5,780 research outputs found

    Master of Science

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    This thesis incorporates two different studies investigating occupational exposure to ionizing radiation in veterinary workers. The first study evaluated the frequency of use of protective eyeglasses and gloves, and the frequency of protective behaviors (increasing distance from the body and head eye region to the radiation source), during manual restraint for radiography among small animal workers in a veterinary hospital before and after a video training module. In the second study we evaluated self-reported radiation safety behaviours among small animal veterinary diplomate and resident fluoroscopy users through an electronic questionnaire. The first study demonstrated a significant improvement in all behavior outcomes after the video training (vs before), and also found that sedation or anesthesia reduce the need for workers to be inside the radiography room manually restraining the animal; however, the overall frequency of optimal behaviors was still low. The second study found a low eyeglasses and hand shielding compliance among veterinary fluoroscopy users. Both studies demonstrated that workers with formal training in radiation safety are more likely to adopt behaviours that reduce their dose, such as PPE compliance. In conclusion, this thesis work found that education and formal training on radiation safety increases behaviours that decrease worker dose and help to develop a radiation safety culture in the workplace. However, it also found a low compliance of protective eyeglasses and gloves among veterinary radiology and fluoroscopy users. Finally, sedation or anesthesia should be used more often during diagnostic radiography as it reduces the need for workers to be inside the radiography room, thus reducing their radiation exposure

    Putting Health at the Heart of Local Planning Through an Integrated Municipal Health Strategy

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    As a cross-sectoral issue, the promotion of health needs to be addressed across all policies. In Portugal, as more competencies are being transferred to local governments, the integration of health considerations into municipal plans remains a challenge and guidance on how to develop an integrated municipal health strategy is absent. The aim of this study is to describe the conceptual and methodological approach that informed the development of an integrated and multisectoral municipal health strategy in the City of Coimbra. Its design followed a population health approach with a geographic lens, looking at how the population's health outcomes and health determinants were geographically distributed across the municipality, as well as the extent to which policies from multiple sectors can address them. The planning cycle followed an iterative workflow of five actions: assessing, prioritizing, planning, implementing, and monitoring. Following a participatory planning approach, several participatory processes were conducted involving local stakeholders and citizens (e.g., population-based surveys, workshops, Delphi, collaborative sessions) to identify problems, establish priorities, and define measures and actions. The strategic framework for action integrates 94 actions across multisectoral domains of municipal intervention: sustainable mobility and public places, safe and adequate housing, accessible healthcare, social cohesion and participation, education and health literacy, and intersectoral and collaborative leadership. Findings shed light on important aspects that can inform other municipal strategies, such as the adoption of a place-based approach, focused on geographic inequalities, health determinants and stakeholder participation, and the application of a health in all policies framework

    Spatial distribution of halophytes in the Mondego salt marsh and plant responses to environmental conditions

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    We propose to analyze the spatial distribution of halophytes in the salt marsh of the Mondego estuary in order to understand how environmental conditions affect their distribution patterns. Furthermore we discuss the responses of these species to human activities in this ecosystem and the consequent increase in nutrient loading

    Professores de ciências de ensino médio e a educação inclusiva no DF : expectativas, dificuldades e caminhos de superação

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Instituto de Física, Instituto de Química, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências, Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências, 2014.Este estudo, de cunho qualitativo, foi desenvolvido com professores de Ciências do Ensino Médio, das redes pública e particular de ensino do Distrito Federal, que trabalham com estudantes com necessidades educacionais especiais em classes inclusivas. Traz como aporte teórico o papel da prática reflexiva (Pimenta, 2006), o diálogo de Paulo Freire (1987), que aparece tanto na teoria quanto na metodologia e adefectologia de Vygotsky (1997). O estudo objetiva identificar as principais dificuldades dos docentes ao trabalharem no contexto da Educação Inclusiva nesta etapa de ensino, a que atribuem à existência desses obstáculos no cotidiano profissional e quais as suas propostas para a superação dos problemas encontrados. Utilizou-se como metodologia um curso de formação contínua para professores. O curso foi locus de construção de dados, com foco no diálogo freireano e na perspectiva do professor reflexivo, e busca ouvir esses profissionais a respeito do tema e discutir sobre os desafios e conflitos que surgem na prática pedagógica na realidade da educação inclusiva. Os dados da pesquisa foram construídos a partir dos diálogos advindos do curso e analisados segundo pressupostos da Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin, 1977). A análise das falas dos professores de Ciências indica que eles se sentem inseguros ao trabalhar no contexto da educação inclusiva. Muitos discursos expressam medo diante da inclusão escolar e os professores se mostram perdidos na prática pedagógica com estudantes com necessidades educacionais especiais. Além disso, os professores parecem não reconhecer sua autonomia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem destes.Frente a tal quadro, os resultados denotam a necessidade de uma formação que privilegie uma reflexão a respeito da inclusão escolar e que estimule o desenvolvimento de um olhar diferenciado do professor para os estudantes com necessidades educacionais especiais, de modo que o docente possa enxergar esses estudantes como sujeito social, constituído de sua subjetividade, singularidade e diversidade acima de sua deficiência. Acredita-se que dessa forma, os professores de Ciências do Ensino Médio se sentirão a vontade para atuarem de maneira segura e autônoma no contexto da Educação Inclusiva. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study, a qualitative approach was developed with Science teachers of High School,from public and private school of the Distrito Federal, working with students withspecial needs in inclusive classes. It’s brings as the theoretical role of reflective practice(Pimenta, 2006), the dialogue of Paulo Freire (1987), which appears both in theory andmethodology and defectology of Vygotsky (1997). The study aims to identify the maindifficulties of teachers to work in the context of Inclusive Education at this stage ofeducation, denoted by the existence of these barriers to professional practice and whattheir proposals to overcome the problems encountered. The methodology was used as acourse of continuing education for teachers. The course was built locus data, focusingon freireano dialogue and reflective perspective of the teacher, and I try to listen to theseprofessionals about the topic and discuss the challenges and conflicts that arise in thepedagogical practice of inclusive education in reality. The survey data were constructedfrom the dialogues arising from course and analyzed using assumptions of ContentAnalysis (Bardin, 1977). The analysis of the discourse of science teachers indicates thatthey feel insecure when working in the context of inclusive education. Many discoursesexpress fear at the school inclusion and teachers show lost in pedagogical practice withpupils with special educational needs. In addition, teachers do not seem to recognizetheir autonomy in the teaching-learning process of these. Faced with this situation, theresults denote the need for training that is focused on a reflection about school inclusionand fosters the development of a differentiated view of the teacher for students withspecial educational needs, so that the teacher can see these students as a social subject,which consists of his subjectivity, uniqueness and diversity above his disability. It isbelieved that in this way, the science teachers of high school feel the urge to work safelyand autonomously in the context of Inclusive Education

    Allophony and Allomorphy Cue Phonological Acquisition : evidence from the European Portuguese vowel system

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    The acquisition of morphophonological alternations is hardly investigated in phonology (Macken 1995, Bernhardt & Stemberger 1998, Hayes 2004, Kerkhoff 2004). Learnability models of phonological alternations often assume that allophonic variation is easy to learn, as it usually follows from the phonology of the language (Peperkamp & Dupoux 2002, Hayes 2004). On the other hand, these models assume that allomorphic variation is acquired late and learners often show paradigm uniformity at the early stages of development. In our study of longitudinal data of seven European Portuguese children, aged between 0;11 and 3;7, we investigate the acquisition vowel alternations and show that children start acquiring those very early. In particular, children even seem to distinguish vowels in neutralized context to a large extent. We argue that children acquire the abstract phonological vowel system of European Portuguese very early, precisely because of the large amount of systematic variation in the input. We will provide empirical evidence for the claim that the phonological processes in the language help children to set up the abstract vowel system of European Portuguese

    Collection technique and sample processing for impression cytology of the ocular surface

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    Introduction: The impression cytology of ocular surface is a minimally invasive technique that allows the analysis of conjunctival and corneal cells, as an alternative to smears and punch biopsies. These specific guidelines will help health professionals, such as nurses and doctors, to ensure better samples of ocular surface without hurting patients, and will provide a new method of fixation for impression cytology of ocular specimens. Objective: The aim of this study was to present a technique for collecting, fixing, and staining for impression cytology of ocular specimens. Materials and Methods: 50 samples of bulbar conjunctiva taken from 50 ESTeSL volunteers were analyzed. The material was collected on a strip of cellulose acetate from Millipore Corporation, then fixed on SureThin and stained with a Papanicolaou stain. The slides were analyzed by three independent evaluators, using an evaluation grid with the following parameters: cell size, detail and nuclear membrane, detail and cytoplasmic membrane, ratio N / C, and tinctorial affinity. Results: The filter paper with apex helped to correctly position the paper in the eye and the procedure that was applied allowed an effective collection of cells with 50-70% of the filter surface being filled without the need for topical anesthesia. The SureThin fixative presented quality in cell preservation, in addition to being more economical. The Papanicolaou technique proved to be ideal in the coloring of ocular epithelial cells. This developed methodology presented a response of 80, 9% to a maximum score of 2. Conclusions: The presented method proved to be very effective in evaluating ocular cell samples, while simultaneously proving to be a very cheap and comfortable technique for the patient.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fictive interaction in blended networks in the daily show with Jon Stewart: conceptualizing politican humor discourse not only for entertaining purpouses

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    [ES] Esta tesis analiza el discurso de Jon Stewart, el anterior presentador del conocidísimo programa satírico de “soft news” estadounidense The Daily Show. Más concretamente, se analiza un fenómeno conceptual que el presentador utilizaba frecuentemente en sus monólogos, basado en el uso de un marco (“frame”) en el que se da la interacción directa cara a cara como patrón organizativo para estructurar la cognición, la interacción ficticia (“fictive interaction”) (Pascual 2002; 2006; 2008a; 2008b; 2014), no solo para informar a su audiencia pero también para criticar y presentar sus propios puntos de vista y opiniones. El objetivo principal fue analizar las redes de interacción ficticia creadas por Stewart, como estrategias retóricas de su discurso, que implicaban mantener conversaciones ficticias con personas “reales”, que no estaban presentes en el estudio y que en realidad no tomaban parte en cualquiera de estas interacciones, diseñadas tan solo para los espectadores. Aunque estos diálogos imaginarios se realicen en una estructura de interacción abierta, es decir, durante los monólogos del presentador, constituyen una comunicación tridireccional, conocida como triálogo ficticio (“fictive trialogue”) (Pascual 2002; 2008b; 2014). Los triálogos ficticios son estructuras conceptuales prototípicas de programas de televisión como The Daily Show, donde el presentador, Jon Stewart, que es el productor ficticio habla con un receptor ficticio para beneficio de los espectadores, los oyentes participativos (“bystanders”) ficticios que están escuchando las conversaciones irreales. Estas interacciones imposibles son producidas no solo para hacer reír el público, sino también con fines retóricos

    Edu-LE: English teaching in Madeira (students from 3 to 12 years old)

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    O ensino da língua estrangeira no 1 º Ciclo (6 a 10) é uma realidade na Madeira já há treze anos. Todos osalunos dp 1 º Ciclo têm uma hora de Inglês no currículo e duas horas de Inglês como uma actividade extracurricular.Alunos do pré-escolas (3 a 5) têm também Inglês, embora seja opcional e tendo a duração demeia hora, uma hora ou dois períodos lectivos. O Edu-LE, o projeto em causa, promove a formação deprofessores em serviço, e desenvolve e avalia a metodologias do portfolio nos 1 º e 2 º Ciclos, articulandometodologias entre os ciclos. Os professors do Edu-LE trabalham em equipa através da tecnologiainformática (ferramentas web 2.0) e de e-portfólios. Além disso, o projecto patrocina vários subprojectos.</p

    Global climate adaptation governance in the Amazon through a polycentricity lens

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    The 2015 Paris agreement has made adaptation to climate change a global goal and increased the polycentricity of the governance landscape. This study uses insights from polycentric governance theory to analyze the emergence of adaptation governance (AG) in Brazil and its implications for the state of Acre, situated in the Amazon region. By using a qualitative data analysis, including subnational climate policies and semi-structured interviews, we aim to analyze the advantages and challenges of polycentric AG in Acre and provide recommendations for improved AG in the region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio