114 research outputs found

    Analytic spectrum of relic gravitational waves modified by neutrino free streaming and dark energy

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    We include the effect of neutrino free streaming into the spectrum of relic gravitational waves (RGWs) in the currently accelerating universe. For the realistic case of a varying fractional neutrino energy density and a non-vanishing derivative of mode function at the neutrino decoupling, the integro-differential equation of RGWs is solved by a perturbation method for the period from the neutrino decoupling to the matter-dominant stage. Incorporating it to the analytic solution of the whole history of expansion of the universe, the analytic solution of GRWs is obtained, evolving from the inflation up to the current acceleration. The resulting spectrum of GRWs covers the whole range of frequency (10−19∼1010)(10^{-19}\sim 10^{10})Hz, and improves the previous results. It is found that the neutrino free-streaming causes a reduction of the spectral amplitude by ∼20\sim 20% in the range (10−16∼10−10)(10^{-16}\sim 10^{-10}) Hz, and leaves the other portion of the spectrum almost unchanged. This agrees with the earlier numerical calculations. Examination is made on the difference between the accelerating and non-accelerating models, and our analysis shows that the ratio of the spectral amplitude in accelerating Λ\LambdaCDM model over that in CDM model is ∼0.7\sim 0.7, and within the various accelerating models of ΩΛ>Ωm\Omega_{\Lambda}> \Omega_m the spectral amplitude is proportional to Ωm/ΩΛ \Omega_m/\Omega_{\Lambda} for the whole range of frequency. Comparison with LIGO S5 Runs Sensitivity shows that RGWs are not yet detectable by the present LIGO, and in the future LISA may be able to detect RGWs in some inflationary models.Comment: 22 pages,12 figures, accepeted by PR

    Modifications by QCD transition and e+e−e^+e^- annihilation on analytic spectrum of relic gravitational waves in accelerating universe

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    As predicted by quantum chromodynamics(QCD), around T∼190T\sim 190 MeV in the early universe, the QCD transition occurs during which the quarks are combined into the massive hadrons. This process reduces the effective relativistic degree of freedom, and causes a change in the expansion behavior of the universe. Similarly, the e+e−e^+e^- annihilation occurred around T∼0.5T\sim 0.5 Mev has the same kind of effect. Besides, the dark energy also drives the present stage accelerating expansion. We study these combined effects on the relic gravitational waves (RGWs). In our treatment, the QCD transition and the e+e−e^+e^- annihilation, each is respectively represented by a short period of expansion inserted into the radiation era. Incorporating these effects, the equation of RGWs is analytically solved for a spatially flat universe, evolving from the inflation up to the current acceleration, and the spectrum of RGWs is obtained, covering the whole range of frequency >10−19>10^{-19} Hz. It is found that the QCD transition causes a reduction of the amplitude of RGWs by ∼20\sim 20% in the range >10−9>10^{-9} Hz, and the e+e−e^+e^- annihilation causes a reduction ∼10\sim 10% in the range >10−12>10^{-12} Hz. In the presence of the dark energy, the combination of the QCD transition and the e+e−e^+e^- annihilation, causes a larger reduction of the amplitude by ∼30\sim 30% for the range >10−9>10^{-9} Hz, which covers the bands of operation of LIGO and LISA. By analysis, it is shown that RGWs will be difficult to detect by the present LIGO, but can be tested by LISA for certain inflationary models.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, to appear in PR

    Signature of Gravity Waves in Polarization of the Microwave Background

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    Using spin-weighted decomposition of polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) we show that a particular combination of Stokes QQ and UU parameters vanishes for primordial fluctuations generated by scalar modes, but does not for those generated by primordial gravity waves. Because of this gravity wave detection is not limited by cosmic variance as in the case of temperature fluctuations. We present the exact expressions for various polarization power spectra, which are valid on any scale. Numerical evaluation in inflation-based models shows that the expected signal is of the order of 0.5 μK\mu K, which could be directly tested in future CMB experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX, matches the accepted version (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.); code available at http://arcturus.mit.edu:80/~matiasz/CMBFAST/cmbfast.htm

    CMB Temperature Polarization Correlation and Primordial Gravitational Waves

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    We examine the use of the CMB's TE cross correlation power spectrum as a complementary test to detect primordial gravitational waves (PGWs). The first method used is based on the determination of the lowest multipole, ℓ0\ell_0, where the TE power spectrum, CℓTEC_{\ell}^{TE}, first changes sign. The second method uses Wiener filtering on the CMB TE data to remove the density perturbations contribution to the TE power spectrum. In principle this leaves only the contribution of PGWs. We examine two toy experiments (one ideal and another more realistic) to see their ability to constrain PGWs using the TE power spectrum alone. We found that an ideal experiment, one limited only by cosmic variance, can detect PGWs with a ratio of tensor to scalar metric perturbation power spectra r=0.3r=0.3 at 99.9% confidence level using only the TE correlation. This value is comparable with current constraints obtained by WMAP based on the 2σ2\sigma upper limits to the B-mode amplitude. We demonstrate that to measure PGWs by their contribution to the TE cross correlation power spectrum in a realistic ground based experiment when real instrumental noise is taken into account, the tensor-to-scalar ratio, rr, should be approximately three times larger.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, version matches published version. Combined with 0710.365

    Separating E and B types of polarization on an incomplete sky

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    Detection of magnetic-type (BB-type) polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation plays a crucial role in probing the relic gravitational wave (RGW) background. In this paper, we propose a new method to deconstruct a polarization map on an incomplete sky in real space into purely electric and magnetic polarization type maps, E(γ^){\mathcal{E}}(\hat{\gamma}) and B(γ^){\mathcal{B}}(\hat{\gamma}), respectively. The main properties of our approach are as follows: Firstly, the fields E(γ^){\mathcal{E}}(\hat{\gamma}) and B(γ^){\mathcal{B}}(\hat{\gamma}) are constructed in real space with a minimal loss of information. This loss of information arises due to the removal of a narrow edge of the constructed map in order to remove various numerical errors, including those arising from finite pixel size. Secondly, this method is fast and can be efficiently applied to high resolution maps due to the use of the fast spherical harmonics transformation. Thirdly, the constructed fields, E(γ^){\mathcal{E}}(\hat{\gamma}) and B(γ^){\mathcal{B}}(\hat{\gamma}), are scalar fields. For this reason various techniques developed to deal with temperature anisotropy maps can be directly applied to analyze these fields. As a concrete example, we construct and analyze an unbiased estimator for the power spectrum of the BB-mode of polarization CℓBBC_{\ell}^{BB}. Basing our results on the performance of this estimator, we discuss the RGW detection ability of two future ground-based CMB experiments, QUIET and POLARBEAR.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, 1 table. The finial version, will appear in PR

    Relic gravitational waves in the light of 7-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data and improved prospects for the Planck mission

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    The new release of data from Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe improves the observational status of relic gravitational waves. The 7-year results enhance the indications of relic gravitational waves in the existing data and change to the better the prospects of confident detection of relic gravitational waves by the currently operating Planck satellite. We apply to WMAP7 data the same methods of analysis that we used earlier [W. Zhao, D. Baskaran, and L.P. Grishchuk, Phys. Rev. D 80, 083005 (2009)] with WMAP5 data. We also revised by the same methods our previous analysis of WMAP3 data. It follows from the examination of consecutive WMAP data releases that the maximum likelihood value of the quadrupole ratio RR, which characterizes the amount of relic gravitational waves, increases up to R=0.264R=0.264, and the interval separating this value from the point R=0R=0 (the hypothesis of no gravitational waves) increases up to a 2σ2\sigma level. The primordial spectra of density perturbations and gravitational waves remain blue in the relevant interval of wavelengths, but the spectral indices increase up to ns=1.111n_s =1.111 and nt=0.111n_t=0.111. Assuming that the maximum likelihood estimates of the perturbation parameters that we found from WMAP7 data are the true values of the parameters, we find that the signal-to-noise ratio S/NS/N for the detection of relic gravitational waves by the Planck experiment increases up to S/N=4.04S/N=4.04, even under pessimistic assumptions with regard to residual foreground contamination and instrumental noises. We comment on theoretical frameworks that, in the case of success, will be accepted or decisively rejected by the Planck observations.Comment: 27 pages, 12 (colour) figures. Published in Phys. Rev. D. V.3: modifications made to reflect the published versio

    Polarization of the Microwave Background in Reionized Models

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    I discuss the physics of polarization in models with early reionization. For sufficiently high optical depth to recombination the polarization is boosted on large scales while it is suppressed on smaller scales. New peaks appear in the polarization power spectrum, their position is proportional to the square root of the redshift at which the reionization occurs while their amplitude is proportional to the optical depth. For standard scenarios the rms degree of linear polarization as measured with a 7 degree FWHM antenna (like the one of the Brown University experiment) is 1.6μK1.6\mu K, 1.2μK1.2 \mu K, 4.8×10−2μK4.8\times 10^{-2} \mu K for an optical depth of 1, 0.5 or 0 respectively. For a 1 degree FWHM antenna this same models give 2.7μK2.7 \mu K , 1.8μK1.8 \mu K and 0.77μK0.77 \mu K. Detailed measurement of polarization on large angular scales could provide an accurate determination of the epoch of reionization, which cannot be obtained from temperature measurements alone.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Revised to match PRD accepeted version. Improved COBE normaliztion so some numerical results change slightl

    Temperature and Polarization Patterns in Anisotropic Cosmologies

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    We study the coherent temperature and polarization patterns produced in homogeneous but anisotropic cosmological models. We show results for all Bianchi types with a Friedman-Robertson-Walker limit (i.e. Types I, V, VII0_{0}, VIIh_{h} and IX) to illustrate the range of possible behaviour. We discuss the role of spatial curvature, shear and rotation in the geodesic equations for each model and establish some basic results concerning the symmetries of the patterns produced. We also give examples of the time-evolution of these patterns in terms of the Stokes parameters II, QQ and UU.Comment: 24 pages, 7 Figures, submitted to JCAP. Revised version: numerous references added, text rewritten, and errors corrected

    Imprints of Relic Gravitational Waves in Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

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    A strong variable gravitational field of the very early Universe inevitably generates relic gravitational waves by amplifying their zero-point quantum oscillations. We begin our discussion by contrasting the concepts of relic gravitational waves and inflationary `tensor modes'. We explain and summarize the properties of relic gravitational waves that are needed to derive their effects on CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. The radiation field is characterized by four invariants I, V, E, B. We reduce the radiative transfer equations to a single integral equation of Voltairre type and solve it analytically and numerically. We formulate the correlation functions C^{XX'}_{\ell} for X, X'= T, E, B and derive their amplitudes, shapes and oscillatory features. Although all of our main conclusions are supported by exact numerical calculations, we obtain them, in effect, analytically by developing and using accurate approximations. We show that the TE correlation at lower \ell's must be negative (i.e. an anticorrelation), if it is caused by gravitational waves, and positive if it is caused by density perturbations. This difference in TE correlation may be a signature more valuable observationally than the lack or presence of the BB correlation, since the TE signal is about 100 times stronger than the expected BB signal. We discuss the detection by WMAP of the TE anticorrelation at \ell \approx 30 and show that such an anticorrelation is possible only in the presence of a significant amount of relic gravitational waves (within the framework of all other common assumptions). We propose models containing considerable amounts of relic gravitational waves that are consistent with the measured TT, TE and EE correlations.Comment: 61 pages including 15 figures, v.2: additional references and clarifications, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Determination of Inflationary Observables by Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Experiments

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    Inflation produces nearly Harrison-Zel'dovich scalar and tensor perturbation spectra which lead to anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The amplitudes and shapes of these spectra can be parametrized by QS2Q_S^2, r≡QT2/QS2r\equiv Q_T^2/Q_S^2, nSn_S and nTn_T where QS2Q_S^2 and QT2Q_T^2 are the scalar and tensor contributions to the square of the CMB quadrupole and nSn_S and nTn_T are the power-lawspectral indices. Even if we restrict ourselves to information from angles greater than one third of a degree, three of these observables can be measured with some precision. The combination 1301−nSQS2130^{1-n_S}Q_S^2 can be known to better than ±0.3%\pm 0.3\%. The scalar index nSn_S can be determined to better than ±0.02\pm 0.02. The ratio rr can be known to about ±0.1\pm 0.1 for nS≃1n_S \simeq 1 and slightly better for smaller nSn_S. The precision with which nTn_T can be measured depends weakly on nSn_S and strongly on rr. For nS≃1n_S \simeq 1 nTn_T can be determined with a precision of about ±0.056(1.5+r)/r\pm 0.056(1.5+r)/r. A full-sky experiment with a 20′20'beam using technology available today, similar to those being planned by several groups, can achieve the above precision. Good angular resolution is more important than high signal-to-noise ratio; for a given detector sensitivity and observing time a smaller beam provides significantly more information than a larger beam. The uncertainties in nSn_S and rr are roughly proportional to the beam size. We briefly discuss the effects of uncertainty in the Hubble constant, baryon density, cosmological constant and ionization history.Comment: 28 pages of uuencoded postscript with 8 included figures. A postscript version is also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://astro.uchicago.edu/pub/astro/knox/fullsim.p
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