1,818 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Flow Field in the Jack Rabbit II Mock Urban Environment Field Tests Using a 1:50 Scale Wind Tunnel Model

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    Accidental release of toxic chemicals can put workers and nearby populations at significant risk. Consequence assessment of accidents in urban environments is of particular interest. Urban geometries create wind channels between buildings, along with particularly dangerous areas downwind of buildings, where near-stagnant flow is present. Furthermore, recirculation zones can be formed between buildings, trapping high concentrations of toxic gases at ground level, particularly for denser-than-air gases. In 2015, the Department of Homeland Security conducted the Jack Rabbit II Field Test (JR-II) at Dugway Proving Ground, UT. During JR-II, chlorine was released at the center of a Mock Urban Environment (MUE) and three types of data were collected: visual recordings of the releases, concentration measurements at specific locations, and wind velocity and direction. Due to the toxicity and corrosive nature of chlorine, some measurements could not be made during the JR-II trials. In a subsequent study called Jack Rabbit II – Special Sonic Anemometer Study (JRII-S), wind velocity and turbulence were measured at points of interest within the MUE. Simulations of hazardous gas releases can be made in wind tunnel models, which provide for repeated tests with greater statistical analysis. Moreover, changes to test conditions can be made with relative ease and at lower costs. A 1:50 scale model of the JR-II MUE was constructed in the wind tunnel of the University of Arkansas. Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) measurements show agreement between the approach wind characteristics in the tunnel model and field test. LDV velocity measurements within the MUE wind tunnel model also agree with the anemometry results obtained in JRII-S. Visualization of simulated chlorine releases in the wind tunnel shows good reproduction of release characteristics observed in the JR-II field tests. Mathematical analysis investigated if it was possible to obtain accurate 3D velocity measurements from a simplified 2D LDV setup. Error quantification showed that the simplified setup yields valid approximations for the vertical velocity and turbulence directions depending on the flow field characteristics, but high error is observed in the velocity and turbulence in the cross-wind component. After demonstrating that the wind tunnel models the JR-II and JRII-S field tests, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiments were conducted to provide velocity measurements that could not be obtained during JR-II. The wind tunnel model yields more comprehensive results than the pointwise measurements taken during JRII-S using sonic anemometers. Velocity measurements in a horizontal plane parallel to the ground were used to compare to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the JRII-S field tests found in the literature. PIV measurements taken in the wind tunnel model pointed out concerns with those simulations. Reproduction of the JR-II field tests showed the velocity field in a section of the MUE before and during the chlorine release. The effect of the added momentum of the release in the flow field and in the height of the dividing streamline at CONEX 11.4 was investigated, with bigger impact observed at lower atmospheric momentum. Key Words: Wind tunnel modeling, gas release, Jack Rabbit II, Laser Doppler Velocimetry, Particle Image Velocimetr

    The edge of expectil : modelling expectil with evt and compare it using comparative backtest

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    Expectiles são uma família de parâmetros de medidas de risco coerentes que foram recentemente sugeridas como uma alternativa aos quantiles (VaR) e ao expected shortfall (ES). Neste trabalho, os expectiles são usados como uma medida de risco (EVaR), discutimos seu significado financeiro e os comparamos com VaR e ES. Destinamos a desenvolver uma mudança de expectile ao longo do tempo que mede o risco inerente de um ativo durante todo o período de gerenciamento. Por fim, realizamos uma análise empírica para o índice brasileiro (Ibovespa) por meio do modelo GJR-GARCH com inovações estimadas student-t utilizando o algoritmo de Maximum Likelihood (MLE) e Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)/Bayesian por Metropolis-Hastings e avaliamos a precisão das previsões por meio de uma função de ganho consistente. Resultados numéricos indicam que as expectativas são alternativas perfeitamente razoáveis para as medidas de risco VaR e ES.Expectiles are a one-parameter family of coherent risk measures that have been recently suggested as an alternative to quantiles (VaR) and to expected shortfall (ES). In this work, the expectiles are used as a measure of risk (EVaR), we discuss their nancial meaning and compare them with VaR and ES. It is intended to develop a changing expectile over time that measures the inherent risk of an asset throughout the management period. Lastly, an empirical analysis is carried out for Brazilian index (Ibovespa) by means of GJR-GARCH model with student-t innovations estimated using Maximum Likelihood (MLE) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)/Bayesian by Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and we assess the accuracy of the forecasts by means of a consistent scoring function. Numerical results indicate that expectiles are perfectly reasonable alternatives to VaR and ES risk measures

    Investigation of the Flow Field in the Jack Rabbit II Mock Urban Environment Field Tests Using a 1:50 Scale Wind Tunnel Model

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    Accidental release of toxic chemicals can put workers and nearby populations at significant risk. Consequence assessment of accidents in urban environments is of particular interest. Urban geometries create wind channels between buildings, along with particularly dangerous areas downwind of buildings, where near-stagnant flow is present. Furthermore, recirculation zones can be formed between buildings, trapping high concentrations of toxic gases at ground level, particularly for denser-than-air gases. In 2015, the Department of Homeland Security conducted the Jack Rabbit II Field Test (JR-II) at Dugway Proving Ground, UT. During JR-II, chlorine was released at the center of a Mock Urban Environment (MUE) and three types of data were collected: visual recordings of the releases, concentration measurements at specific locations, and wind velocity and direction. Due to the toxicity and corrosive nature of chlorine, some measurements could not be made during the JR-II trials. In a subsequent study called Jack Rabbit II – Special Sonic Anemometer Study (JRII-S), wind velocity and turbulence were measured at points of interest within the MUE. Simulations of hazardous gas releases can be made in wind tunnel models, which provide for repeated tests with greater statistical analysis. Moreover, changes to test conditions can be made with relative ease and at lower costs. A 1:50 scale model of the JR-II MUE was constructed in the wind tunnel of the University of Arkansas. Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) measurements show agreement between the approach wind characteristics in the tunnel model and field test. LDV velocity measurements within the MUE wind tunnel model also agree with the anemometry results obtained in JRII-S. Visualization of simulated chlorine releases in the wind tunnel shows good reproduction of release characteristics observed in the JR-II field tests. Mathematical analysis investigated if it was possible to obtain accurate 3D velocity measurements from a simplified 2D LDV setup. Error quantification showed that the simplified setup yields valid approximations for the vertical velocity and turbulence directions depending on the flow field characteristics, but high error is observed in the velocity and turbulence in the cross-wind component. After demonstrating that the wind tunnel models the JR-II and JRII-S field tests, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiments were conducted to provide velocity measurements that could not be obtained during JR-II. The wind tunnel model yields more comprehensive results than the pointwise measurements taken during JRII-S using sonic anemometers. Velocity measurements in a horizontal plane parallel to the ground were used to compare to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the JRII-S field tests found in the literature. PIV measurements taken in the wind tunnel model pointed out concerns with those simulations. Reproduction of the JR-II field tests showed the velocity field in a section of the MUE before and during the chlorine release. The effect of the added momentum of the release in the flow field and in the height of the dividing streamline at CONEX 11.4 was investigated, with bigger impact observed at lower atmospheric momentum. Key Words: Wind tunnel modeling, gas release, Jack Rabbit II, Laser Doppler Velocimetry, Particle Image Velocimetr

    Properties of chitosan matrix composites with hydroxyapatite and carbon nanotubes, and their use in bone tissue engineering

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    There is a growing demand for bone grafts by various clinical sectors, such as aesthetic procedures, treatment of injuries and dentistry, the use of synthetic materials is shown to be good due to the availability and the reduction of risks that their use brings, among the materials that are used in the clinic can be cited the chitosan matrix composites (CHI) with hydroxyapatite (HA) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which uses materials that are already used in the clinic HA and CHI with an innovative material in the sector the CNTs. The aim was to analyze and compare data from the current state of the art of CHI matrix composites with HA and CNTs applied in bone tissue engineering. This study is based on a review of the specialized literature on articles in online scientific journals, with thematic issues related to the properties of the biocomposite on board. The influence of the use on the composite properties generated by the use of CNTs together with the HA in the CHI matrix, for biomedical applications, more specifically in bone tissue engineering, was observed. It was observed that with subtle increases of CNTs in the CH composite Ha composites, the bioactivity, osteoconduction, antibacterial activity, mechanical properties of the composites, changes in the nanotexturas, and a homogeneous distribution of the materials occur, potentiality of its use in more than one application within bone tissue engineering. In the present study it was possible to observe that CHI matrix composites with HA and CNTs present a combination of properties highlighting the potential for application in bone tissue engineering. &nbsp

    Using social media as organizational memory consolidation mechanism according to attention based view theory

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    Increasingly, organizations are aware that the knowledge generated in organization is a primary factor to remain competitive in the market. The Organizational Memory (OM) conceptualizing how the process of creation, storage and dissemination of knowledge over time can influence the actions and decisions of the organization. For this, it is necessary that the attention of individuals to be targeted and aligned, noticing the stimuli from the environment, and directing the time and cognitive effort towards the decisions to be made in the organization. This scenario, the paper provides a discussion of 22 case studies found in literature that were analyzed using the Attention-Based View of the Firm as a guiding lens. This analysis shows some evidence and relevant implications of the use of Social Media in the organizational context as well as a first theoretical description of how the focus of attention of decision makers influence the development of OM.This work has been supported by CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil and by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Information systems and organizational memory: a literature review

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    The advancement of technologies and Information Systems (IS) associated with the search for success in the competitive market leads organizations to seek strategies that assist in acquisition, retention, storage, and dissemination of knowledge in the organization in order to be reused in time, preserving its Organizational Memory (OM). The Organizational Memory Information Systems (OMIS) rises as an enhancer of the OM, providing effective support and resources for the organization, assisting on decision-making, in the solution of problems, as well as in quality and generation of products and services. This article is an analysis of some OMIS selected from a literature review about its features and functionality in order to understand how these information systems are seen by the organizations. With this research, we realized that it is still inexpressive this relationship between OM and IS, even with the existence of some cases of success in the use of OMIS in the literature. The literature reveals that the individuals' knowledge is not integrated on information systems management process in most organizations, getting much of the knowledge of individuals generated in the organization retained in own individual. It is easy to see that there is a need for strategies and mechanisms in the organization to stimulate and provide a better knowledge sharing between individuals which, when associated to IS, allow greater control and effective use of the Organizational Memory.This work was supported by CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil and by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2015.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The present study was to examine, from two case studies, management processes (strategic planning, management control systems and human resources) and cultural (succession and organizational culture) two family businesses in the state of São Paulo. Concepts were discussed, and specific features, as well as factors related to organizational management of family businesses (planning, control, people management, culture and succession) to support the studies described. Through interviews and observation of routine business, it was concluded that there is evidence that the management in Company "B" moving towards professionalization, due to be developing a formal strategic planning. This company already has clear goals for employees and creating an area of ​​people management. In contrast, Company "A", still needs to improve its organizational structure, as there is lack of planning, strategies and formal actions, so that decisions are focused on owners and taken in light of action-reaction

    Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de jogo 2D: Animação, Game Design e Sonorização

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. AnimaçãoO presente trabalho tem como proposta explicitar o processo de criação, bem como execução de animações em conjunto com game design, além da sonorização para o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de jogo 2D, para a plataforma de PC, no estilo de jogos multijogador local. O projeto possui o objetivo de mostrar a necessidade de se pensar em game design enquanto animador, para a produção de um jogo. A metodologia escolhida para o desenvolvimento do projeto foi a Double Diamond, mostrando-se efetiva e eficiente com relação ao estabelecimento de escopo e organização do fluxo de trabalho no grupo. A relevância do material é a evidente importância, no mercado de jogos, do animador pensar não só na área de animação, mas no processo de criação de games como um todo
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