22 research outputs found

    Self-reported work productivity in people with multiple sclerosis and its association with mental and physical health

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    Purpose This study aimed to identify mental health, physical health, demographic and disease characteristics relating to work productivity in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods In this cross-sectional study, 236 employed people with MS (median age = 42 years, 78.8% female) underwent neurological and neuropsychological assessments. Additionally, they completed questionnaires inquiring about work productivity (presenteeism: reduced productivity while working, and absenteeism: loss of productivity due to absence from work), mental and physical health, demographic and disease characteristics. Multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were performed with presenteeism and absenteeism as dependent variables, respectively. Results A model with mental and physical health factors significantly predicted presenteeism F(11,202) = 11.33, p < 0.001, R-2 = 0.38; a higher cognitive (p < 0.001) and physical impact (p = 0.042) of fatigue were associated with more presenteeism. A model with only mental health factors significantly predicted absenteeism; chi(2)(11)=37.72, p < 0.001, with R-2 = 0.27 (Nagelkerke) and R-2 = 0.16 (Cox and Snell). Specifically, we observed that more symptoms of depression (p = 0.041) and a higher cognitive impact of fatigue (p = 0.011) were significantly associated with more absenteeism. Conclusions In people with MS, both cognitive and physical impact of fatigue are positively related to presenteeism, while symptoms of depression and cognitive impact of fatigue are positively related to absenteeism.Neurological Motor Disorder

    MRI pattern in asymptomatic natalizumab-associated PML

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    Objective To investigate the MRI manifestation pattern of asymptomatic natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods 18 patients with MS with natalizumab-associated PML lesions on MRI were included. In 6 patients, the PML lesions were identified on MRI prospectively and in 12 patients PML lesions were identified retrospectively. MRI sequences were analysed for PML lesion distribution, appearance, grey matter/white matter involvement and possible signs of inflammation. Lesion probability maps were created to demonstrate lesion distribution pattern. Results The frontal lobe was involved in 14 patients (77.8%) and the parietal lobe in 4 patients (22.2%). Most patients presented with focal lesions (13 patients, 72.2%) involving one single lobe (12 patients, 66.7%). The cortical grey matter was affected in 15 patients (83.3%) and 13 patients (72.2%) presented with a combination of cortical grey and white matter involvement. Signs of inflammation were detected in 7 patients (38.8%). Among patients with available diffusion-weighted imaging, 6 patients (40%) did not show high-signal-intensity lesions. A classical imaging pattern including unilateral and unilobar focal lesions in the frontal lobe affecting the cortical grey matter or the cortical grey and adjacent white matter was observed in 8 patients (44.4%). Conclusions Asymptomatic natalizumab-associated PML manifestations on MRI show a rather localised disease, frequently located in the frontal lobes, affecting the cortical grey matter and adjacent juxtacortical white matter. Awareness of this lesion pattern facilitates an earlier diagnosis of natalizumab-associated PML in an asymptomatic stage associated with a more favourable prognosis

    Treatment of multiple sclerosis with disease-modifying therapies in adults:addendum to the guideline of the Dutch Society for Neurology

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    De afgelopen jaren zijn verschillende nieuwe ziektemodulerende therapieën voor multiple sclerose geïntroduceerd. Daarbij is de visie op de optimale behandeling van multiple sclerose veranderd. Een proactieve aanpak om inflammatoire ziekteactiviteit tijdig op te sporen is nodig, maar daarnaast is goede controle noodzakelijk om bijwerkingen en risico’s van therapieën te beheersen. Recentelijk is het richtlijnaddendum Ziektemodulerende behandeling van multiple sclerose bij volwassenen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie verschenen. In dit artikel worden een aantal conceptuele onderbouwingen uit deze richtlijn uiteengezet, en worden enkele praktische adviezen besproken

    Treatment of multiple sclerosis with disease-modifying therapies in adults:addendum to the guideline of the Dutch Society for Neurology

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    De afgelopen jaren zijn verschillende nieuwe ziektemodulerende therapieën voor multiple sclerose geïntroduceerd. Daarbij is de visie op de optimale behandeling van multiple sclerose veranderd. Een proactieve aanpak om inflammatoire ziekteactiviteit tijdig op te sporen is nodig, maar daarnaast is goede controle noodzakelijk om bijwerkingen en risico’s van therapieën te beheersen. Recentelijk is het richtlijnaddendum Ziektemodulerende behandeling van multiple sclerose bij volwassenen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie verschenen. In dit artikel worden een aantal conceptuele onderbouwingen uit deze richtlijn uiteengezet, en worden enkele praktische adviezen besproken