182 research outputs found

    Mixing in Circular and Non-circular Jets in Crossflow

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    Coherent structures and mixing in the flow field of a jet in crossflow have been studied using computational (large eddy simulation) and experimental (particle image velocimetry and laser-induced fluorescence) techniques. The mean scalar fields and turbulence statistics as determined by both are compared for circular, elliptic, and square nozzles. For the latter configurations, effects of orientation are considered. The computations reveal that the distribution of a passive scalar in a cross-sectional plane can be single- or double-peaked, depending on the nozzle shape and orientation. A proper orthogonal decomposition of the transverse velocity indicates that coherent structures may be responsible for this phenomenon. Nozzles which have a single-peaked distribution have stronger modes in transverse direction. The global mixing performance is superior for these nozzle types. This is the case for the blunt square nozzle and for the elliptic nozzle with high aspect ratio. It is further demonstrated that the flow field contains large regions in which a passive scalar is transported up the mean gradient (counter-gradient transport) which implies failure of the gradient diffusion hypothesis

    Statistical analysis of the velocity field in a mechanical precessing jet flow

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    An experimental investigation of a precessing jet issuing from a mechanically rotating nozzle directed at an angle of α=45° relative to the axis of rotation is reported. Both conventional and conditional statistics of the velocity field of the jet were measured using a combined hot-wire and cold-wire (to identify any reverse flow) probe. Three distinct values (≈0.005, 0.01, and 0.02) of the precession Strouhal number Stp (≡ rotation frequency × nozzle diameter / jet exit bulk velocity) were used to assess the effect of varying Stp. The measurements reveal that the Strouhal number in general has significant influence on the entire mixing field generated by a precessing jet. The occurrence of precession at all the Strouhal numbers of investigation produces a central recirculation zone at x ≤ 7d, where x is a distance measured from the rotating nozzle exit. A critical Strouhal number, i.e., Stp,cr ≈0.008 for the present case, is identified: at Stp ≥ Stp,cr the core jet converges to the axis of rotation while at Stp ≥ Stp,cr it does not. The characteristics of the turbulent flow in the near and intermediate regions are quite different and depend upon the magnitude of Stp. The near-field region, x/d ≤ 10-15, is dominated by a regime of global precession of the entire jet. As a result, the large-scale entrainment of the ambient fluid is substantially enhanced while the fine-scale turbulent mixing is suppressed. Under the supercritical regime (i.e., Stp ≥ Stp,cr), the jet in the far field resembles some features of the nonprecessing counterpart. Nevertheless, significant differences still retain in the statistical properties. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.J. Mi and G. J. Natha

    Chronic joint disease caused by persistent Chikungunya virus infection is controlled by the adaptive immune response

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a reemerging mosquito-borne pathogen that causes incapacitating disease in humans characterized by intense joint pain that can persist for weeks, months, or even years. Although there is some evidence of persistent CHIKV infection in humans suffering from chronic rheumatologic disease symptoms, little is known about chronic disease pathogenesis, and no specific therapies exist for acute or chronic CHIKV disease. To investigate mechanisms of chronic CHIKV-induced disease, we utilized a mouse model and defined the duration of CHIKV infection in tissues and the associated histopathological changes. Although CHIKV RNA was readily detectable in a variety of tissues very early after infection, CHIKV RNA persisted specifically in joint-associated tissues for at least 16 weeks. Inoculation of Rag1(−/−) mice, which lack T and B cells, resulted in higher viral levels in a variety of tissues, suggesting that adaptive immunity controls the tissue specificity and persistence of CHIKV infection. The presence of CHIKV RNA in tissues of wild-type and Rag1(−/−) mice was associated with histopathological evidence of synovitis, arthritis, and tendonitis; thus, CHIKV-induced persistent arthritis is not mediated primarily by adaptive immune responses. Finally, we show that prophylactic administration of CHIKV-specific monoclonal antibodies prevented the establishment of CHIKV persistence, whereas therapeutic administration had tissue-specific efficacy. These findings suggest that chronic musculoskeletal tissue pathology is caused by persistent CHIKV infection and controlled by adaptive immune responses. Our results have significant implications for the development of strategies to mitigate the disease burden associated with CHIKV infection in humans

    A microbially produced AhR ligand promotes a Tph1-driven tolerogenic program in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disease, characterized by chronic inflammation of the central nervous system. While the significance of the gut microbiome on multiple sclerosis pathogenesis is established, the underlining mechanisms are unknown. We found that serum levels of the microbial postbiotic tryptophan metabolite indole-3-carboxaldehyde (3-IAld) inversely correlated with disease duration in multiple sclerosis patients. Much like the host-derived tryptophan derivative l-Kynurenine, 3-IAld would bind and activate the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR), which, in turn, controls endogenous tryptophan catabolic pathways. As a result, in peripheral lymph nodes, microbial 3-IAld, affected mast-cell tryptophan metabolism, forcing mast cells to produce serotonin via Tph1. We thus propose a protective role for AhR–mast-cell activation driven by the microbiome, whereby natural metabolites or postbiotics will have a physiological role in immune homeostasis and may act as therapeutic targets in autoimmune diseases

    Broadly Neutralizing Alphavirus Antibodies Bind an Epitope on E2 and Inhibit Entry and Egress

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    SummaryWe screened a panel of mouse and human monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against chikungunya virus and identified several with inhibitory activity against multiple alphaviruses. Passive transfer of broadly neutralizing MAbs protected mice against infection by chikungunya, Mayaro, and O’nyong’nyong alphaviruses. Using alanine-scanning mutagenesis, loss-of-function recombinant proteins and viruses, and multiple functional assays, we determined that broadly neutralizing MAbs block multiple steps in the viral lifecycle, including entry and egress, and bind to a conserved epitope on the B domain of the E2 glycoprotein. A 16 Å resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of a Fab fragment bound to CHIKV E2 B domain provided an explanation for its neutralizing activity. Binding to the B domain was associated with repositioning of the A domain of E2 that enabled cross-linking of neighboring spikes. Our results suggest that B domain antigenic determinants could be targeted for vaccine or antibody therapeutic development against multiple alphaviruses of global concern

    A Meta-Analysis of Probiotic Efficacy for Gastrointestinal Diseases

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    Background: Meta-analyses on the effects of probiotics on specific gastrointestinal diseases have generally shown positive effects on disease prevention and treatment; however, the relative efficacy of probiotic use for treatment and prevention across different gastrointestinal diseases, with differing etiology and mechanisms of action, has not been addressed. Methods/Principal Findings: We included randomized controlled trials in humans that used a specified probiotic in the treatment or prevention of Pouchitis, Infectious diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Helicobacter pylori, Clostridium difficile Disease, Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea, Traveler’s Diarrhea, or Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Random effects models were used to evaluate efficacy as pooled relative risks across the eight diseases as well as across probiotic species, single vs. multiple species, patient ages, dosages, and length of treatment. Probiotics had a positive significant effect across all eight gastrointestinal diseases with a relative risk of 0.58 (95 % (CI) 0.51–0.65). Six of the eight diseases: Pouchitis, Infectious diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Helicobacter pylori, Clostridium difficile Disease, and Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea, showed positive significant effects. Traveler’s Diarrhea and Necrotizing Enterocolitis did not show significant effects of probiotcs. Of the 11 species and species mixtures, all showed positive significant effects except for Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Bifidobacterium infantis. Across all diseases and probiotic species, positive significant effects of probiotics were observed for all age groups, single vs. multiple species, and treatment lengths

    Development of a highly protective combination monoclonal antibody therapy against Chikungunya virus

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted alphavirus that causes global epidemics of a debilitating polyarthritis in humans. As there is a pressing need for the development of therapeutic agents, we screened 230 new mouse anti-CHIKV monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) for their ability to inhibit infection of all three CHIKV genotypes. Four of 36 neutralizing MAbs (CHK-102, CHK-152, CHK-166, and CHK-263) provided complete protection against lethality as prophylaxis in highly susceptible immunocompromised mice lacking the type I IFN receptor (Ifnar−/−) and mapped to distinct epitopes on the E1 and E2 structural proteins. CHK-152, the most protective MAb, was humanized, shown to block viral fusion, and require Fc effector function for optimal activity in vivo. In post-exposure therapeutic trials, administration of a single dose of a combination of two neutralizing MAbs (CHK-102+CHK-152 or CHK-166+CHK-152) limited the development of resistance and protected immunocompromised mice against disease when given 24 to 36 hours before CHIKV-induced death. Selected pairs of highly neutralizing MAbs may be a promising treatment option for CHIKV in humans