660 research outputs found

    Corynebacterium glutamicum regulation beyond transcription: Organizing principles and reconstruction of an extended regulatory network incorporating regulations mediated by small RNA and protein-protein interactions

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    Corynebacterium glutamicum is a Gram-positive bacterium found in soil where the condition changes demand plasticity of the regulatory machinery. The study of such machinery at the global scale has been challenged by the lack of data integration. Here, we report three regulatory network models for C. glutamicum: strong (3040 interactions) constructed solely with regulations previously supported by directed experiments; all evidence (4665 interactions) containing the strong network, regulations previously supported by non-directed experiments, and protein-protein interactions with a direct effect on gene transcription; and sRNA (5222 interactions) containing the all evidence network and sRNA-mediated regulations. Compared to the previous version (2018), the strong and all evidence networks increased by 75 and 1225 interactions, respectively. We analyzed the system-level components of the three networks to identify how they differ and compared their structures against those for the networks of more than 40 species. The inclusion of the sRNAs regulations changed the proportions of the system-level components and increased the number of modules but decreased their size. The C. glutamicum regulatory structure contrasted with other bacterial regulatory networks. Finally, we used the strong networks of three model organisms to provide insights and future directions of the C. glutamicum regulatory network characterization.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, 1 supplementary materia

    Respuestas de cultivares de trigo pan (Triticum aestivum L) a la competencia de malezas

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    Se analizó la respuesta de distintos cultivares de trigo pan (Triticum aestivum L.) a la competencia de malezas. Los tratamientos consistieron en una combinación factorial de 4 cultivares (Baguette 10, Baguette 12, Buck Guapo y Buck Charrúa) por 2 sistemas de enmalezado (con y sin malezas durante todo el ciclo del cultivo) mas 1 tratamiento de malezas sin cultivo. Las principales malezas fueron: Lamminun amplexicaule ("ortiga mansa"); Centaurea solstitialis ("abrepuños amarillo"); Chenopodium album ("quinoa"). La producción de materia seca aérea de malezas sin la presencia del cultivo fue de 1.900 kg/ha cuando el trigo se encontró en el estado del cultivo de 3 nudos detectables; allí se produjo una reducción del 73,1% del crecimiento de las malezas, pero sobre ello hubo diferencias entre los cultivares ensayados. Las malezas provocaron pérdidas de rendimiento de grano del 11,7%, lo que se debió principalmente a la disminución del número de espigas a cosecha. Ningún otro componente de rendimiento resulto afectado. Sobre esa pérdida de producción no hubo diferencias significativas (p= 0,05) entre los 4 cultivares ensayados. Los índices de agresividad calculados con la materia seca aérea de malezas y cultivo con y sin mutua competencia fueron positivos, pero tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas (p= 0,05) debidas al factor cultivar. Director: Fernández, Miguel A.              García Fernando D

    Estudio de las obligaciones naturales en el derecho romano

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    Fil: Freyre Penabad, Nelly M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, Argentin

    Anamnesis: Primer Puesto en el Concurso literario UMCH 2016

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    First Place in the UMCH 2016 Literary Contest    Primer Puesto en el Concurso literario UMCH 2016 &nbsp

    Autonomy, Good Humor and Support Networks, Potential of Community Resilience Intervention in People Victims of the Earthquake in the Calderón Parish

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    Resilience is a concept widely used in recent years, especially when it comes to evaluating the level of recovery of communities that are hit by natural phenomena. It can be stated that conceptually resilience constitutes the ability to react effectively and quickly to the effects of disasters, being a complex phenomenon to evaluate and define. And although the level of resilience does not necessarily imply greater control of vulnerability, it can be affirmed that the reduction of vulnerable conditions can strengthen and consolidate the resilient capacity of individuals and communities, in the face of the effects of natural disasters

    Software de gestión de equipamiento biomédico para pequeñas y medianas instituciones de la salud

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    Se ha detectado que las instituciones de la salud encuadradas en la actual resolución 267/2003 aprobada por el Ministerio de Salud de Argentina hasta el nivel 7, carecen de un sistema de gestión de equipamiento biomédico debido a la falta de oferta en el mercado y alto costo de desarrollo que, solo pueden afrontar grandes hospitales. Generando desconocimiento sobre el equipamiento existente y falta de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo, creando riesgos y gastos evitables. Por ello se ha desarrollado un software, denominado Maguss, para suplir esta necesidad, utilizando una plataforma web, con los objetivos de obtener bajo costo de implementación, utilizar el equipamiento existente, nula inversión, acceso remoto desde diversos dispositivos móviles y alto grado de seguridad, destinado a pequeñas y medianas instituciones. La implementación en dos nosocomios de la ciudad de Córdoba dio excelentes resultados, permitiendo confirmar la necesidad de este tipo de sistemas y determinar las mejoras futuras que tendrán la colaboración del departamento de informática médica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la misma ciudad.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Holocene paleo-earthquakes recorded at the transfer zone of two majorfaults: the Pastores and Venta de Bravo fault (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt).

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    We present evidence of fi ve late Holocene earthquake ruptures observed at two paleoseismological trenches in the Laguna Bañí sag pond (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, central Mexico). The trenches exposed two fault branches of the western termination of the Pastores fault, one of the major fault systems within the central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The site was studied by combining geomorphological and structural approaches, volcanic mapping, ground-penetrating radar, and paleoseismological analysis. The study revealed that coseismic surface rupture was noncharacteristic, and that the exposed fault branches had not always moved simultaneously. The fault tip has ruptured at least 5 times within the past 4 k.y., and the rupture events followed and preceded the deposition of an ignimbrite. The close temporal relationship of the seismic rupture with the volcanic activity of the area could be the result of volcanism triggered by faulting and its associated seismicity. The relatively high recurrence of seismic events (1.1 2.6 k.y.) and the noncharacteristic fault behavior observed at this tip of the Pastores fault suggest that the fault might have been active as a primary fault rupturing along segments of variable length or depth, and/or that the fault ruptured eventually as a secondary fault. The secondary ruptures would likely be related to earthquakes produced at major neighboring faults such as the Acambay fault, which moved during the 1912 Acambay earthquake, or the Venta de Bravo fault. A relatively large slip rate estimated for this fault branch (0.23 0.37 mm/yr) leads us to contemplate the possible connection at depth between the Pastores and the Venta de Bravo faults, increasing the maximum expected magnitude for central Mexico

    Software de gestión de equipamiento biomédico para pequeñas y medianas instituciones de la salud

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    Se ha detectado que las instituciones de la salud encuadradas en la actual resolución 267/2003 aprobada por el Ministerio de Salud de Argentina hasta el nivel 7, carecen de un sistema de gestión de equipamiento biomédico debido a la falta de oferta en el mercado y alto costo de desarrollo que, solo pueden afrontar grandes hospitales. Generando desconocimiento sobre el equipamiento existente y falta de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo, creando riesgos y gastos evitables. Por ello se ha desarrollado un software, denominado Maguss, para suplir esta necesidad, utilizando una plataforma web, con los objetivos de obtener bajo costo de implementación, utilizar el equipamiento existente, nula inversión, acceso remoto desde diversos dispositivos móviles y alto grado de seguridad, destinado a pequeñas y medianas instituciones. La implementación en dos nosocomios de la ciudad de Córdoba dio excelentes resultados, permitiendo confirmar la necesidad de este tipo de sistemas y determinar las mejoras futuras que tendrán la colaboración del departamento de informática médica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la misma ciudad.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Modelling ground rupture due to groundwater withdrawal: applications to test cases in China and Mexico

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    Abstract. The stress variation induced by aquifer overdraft in sedimentary basins with shallow bedrock may cause rupture in the form of pre-existing fault activation or earth fissure generation. The process is causing major detrimental effects on a many areas in China and Mexico. Ruptures yield discontinuity in both displacement and stress field that classic continuous finite element (FE) models cannot address. Interface finite elements (IE), typically used in contact mechanics, may be of great help and are implemented herein to simulate the fault geomechanical behaviour. Two main approaches, i.e. Penalty and Lagrangian, are developed to enforce the contact condition on the element interface. The incorporation of IE incorporation into a three-dimensional (3-D) FE geomechanical simulator shows that the Lagrangian approach is numerically more robust and stable than the Penalty, thus providing more reliable solutions. Furthermore, the use of a Newton-Raphson scheme to deal with the non-linear elasto-plastic fault behaviour allows for quadratic convergence. The FE – IE model is applied to investigate the likely ground rupture in realistic 3-D geologic settings. The case studies are representative of the City of Wuxi in the Jiangsu Province (China), and of the City of Queretaro, Mexico, where significant land subsidence has been accompanied by the generation of several earth fissures jeopardizing the stability and integrity of the overland structures and infrastructure.</p

    Interwoven migration narratives: identity and social representations in the Lusophone world

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    First published online: 17 Oct 2016This article provides an exploratory analysis of the life narratives of migrants in the Portuguese-speaking world. By interweaving the life experiences of eight participants in three thematic clusters – ‘shared past’, language and sense of community – we propose a critique of the deep-seated idea of the Lusophone space as a community constructed by the harmonious conviviality of different countries and people. Drawing on contributions from cultural studies, social psychology, anthropology and sociology, we first aim to give voice to the human subjects who embark on migrations and then to understand how the engendered process of identity construction is framed by their social world, simultaneously reframing it. Thus, we aim at shedding light on the ways in which aspects of the political discourses on Lusophony are used (and are instrumental) to the migrants’ identity narrative (re)construction.This work was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia: [Grant Number PTDC/CCI-COM/105100/2008]