28 research outputs found

    On the Initial Conditions for Brane Inflation

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    String theory gives rise to various mechanisms to generate primordial inflation, of which ``brane inflation'' is one of the most widely considered. In this scenario, inflation takes place while two branes are approaching each other, and the modulus field representing the separation between the branes plays the role of the inflaton field. We study the phase space of initial conditions which can lead to a sufficiently long period of cosmological inflation, and find that taking into account the possibility of nonvanishing initial momentum can significantly change the degree of fine tuning of the required initial conditions.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Search for an annual modulation of dark-matter signals with a germanium spectrometer at the Sierra Grande Laboratory

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    Data collected during three years with a germanium spectrometer at the Sierra Grande underground laboratory have been analyzed for distinctive features of annual modulation of the signal induced by WIMP dark matter candidates. The main motivation for this analysis was the recent suggestion by the DAMA/NaI Collaboration that a yearly modulation signal could not be rejected at the 90% confidence level when analyzing data obtained with a high-mass low-background scintillator detector. We performed two different analyses of the data: First, the statistical distribution of modulation-significance variables (expected from an experiment running under the conditions of Sierra Grande) was compared with the same variables obtained from the data. Second, the data were analyzed in energy bins as an independent check of the first result and to allow for the possibility of a crossover in the expected signal. In both cases no statistically significant deviation from the null result was found, which could support the hypothesis that the data contain a modulated component. A plot is also presented to enable the comparison of these results to those of the DAMA collaboration.Comment: New version accepted by Astroparticle Physics. Changes suggested by the referee about the theoretical prediction of rates are included. Conclusions remain unaffected. 14 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures. Uses epsfig macr

    Persuasion as a form of inter-agent negotiation

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    Agents in a multi-agent environment must often cooperate to achieve their objectives. In this paper an agent, B, cooperates with another agent, A, if B adopts a goal that furthers A's objectives in the environment. If agents are independent and motivated by their own interests, cooperation cannot be relied upon and it may be necessary for A to persuade B to adopt a cooperative goal. This paper is concerned with the organisation and construction of persuasive argument, and examines how a rational agent comes to hold a belief, and thus, how new beliefs might be engendered and existing beliefs altered, through the process of argumentation. Argument represents an opportunity for an agent to convince a possibly sceptical or resistant audience of the veracity of its own beliefs. This ability is a vital component of rich communication, facilitating explanation, instruction, cooperation and conflict resolution. An architecture is described in which a hierarchical planner is used to develop discourse plans which can be realised in natural language using the LOLITA system. Planning is concerned with the intentional, contextual and pragmatic aspects of discourse structure as well as with the logical form of the argument and its stylistic organisation. In this paper attention is restricted to the planning of persuasive discourse, or monologue

    From the Big Bang Theory to the Theory of a Stationary Universe

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    We consider chaotic inflation in the theories with the effective potentials phi^n and e^{\alpha\phi}. In such theories inflationary domains containing sufficiently large and homogeneous scalar field \phi permanently produce new inflationary domains of a similar type. We show that under certain conditions this process of the self-reproduction of the Universe can be described by a stationary distribution of probability, which means that the fraction of the physical volume of the Universe in a state with given properties (with given values of fields, with a given density of matter, etc.) does not depend on time, both at the stage of inflation and after it. This represents a strong deviation of inflationary cosmology from the standard Big Bang paradigm. We compare our approach with other approaches to quantum cosmology, and illustrate some of the general conclusions mentioned above with the results of a computer simulation of stochastic processes in the inflationary Universe.Comment: No changes to the file, but original figures are included. They substantially help to understand this paper, as well as eternal inflation in general, and what is now called the "multiverse" and the "string theory landscape." High quality figures can be found at http://www.stanford.edu/~alinde/LLMbigfigs

    Succession of proteomic, transcriptomic and exometabolomic signatures in Alteromonas macleodii degrading a mix of macroalgal polysaccharides

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    Polysaccharides from macroalgae are important bacterial nutrient source and central biogeochemical component in the oceans. To illuminate the cellular mechanisms of polysaccharide degradation by marine bacteria, growth of Alteromonas macleodii 83-1 on a mix of laminarin, alginate and pectin was characterized using transcriptomics, proteomics and exometabolomics. A. macleodii 83-1 showed two distinct growth stages, with exponential growth during laminarin utilization followed by maintenance during simultaneous alginate/pectin utilization. The biphasic growth coincided with major temporal shifts in gene expression and metabolite secretion, enabling to define major/accessory polysaccharide utilization loci, reconstruct the complete degradation pathways for each polysaccharide, as well as identify temporal phenotypes in other relevant traits. FT-ICR-MS revealed a distinct suite of secreted metabolites for each growth phase, with pyrroloquinoline quinone exclusively produced with alginate/pectin. The finding of substrate-unique phenotypes indicates an exquisite adaptation to polysaccharide utilization with probable relevance for the degradation of macroalgal biomass, which comprises a complex mix of polysaccharides. Moreover, substrate-unique exometabolomes possibly influence metabolic interactions with other community members. Overall, the presence of fine-tuned genetic machineries for polysaccharide degradation and the widespread detection of related CAZymes in global locations indicate an ecological relevance of A. macleodii in marine polysaccharide cycling and bacteria-algae interactions