247 research outputs found

    Over provisioning-centric QoS-routing mechanism for the communication paradigm of future internet 4WARD proposal

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    The FP7 4WARD clean-slate Project envisions overcoming the limitations of current Internet by redefining it to efficiently support complex value-added sessions and services, such as location-based, health-care, critical-mission, and geo processing. The list of networking innovations from 4WARD’s Future Internet (FI) proposal includes a new connectivity paradigm called Generic Path (GP), a common representation for all communications. From the networking point of view, a GP is mapped to a communication path for data propagation. For that, GP architecture relies on routing mechanism for selecting best communication paths. In order to assure reliable communications, the routing mechanism must efficiently provision QoS-aware multi-party capable paths, with robustness functions, while keeping network performance. Therefore, this paper proposes the QoS-Routing and Resource Control (QoS-RRC) mechanism to deal with the hereinabove requirements by means of an over provisioning-centric (bandwidth and paths) approach. QoS-RRC achieves scalability by avoiding per-flow operations (e.g., signaling, state storage, etc.). Initial QoS-RRC performance evaluation was carried out in Network Simulator v.2 (NS-2), enabling drastic reduction of overall signaling exchanges compared to per-flow solutions

    Higher Prostate Weight Is Inversely Associated With Gleason Score Upgrading In Radical Prostatectomy Specimens.

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    Background. Protective factors against Gleason upgrading and its impact on outcomes after surgery warrant better definition. Patients and Methods. Consecutive 343 patients were categorized at biopsy (BGS) and prostatectomy (PGS) as Gleason score, ≤6, 7, and ≥8; 94 patients (27.4%) had PSA recurrence, mean followup 80.2 months (median 99). Independent predictors of Gleason upgrading (logistic regression) and disease-free survival (DFS) (Kaplan-Meier, log-rank) were determined. Results. Gleason discordance was 45.7% (37.32% upgrading and 8.45% downgrading). Upgrading risk decreased by 2.4% for each 1 g of prostate weight increment, while it increased by 10.2% for every 1 ng/mL of PSA, 72.0% for every 0.1 unity of PSA density and was 21 times higher for those with BGS 7. Gleason upgrading showed increased clinical stage (P = 0.019), higher tumor extent (P = 0.009), extraprostatic extension (P = 0.04), positive surgical margins (P < 0.001), seminal vesicle invasion (P = 0.003), less insignificant tumors (P < 0.001), and also worse DFS, χ (2) = 4.28, df = 1, P = 0.039. However, when setting the final Gleason score (BGS ≤6 to PGS 7 versus BGS 7 to PGS 7), avoiding allocation bias, DFS impact is not confirmed, χ (2) = 0.40, df = 1, P = 0.530.Conclusions. Gleason upgrading is substantial and confers worse outcomes. Prostate weight is inversely related to upgrading and its protective effect warrants further evaluation.201371042

    Higher Prostate Weight Is Inversely Associated with Gleason Score Upgrading in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens

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    Background. Protective factors against Gleason upgrading and its impact on outcomes after surgery warrant better definition. Patients and Methods. Consecutive 343 patients were categorized at biopsy (BGS) and prostatectomy (PGS) as Gleason score, ≤6, 7, and ≥8; 94 patients (27.4%) had PSA recurrence, mean followup 80.2 months (median 99). Independent predictors of Gleason upgrading (logistic regression) and disease-free survival (DFS) (Kaplan-Meier, log-rank) were determined. Results. Gleason discordance was 45.7% (37.32% upgrading and 8.45% downgrading). Upgrading risk decreased by 2.4% for each 1 g of prostate weight increment, while it increased by 10.2% for every 1 ng/mL of PSA, 72.0% for every 0.1 unity of PSA density and was 21 times higher for those with BGS 7. Gleason upgrading showed increased clinical stage (P=0.019), higher tumor extent (P=0.009), extraprostatic extension (P=0.04), positive surgical margins (P<0.001), seminal vesicle invasion (P=0.003), less “insignificant” tumors (P<0.001), and also worse DFS, χ2=4.28, df=1, P=0.039. However, when setting the final Gleason score (BGS ≤6 to PGS 7 versus BGS 7 to PGS 7), avoiding allocation bias, DFS impact is not confirmed, χ2=0.40, df=1, P=0.530.Conclusions. Gleason upgrading is substantial and confers worse outcomes. Prostate weight is inversely related to upgrading and its protective effect warrants further evaluation

    Music Segmentation and Similarity Estimation Applied to a Gaze-Controlled Musical Interface

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    Assistive technology, especially gaze-controlled, can promote accessibility, health care, well-being and inclusion for impaired people, including musical activities that can be supported by interfaces controlled using eye tracking. Also, the Internet growth has allowed access to a huge digital music database, which can contribute to a new form of music creation. In this paper, we propose the application of Music Information Retrieval techniques for music segmentation and similarity identification, aiming at the development of a new form of musical creation using an automatic process and the optimization algorithm Harmony Search to combine segments. These techniques for segmentation and similarity of segments were implemented in an assistive musical interface controlled by eye movement to support musical creation and well-being. The experimental results can be found in [https://bit.ly/2Zl7KSC]

    Hyperfine magnetic field in ferromagnetic graphite

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    Information on atomic-scale features is required for a better understanding of the mechanisms leading to magnetism in non-metallic, carbon-based materials. This work reports a direct evaluation of the hyperfine magnetic field produced at 13C nuclei in ferromagnetic graphite by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The experimental investigation was made possible by the results of first-principles calculations carried out in model systems, including graphene sheets with atomic vacancies and graphite nanoribbons with edge sites partially passivated by oxygen. A similar range of maximum hyperfine magnetic field values (18-21T) was found for all systems, setting the frequency span to be investigated in the NMR experiments; accordingly, a significant 13C NMR signal was detected close to this range without any external applied magnetic field in ferromagnetic graphite

    Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxin in the Billings Reservoir (Sâo Paulo, SP, Brazil)

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    The Billings Complex and the Guarapiranga System are important strategic reservoirs for the city of Sâo Paulo and surrounding areas because the water is used, among other things, for the public water supply. They produce 19,000 liters of water per second and supply water to 5.4 million people. Crude water is transferred from the Taquacetuba branch of the Billings Complex to the Guarapiranga Reservoir to regulate the water level of the reservoir. The objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality in the Taquacetuba branch, focusing on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. Surface water samples were collected in February (summer) and July (winter) of 2007. Analyses were conducted of physical, chemical, and biological variables of the water, cyanobacteria richness and density, and the presence of cyanotoxins. The water was classified as eutrophic-hypereutrophic. Cyanobacteria blooms were observed in both collection periods. The cyanobacteria bloom was most significant in July, reflecting lower water transparency and higher levels of total solids, suspended organic matter, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacteria density in the surface water. Low richness and elevated dominance of the cyanobacteria were found in both periods. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was dominant in February, with 352 661.0 cel mL−1, and Microcystis panniformis was dominant in July, with 1 866 725.0 cel mL−1. Three variants of microcystin were found in February (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC-YR), as well as saxitoxin. The same variants of microcystin were found in July, but no saxitoxin was detected. Anatoxin-a and cylindropermopsin were not detected in either period. These findings are of great concern because the water in the Taquacetuba branch, which is transferred into the Guarapiranga Reservoir, is not treated nor managed. It is recommended that monitoring be intensified and more effective measures be taken by the responsible agencies to prevent the process of eutrophication and the consequent development of the cyanobacteria and their toxinsEl Complejo Billings y el Sistema Guarapiranga son embalses estratégicos importantes para la ciudad de Sâo Paulo (Brasil) y áreas circundantes porque, entre otras cosas, el agua es utilizada para el abastecimiento público. Este sistema produce 19 mil litros de agua por segundo, que es suministrado a 5.4 millones de personas. El agua bruta es transferida por el afluente Taquacetuba desde el Complejo Billings hacia el Embalse Guarapiranga, para regular el nivel de agua del embalse. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad del agua en el tramo del Taquacetuba, teniendo como foco las cianobacterias y cianotoxinas. El muestreo de agua bruta superficial fue realizado en febrero (verano) y julio (invierno 2007). Fueron analizadas variables físicas, químicas y biológicas, cianobacteria, riqueza, densidad y la presencia de cianotoxinas. El tramo fue clasificado como eutrófico-hipereutrófico. Las cianobacterias fueron observadas en ambos periodos de colecta. El crecimiento más significativo de algas fue observado en julio, reflejando baja transparencia del agua y niveles más altos en el agua superficial de sólidos totales, materia orgánica, clorofila-a y densidad de cianobacterias en el agua superficial. Una baja riqueza y un elevado dominio de cianobacteria fueron encontrados en ambos períodos. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii fue dominante en febrero, con 352 661.0 cel mL�1, y Microcystis panniformis fue dominante en julio, con 1 866 725.0 cel mL�1. Tres variedades de microcistina fueron encontradas en febrero (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC- YR), as� como saxitoxina. Las mismas variedades de microcistina fueron encontradas en julio, pero ninguna saxitoxina fue observada. Anatoxina-a y cylindropermopsina no fueron observadas en ningún período. Estas conclusiones son preocupantes porque el agua del tramo del Taquacetuba, que es transferida al Embalse Guarapiranga, no es tratada o manejada. Se recomienda intensificar el monitoreo y medidas más eficaces deben ser tomadas por parte de las agencias responsables para prevenir el proceso de eutrofización y el desarrollo consiguiente de cianobacterias y sus toxina

    Detrimental Effect Of Fungal 60-kda Heat Shock Protein On Experimental Paracoccidioides Brasiliensis Infection

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The genus Paracoccidioides comprises species of dimorphic fungi that cause paracocci-dioidomycosis (PCM), a systemic disease prevalent in Latin America. Here, we investigated whether administration of native 60-kDa heat shock protein of P. brasiliensis (nPbHsp60) or its recombinant counterpart (rPbHsp60) affected the course of experimental PCM. Mice were subcutaneously injected with nPbHsp60 or rPbHsp60 emulsified in complete's Freund Adjuvant (CFA) at three weeks after intravenous injection of P. brasiliensis yeasts. Infected control mice were injected with CFA or isotonic saline solution alone. Thirty days after the nPbHsp60 or rPbHsp60 administration, mice showed remarkably increased fungal load, tissue inflammation, and granulomas in the lungs, liver, and spleen compared with control mice. Further, rPbHsp60 treatment (i) decreased the known protective effect of CFA against PCM and (ii) increased the concentrations of IL-17, TNF-alpha, IL-12, IFN-gamma, IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta in the lungs. Together, our results indicated that PbHsp60 induced a harmful immune response, exacerbated inflammation, and promoted fungal dissemination. Therefore, we propose that PbHsp60 contributes to the fungal pathogenesis.119Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo [2009/14777-1, 2013/12278-3, 2009/03235-3, 2012/08552-0]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Music Segmentation and Similarity Estimation Applied to a Gaze-Controlled Musical Interface

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    Assistive technology, especially gaze-controlled, can promote accessibility, health care, well-being and inclusion for impaired people, including musical activities that can be supported by interfaces controlled using eye tracking. Also, the Internet growth has allowed access to a huge digital music database, which can contribute to a new form of music creation. In this paper, we propose the application of Music Information Retrieval techniques for music segmentation and similarity identification, aiming at the development of a new form of musical creation using an automatic process and the optimization algorithm Harmony Search to combine segments. These techniques for segmentation and similarity of segments were implemented in an assistive musical interface controlled by eye movement to support musical creation and well-being. The experimental results can be found in [https://bit.ly/2Zl7KSC]

    Doses e formas de aplicação da adubação potássica na rotação soja, milheto e algodão em sistema plantio direto.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da adubação potássica, com relação às doses, modos (sulco, a lanço e parcelada) e épocas de aplicação (pré-semeadura, semeadura e cobertura), na sucessão de culturas soja-milheto-algodoeiro, cultivadas em sistema plantio direto, em Latossolo Vermelho, no município de Turvelândia, Goiás (17o51?S, 50o18?W). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial. A fonte de potássio utilizada nas adubações foi o cloreto de potássio. Na soja, os tratamentos utilizados foram doses de K2O (0 kg ha-1, 30 kg ha-1, 60 kg ha-1 e 180 kg ha-1), aplicadas em pré-semeadura (a lanço) e na semeadura (no sulco), com e sem cobertura. Na cultura do algodoeiro, os tratamentos foram doses de K2O (0 kg ha-1, 60 kg ha-1, 120 kg ha-1 e 240 kg ha-1), aplicadas em pré-semeadura (a lanço) e na semeadura (no sulco), com 0, 1 ou 2 coberturas. A adubação em pré-semeadura foi realizada no milheto. Não houve efeito da adubação potássica sobre a produtividade da cultura da soja. O milheto, como cobertura do solo, aproveitou, mais eficientemente, a dose de 60 kg ha-1 de K2O, aplicada na cultura da soja. Para a cultura do algodoeiro, a maior eficiência agronômica foi obtida com dose de 146 kg ha-1 de K2O, em pré-semeadura. Os resultados indicaram, também, que houve efeito positivo da adubação potássica sobre a qualidade da fibra do algodão