 are theoretically investigated by using a tight binding model with long-range Coulomb interaction and bond disorder. Anisotropy effects in C70 are also considered. Optical spectra are calculated by using the Hartree-Fock approximation followed by the configuration interaction method. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The broad peaks at excitation energies, 3.7eV, 4.7eV, and 5.7eV, observed in experiments of C60 molecules in a solution are reasonably described by the present theory. Peak positions and relative oscillator strengths are in overall agreement with the experiments. The broadening of peaks by lattice fluctuations is well simulated by the bond disorder model. (2) The optical gap of C70 is larger when the electric field of light is parallel to the long axis of the molecule. The shape of the frequency dispersion also depends on the orientation of the molecule. These properties are common in the free electron model and the model with Coulomb interactions. (3) The spectrum of C70 averaged over bond disorder and random orientations is compared with experiments in a solution. There is an overall agreement about the spectral shape. Differences in the spectra of C60 and C70 are discussed in connection with the symmetry reduction from a soccerball to a rugbyball.Comment: PACS numbers: 78.66.Qn, 78.20.Dj, 71.35.+z, 31.20.Tz; LaTeX, 15 pages, 5 figures (Physical Review B); Note: Please request figures to Authors. They will be sent via snail mai

    Arbitrary rotation and entanglement of flux SQUID qubits

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    We propose a new approach for the arbitrary rotation of a three-level SQUID qubit and describe a new strategy for the creation of coherence transfer and entangled states between two three-level SQUID qubits. The former is succeeded by exploring the coupled-uncoupled states of the system when irradiated with two microwave pulses, and the latter is succeeded by placing the SQUID qubits into a microwave cavity and used adiabatic passage methods for their manipulation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum fluctuations of D5dD_{5d} polarons on C60C_{60} molecules

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    The dynamic Jahn-Teller splitting of the six equivalent D5dD_{5d} polarons due to quantum fluctuations is studied in the framework of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes formalism. The tunneling induced level splittings are determined to be 2T1u2T2u^2 T_{1u} \bigoplus ^2 T_{2u} and 1Ag1Hg^1 A_g \bigoplus ^1 H_g for C601C_{60}^{1-} and C602C_{60}^{2-}, respectively, which should give rise to observable effects in experiments.Comment: REVTEX 3.0, 13 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Representing complex data using localized principal components with application to astronomical data

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    Often the relation between the variables constituting a multivariate data space might be characterized by one or more of the terms: ``nonlinear'', ``branched'', ``disconnected'', ``bended'', ``curved'', ``heterogeneous'', or, more general, ``complex''. In these cases, simple principal component analysis (PCA) as a tool for dimension reduction can fail badly. Of the many alternative approaches proposed so far, local approximations of PCA are among the most promising. This paper will give a short review of localized versions of PCA, focusing on local principal curves and local partitioning algorithms. Furthermore we discuss projections other than the local principal components. When performing local dimension reduction for regression or classification problems it is important to focus not only on the manifold structure of the covariates, but also on the response variable(s). Local principal components only achieve the former, whereas localized regression approaches concentrate on the latter. Local projection directions derived from the partial least squares (PLS) algorithm offer an interesting trade-off between these two objectives. We apply these methods to several real data sets. In particular, we consider simulated astrophysical data from the future Galactic survey mission Gaia.Comment: 25 pages. In "Principal Manifolds for Data Visualization and Dimension Reduction", A. Gorban, B. Kegl, D. Wunsch, and A. Zinovyev (eds), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer, 2007, pp. 180--204, http://www.springer.com/dal/home/generic/search/results?SGWID=1-40109-22-173750210-

    Two-dimensional Transport Induced Linear Magneto-Resistance in Topological Insulator Bi2_2Se3_3 Nanoribbons

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    We report the study of a novel linear magneto-resistance (MR) under perpendicular magnetic fields in Bi2Se3 nanoribbons. Through angular dependence magneto-transport experiments, we show that this linear MR is purely due to two-dimensional (2D) transport, in agreement with the recently discovered linear MR from 2D topological surface state in bulk Bi2Te3, and the linear MR of other gapless semiconductors and graphene. We further show that the linear MR of Bi2Se3 nanoribbons persists to room temperature, underscoring the potential of exploiting topological insulator nanomaterials for room temperature magneto-electronic applications.Comment: ACS Nano, in pres