632 research outputs found

    Electro-Magnetic Earthquake Bursts and Critical Rupture of Peroxy Bond Networks in Rocks

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    We propose a mechanism for the low frequency electromagnetic emissions and other electromagnetic phenomena which have been associated with earthquakes. The mechanism combines the critical earthquake concept and the concept of crust acting as a charging electric battery under increasing stress. The electric charges are released by activation of dormant charge carriers in the oxygen anion sublattice, called peroxy bonds or positive hole pairs (PHP), where a PHP represents an O3X/OO\YO3O_3X/^{OO}\backslash YO_3 with X,Y=Si4+,Al3+...X,Y = Si^{4+}, Al^{3+}..., i.e. an OO^- in a matrix of O2O^{2-} of silicates. We propose that PHP are activated by plastic deformations during the slow cooperative build-up of stress and the increasingly correlated damage culminating in a large ``critical'' earthquake. Recent laboratory experiments indeed show that stressed rocks form electric batteries which can release their charge when a conducting path closes the equivalent electric circuit. We conjecture that the intermittent and erratic occurrences of EM signals are a consequence of the progressive build-up of the battery charges in the Earth crust and their erratic release when crack networks are percolating throughout the stressed rock volumes, providing a conductive pathway for the battery currents to discharge. EM signals are thus expected close to the rupture, either slightly before or after, that is, when percolation is most favored.Comment: 17 pages with 3 figures, extended discussion with 1 added figure and 162 references. The new version provides both a synthesis of two theories and a review of the fiel

    ElectroMagnetic Analysis (EMA) of Software AES on Java Mobile Phones

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    International audienceSmartphones, whose market share has increased by 54% between 2009 and 2010, is one of the favored platform for "Convergence Computing". Convergence Computing is a technology in which a single device can provide various services without any restrictions from external devices or networks. Today, smartphones as convergent single device have diverse functions and features such as calling, Internet surfing, game playing, banking, storage of personal and professional data, etc. Some of these use encryption algorithms such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). For example, this algorithm is used to authenticate server protocols or to encrypt confidential information. This paper shows that an Electromagnetic Analysis (EMA) on AES is possible on a Java mobile phone to extract secret keys. The latter can then be used for forensic purposes or to recover encrypted data stored in the device. Experiments involving two successful approaches are described and compared : Spectral Density based Approach (SDA) and Template based Resynchronisation Approach (TRA)

    Optogenetic activation of septal cholinergic neurons suppresses sharp wave ripples and enhances theta oscillations in the hippocampus

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    Theta oscillations in the limbic system depend on the integrity of the medial septum. The different populations of medial septal neurons (cholinergic and GABAergic) are assumed to affect different aspects of theta oscillations. Using optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic neurons in ChAT-Cre mice, we investigated their effects on hippocampal local field potentials in both anesthetized and behaving mice. Cholinergic stimulation completely blocked sharp wave ripples and strongly suppressed the power of both slow oscillations (0.5-2 Hz in anesthetized, 0.5-4 Hz in behaving animals) and supratheta (6-10 Hz in anesthetized, 10-25 Hz in behaving animals) bands. The same stimulation robustly increased both the power and coherence of theta oscillations (2-6 Hz) in urethane-anesthetized mice. In behaving mice, cholinergic stimulation was less effective in the theta (4-10 Hz) band yet it also increased the ratio of theta/slow oscillation and theta coherence. The effects on gamma oscillations largely mirrored those of theta. These findings show that medial septal cholinergic activation can both enhance theta rhythm and suppress peri-theta frequency bands, allowing theta oscillations to dominate

    Stochastic Frank-Wolfe for Constrained Finite-Sum Minimization

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    We propose a novel Stochastic Frank-Wolfe (a.k.a. conditional gradient) algorithm for constrained smooth finite-sum minimization with a generalized linear prediction/structure. This class of problems includes empirical risk minimization with sparse, low-rank, or other structured constraints. The proposed method is simple to implement, does not require step-size tuning, and has a constant per-iteration cost that is independent of the dataset size. Furthermore, as a byproduct of the method we obtain a stochastic estimator of the Frank-Wolfe gap that can be used as a stopping criterion. Depending on the setting, the proposed method matches or improves on the best computational guarantees for Stochastic Frank-Wolfe algorithms. Benchmarks on several datasets highlight different regimes in which the proposed method exhibits a faster empirical convergence than related methods. Finally, we provide an implementation of all considered methods in an open-source package.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2020. Main text: 9 pages, 1 figure. Fixes previously found erro

    CDX2 expression in the hematopoietic lineage promotes leukemogenesis via TGFβ inhibition

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    The intestine-specific caudal-related homeobox gene-2 (CDX2) homeobox gene, while being a tumor suppressor in the gut, is ectopically expressed in a large proportion of acute leukemia and is associated with poor prognosis. Here, we report that turning on human CDX2 expression in the hematopoietic lineage of mice induces acute monoblastic leukemia, characterized by the decrease in erythroid and lymphoid cells at the benefit of immature monocytic and granulocytic cells. One of the highly stimulated genes in leukemic bone marrow cells was BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (Bambi), an inhibitor of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling. The CDX2 protein was shown to bind to and activate the transcription of the human BAMBI promoter. Moreover, in a leukemic cell line established from CDX2-expressing mice, reducing the levels of CDX2 or Bambi stimulated the TGF-β-dependent expression of Cd11b, a marker of monocyte maturation. Taken together, this work demonstrates the strong oncogenic potential of the homeobox gene CDX2 in the hematopoietic lineage, in contrast with its physiological tumor suppressor activity exerted in the gut. It also reveals, through BAMBI and TGF-β signaling, the involvement of CDX2 in the perturbation of the interactions between leukemia cells and their microenvironment

    Identification and characterization of human Mex-3 proteins, a novel family of evolutionarily conserved RNA-binding proteins differentially localized to processing bodies

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    In Caenorhabditis elegans, the Mex-3 protein is a translational regulator that specifies the posterior blastomere identity in the early embryo and contributes to the maintenance of the germline totipotency. We have now identified a family of four homologous human Mex-3 genes, called hMex-3A to -3D that encode proteins containing two heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K homology (KH) domains and one carboxy-terminal RING finger module. The hMex-3 are phosphoproteins that bind RNA through their KH domains and shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm via the CRM1-dependent export pathway. Our analysis further revealed that hMex-3A and hMex-3B, but not hMex-3C, colocalize with both the hDcp1a decapping factor and Argonaute (Ago) proteins in processing bodies (P bodies), recently characterized as centers of mRNA turnover. Taken together, these findings indicate that hMex-3 proteins constitute a novel family of evolutionarily conserved RNA-binding proteins, differentially recruited to P bodies and potentially involved in post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms

    Adhesion and Degranulation Promoting Adapter Protein (ADAP) Is a Central Hub for Phosphotyrosine-Mediated Interactions in T Cells

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    TCR stimulation leads to an increase in cellular adhesion among other outcomes. The adhesion and degranulation promoting adapter protein (ADAP) is known to be rapidly phosphorylated after T cell stimulation and relays the TCR signal to adhesion molecules of the integrin family. While three tyrosine phosphorylation sites have been characterized biochemically, the binding capabilities and associated functions of several other potential phosphotyrosine motifs remain unclear. Here, we utilize in vitro phosphorylation and mass spectrometry to map novel phosphotyrosine sites in the C-terminal part of human ADAP (486–783). Individual tyrosines were then mutated to phenylalanine and their relevance for cellular adhesion and migration was tested experimentally. Functionally important tyrosine residues include two sites within the folded hSH3 domains of ADAP and two at the C-terminus. Furthermore, using a peptide pulldown approach in combination with stable isotope labeling in cell culture (SILAC) we identified SLP-76, PLCγ, PIK3R1, Nck, CRK, Gads, and RasGAP as phospho-dependent binding partners of a central YDDV motif of ADAP. The phosphorylation-dependent interaction between ADAP and Nck was confirmed by yeast two-hybrid analysis, immunoprecipitation and binary pulldown experiments, indicating that ADAP directly links integrins to modulators of the cytoskeleton independent of SLP-76

    Anchoring Secreted Proteins in Endoplasmic Reticulum by Plant Oleosin: The Example of Vitamin B12 Cellular Sequestration by Transcobalamin

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    BACKGROUND: Oleosin is a plant protein localized to lipid droplets and endoplasmic reticulum of plant cells. Our idea was to use it to target functional secretory proteins of interest to the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum of mammalian cells, through expressing oleosin-containing chimeras. We have designed this approach to create cellular models deficient in vitamin B12 (cobalamin) because of the known problematics associated to the obtainment of effective vitamin B12 deficient cell models. This was achieved by the overexpression of transcobalamin inside cells through anchoring to oleosin. METHODOLOGY: chimera gene constructs including transcobalamin-oleosin (TC-O), green fluorescent protein-transcobalamin-oleosin (GFP-TC-O) and oleosin-transcobalamin (O-TC) were inserted into pAcSG2 and pCDNA3 vectors for expression in sf9 insect cells, Caco2 (colon carcinoma), NIE-115 (mouse neuroblastoma), HEK (human embryonic kidney), COS-7 (Green Monkey SV40-transfected kidney fibroblasts) and CHO (Chinese hamster ovary cells). The subcellular localization, the changes in vitamin B12 binding activity and the metabolic consequences were investigated in both Caco2 and NIE-115 cells. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: vitamin B12 binding was dramatically higher in TC-O than that in O-TC and wild type (WT). The expression of GFP-TC-O was observed in all cell lines and found to be co-localized with an ER-targeted red fluorescent protein and calreticulin of the endoplasmic reticulum in Caco2 and COS-7 cells. The overexpression of TC-O led to B12 deficiency, evidenced by impaired conversion of cyano-cobalamin to ado-cobalamin and methyl-cobalamin, decreased methionine synthase activity and reduced S-adenosyl methionine to S-adenosyl homocysteine ratio, as well as increases in homocysteine and methylmalonic acid concentration. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: the heterologous expression of TC-O in mammalian cells can be used as an effective strategy for investigating the cellular consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency. More generally, expression of oleosin-anchored proteins could be an interesting tool in cell engineering for studying proteins of pharmacological interest

    Glycosphingolipids as Receptors for Non-Enveloped Viruses

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    Glycosphingolipids are ubiquitous molecules composed of a lipid and a carbohydrate moiety. Their main functions are as antigen/toxin receptors, in cell adhesion/recognition processes, or initiation/modulation of signal transduction pathways. Microbes take advantage of the different carbohydrate structures displayed on a specific cell surface for attachment during infection. For some viruses, such as the polyomaviruses, binding to gangliosides determines the internalization pathway into cells. For others, the interaction between microbe and carbohydrate can be a critical determinant for host susceptibility. In this review, we summarize the role of glycosphingolipids as receptors for members of the non-enveloped calici-, rota-, polyoma- and parvovirus families