77 research outputs found

    Non-minimal couplings in two dimensional gravity: a quantum investigation

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    We investigate the quantum effects of the non-minimal matter-gravity couplings derived by Cangemi and Jackiw in the realm of a specific fermionic theory, namely the abelian Thirring model on a Riemann surface of genus zero and one. The structure and the strength of the new interactions are seen to be highly constrained, when the topology of the underlying manifold is taken into account. As a matter of fact, by requiring to have a well-defined action, we are led both to quantization rules for the coupling constants and to selection rules for the correlation functions. Explicit quantum computations are carried out in genus one (torus). In particular the two-point function and the chiral condensate are carefully derived for this case. Finally the effective gravitational action, coming from integrating out the fermionic degrees of freedoom, is presented. It is different from the standard Liouville one: a new non-local functional of the conformal factor arises and the central charge is improved, depending also on the Thirring coupling constant. This last feature opens the possibility of giving a new explicit representation of the minimal series in terms of a fermionic interacting model.Comment: Latex, 41 Page

    Stability of the GRS Model

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    We discuss the compatibility between the weaker energy condition and the stability of Gregory, Rubakov and Sibiryakov (GRS) model. Because the GRS spacetime violates the weak energy condition, it may cause the instability. In the GRS model, the four dimensional gravity can be described by the massive KK modes with the resonance. Hence, instead of considering the weaker energy condition, we require for the stability of this model: no tachyon and no ghost condition for graviton modes (hΌΜh_{\mu\nu}). No tachyonic condition (mh2≄0m^2_h \geq 0) is satisfied because the lowest state mh=0m_h=0 is supersymmetric vacuum state. Further, no ghost state condition is achieved if one requires some relations for the matter source: 2T55=TΌΌ=3(T22+T33)2T_{55}= T^{\mu}_{\mu}=3(T_{22}+T_{33}). It turns out that, although the GRS spacetime does not satisfy the weaker energy condition, it is stable against small perturbation.Comment: Revtex, 1 figure, 10 pages, a wrong citation correcte

    Triviality Bounds in Two-Doublet Models

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    We examine perturbatively the two-Higgs-doublet extension of the \SM\ in the context of the suspected triviality of theories with fundamental scalars. Requiring the model to define a consistent effective theory for scales below a cutoff of 2π2\pi times the largest mass of the problem, as motivated by lattice investigations of the one-Higgs-doublet model, we obtain combined bounds for the parameters of the model. We find upper limits of 470 GeV for the mass of the light CPCP--even neutral scalar and 650--700 GeV for the other scalar masses.Comment: 15 pages (8 postscript figures in two files), BUHEP-93-

    Generalised Penrose Limits and PP-Waves

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    In this paper we construct generalised Penrose limits for the solutions of massive type IIA supergravity. We consider a Freund-Rubin type solution and apply these {\it massive} Penrose limits and obtain supersymmetric pp-wave which is a standard type IIA background. We point out that results in this paper are easily generalised for the cases of gauged supergravities.Comment: 13 pages; v2: references added, v3: minor corrections and modification

    The signature of dark energy on the local Hubble flow

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    Using N-body simulations of flat, dark energy dominated cosmologies, we show that galaxies around simulated binary systems resembling the Local Group (LG) have low peculiar velocities, in good agreement with observational data. We have compared results for LG-like systems selected from large, high resolution simulations of three cosmologies: a LCDM model, a LWDM model with a 2 keV warm dark matter candidate and a quintessence model (QCDM) with an equation of state parameter w=-0.6. The Hubble flow is significant colder around LGs selected in a flat, Lambda dominated cosmology than around LGs in open or critical models, showing that a dark energy component manifests itself on the scales of nearby galaxies, cooling galaxy peculiar motions. Flows in the LWDM and QCDM models are marginally colder than in the LCDM one. The results of our simulations have been compared to existing data and a new data set of 28 nearby galaxies with robust distance measures (Cepheids and Surface Brightness Fluctuations). The measured line-of-sight velocity dispersion is sigma = 88 +- 20 km/sec x (R/7 Mpc). The best agreement with observations is found for LGs selected in the Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology in environments with -0.1 <delta_rho/rho < 0.6 on scales of 7 Mpc, in agreement with existing observational estimates on the local matter density. These results provide new, independent evidence for the presence of dark energy on scales of few Mpc, corroborating the evidence gathered from observations of distant objects and the early Universe.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, minor changes to match the accepted version by MNRA

    Quantum Cryptography

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    Quantum cryptography could well be the first application of quantum mechanics at the individual quanta level. The very fast progress in both theory and experiments over the recent years are reviewed, with emphasis on open questions and technological issues.Comment: 55 pages, 32 figures; to appear in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Interacting Dark Energy and Dark Matter: observational Constraints from Cosmological Parameters

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    Several observational constraints are imposed on the interacting holographic model of Dark Energy and Dark Matter. First we use the age parameter today, as given by the WMAP results. Subsequently, we explained the reason why it is possible, as recently observed, for an old quasar to be observed in early stages of the universe. We discuss this question in terms of the evolution of the age parameter as well as in terms of the structure formation. Finally, we give a detailed discussion of the constraints implied by the observed CMB low ℓ\ell suppression. As a result, the interacting holographic model has been proved to be robust and with reasonable bounds predicts a non vanishing interaction of Dark Energy and Dark Matter.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Monsters, Laws of Nature, and Teleology in Late Scholastic Textbooks

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    In the period of emergence of early modern science, ‘monsters’ or individuals with physical congenital anomalies were considered as rare events which required special explanations entailing assumptions about the laws of nature. This concern with monsters was shared by representatives of the new science and Late Scholastic authors of university textbooks. This paper will reconstruct the main theses of the treatment of monsters in Late Scholastic textbooks, by focusing on the question as to how their accounts conceived nature’s regularity and teleology. It shows that they developed a naturalistic teratology in which, in contrast to the naturalistic explanations usually offered by the new science, finality was at central stage. This general point does not impede our noticing that some authors were closer to the views emerging in the Scientific Revolution insofar as they conceived nature as relatively autonomous from God and gave a relevant place to efficient secondary causation. In this connection, this paper suggests that the concept of the laws of nature developed by the new science –as exception-less regularities—transferred to nature’s regularity the ‘strong’ character that Late Scholasticism attributed to finality and that the decline of the Late Scholastic view of finality played as an important concomitant factor permitting the transformation of the concept of laws of nature


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    A review of the principles of observational testing of cosmological theories is given with a special emphasis on the distinction between observational facts and theoretical hypotheses. A classification of modern cosmological theories and possible observational tests for these theories is presented. The main rival cosmological models are analyzed from the point of view of observational testing of their initial hypothesis. A comparison of modern observational data with theoretical predictions is presented. In particular we discuss in detail the validity of the two basic assumptions of modern cosmology that are the Cosmological Principle and the Expanding Space Paradigm. It is found that classical paradigms need to be reanalyzed and that it is necessary to develop crucial cosmological tests to discriminate alternative theories.Comment: 84 pages, latex, figures are available to F.S.L ([email protected]). Accepted for publication in Vistas In astronomy, Vol.38, Part.4, 199
