83 research outputs found

    The Role of Learning in Olfactory Sensitivity

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    INTRODUCTION: In recent years the psychological literature has reflected an increasing interest in the role of learning in perception. On the theoretical level, this interest is expressed principally by the considerable attention given to two current attempts to account for perceptual learning (Gibson & Gibson, 1955a: Postman, 1955). On the empirical level, the problems of industry and the military have generated a multitude of investigations in this area. These problems range in diversity from the training of military personnel in the identification of aircraft to the training of tasters in the food industry. The remainder of this chapter will be devoted to a critical analysis of the theoretical formulation of perceptual learning and to a review of the empirical findings relevant to the present experiment

    Quantum effects after decoherence in a quenched phase transition

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    We study a quantum mechanical toy model that mimics some features of a quenched phase transition. Both by virtue of a time-dependent Hamiltonian or by changing the temperature of the bath we are able to show that even after classicalization has been reached, the system may display quantum behaviour again. We explain this behaviour in terms of simple non-linear analysis and estimate relevant time scales that match the results of numerical simulations of the master-equation. This opens new possibilities both in the study of quantum effects in non-equilibrium phase transitions and in general time-dependent problems where quantum effects may be relevant even after decoherence has been completed.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, revtex, important revisions made. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Schrodinger cat states prepared by Bloch oscillation in a spin-dependent optical lattice

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    We propose to use Bloch oscillation of ultra-cold atoms in a spin-dependent optical lattice to prepare schrodinger cat states. Depending on its internal state, an atom feels different periodic potentials and thus has different energy band structures for its center-of-mass motion. Consequently, under the same gravity force, the wave packets associated with different internal states perform Bloch oscillation of different amplitudes in space and in particular they can be macroscopically displaced with respect to each other. In this way, a cat state can be prepared.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; slightly modifie

    Superposition of macroscopic numbers of atoms and molecules

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    We theoretically examine photoassociation of a non-ideal Bose-Einstein condensate, focusing on evidence for a macroscopic superposition of atoms and molecules. This problem raises an interest because, rather than two states of a given object, an atom-molecule system is a seemingly impossible macroscopic superposition of different objects. Nevertheless, photoassociation enables coherent intraparticle conversion, and we thereby propose a viable scheme for creating a superposition of a macroscopic number of atoms with a macroscopic number of molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figs, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Adiabatic evolution of a coupled-qubit Hamiltonian

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    We present a general method for studying coupled qubits driven by adiabatically changing external parameters. Extended calculations are provided for a two-bit Hamiltonian whose eigenstates can be used as logical states for a quantum CNOT gate. From a numerical analysis of the stationary Schroedinger equation we find a set of parameters suitable for representing CNOT, while from a time-dependent study the conditions for adiabatic evolution are determined. Specializing to a concrete physical system involving SQUIDs, we determine reasonable parameters for experimental purposes. The dissipation for SQUIDs is discussed by fitting experimental data. The low dissipation obtained supports the idea that adiabatic operations could be performed on a time scale shorter than the decoherence time.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be pub.in Phys Rev

    Two-electron quantum dots as scalable qubits

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    We show that two electrons confined in a square semiconductor quantum dot have two isolated low-lying energy eigenstates, which have the potential to form the basis of scalable computing elements (qubits). Initialisation, one-qubit and two-qubit universal gates, and readout are performed using electrostatic gates and magnetic fields. Two-qubit transformations are performed via the Coulomb interaction between electrons on adjacent dots. Choice of initial states and subsequent asymmetric tuning of the tunnelling energy parameters on adjacent dots control the effect of this interaction.Comment: Revised version, accepted by PR

    Generation of entangled states of two atoms inside a leaky cavity

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    An in-depth theoretical study is carried out to examine the quasi-deterministic entanglement of two atoms inside a leaky cavity. Two Λ\Lambda-type three-level atoms, initially in their ground states, may become maximally entangled through the interaction with a single photon. By working out an exact analytic solution, we show that the probability of success depends crucially on the spectral function of the injected photon. With a cavity photon, one can generate a maximally entangled state with a certain probability that is always less than 50%. However, for an injected photon with a narrower spectral width, this probability can be significantly increased. In particular, we discover situations in which entanglement can be achieved in a single trial with an almost unit probability

    National Case-Control Study of Kaposi\u27s Sarcoma and Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia in Homosexual Men: Part 1. Epidemiologic Results

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    To identify risk factors for the occurrence of Kaposi\u27s sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in homosexual men, we conducted a case-control study in New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. Fifty patients (cases) (39 with Kaposi\u27s sarcoma, 8 with pneumocystis pneumonia, and 3 with both) and 120 matched homosexual male controls (from sexually transmitted disease clinics and private medical practices) participated in the study. The variable most strongly associated with illness was a larger number of male sex partners per year (median, 61 for patients; 27 and 25 for clinic and private practice controls, respectively). Compared with controls, cases were also more likely to have been exposed to feces during sex, have had syphilis and non-B hepatitis, have been treated for enteric parasites, and have used various illicit substances. Certain aspects of a lifestyle shared by a subgroup of the male homosexual population are associated with an increased risk of Kaposi\u27s sarcoma and pneumocystis pneumonia

    Mesoscopic quantum coherence in an optical lattice

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    We observe the quantum coherent dynamics of atomic spinor wavepackets in the double well potentials of a far-off-resonance optical lattice. With appropriate initial conditions the system Rabi oscillates between the left and right localized states of the ground doublet, and at certain times the wavepacket corresponds to a coherent superposition of these mesoscopically distinguishable quantum states. The atom/optical double well potential is a flexible and powerful system for further study of mesoscopic quantum coherence, quantum control and the quantum/classical transition.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter