6,225 research outputs found

    Generation of electron spin polarization in disordered organic semiconductors

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    The generation mechanisms of electron spin polarization (ESP) of charge carriers (electrons and holes, called "doublets") in doublet-doublet recombination and triplet-doublet quenching in disordered organic semiconductors are analyzed in detail. The ESP is assumed to result from quantum transitions between the states of the spin Hamiltonian of the pair of interacting particles. The value of the ESP is essentially determined by the mechanism of relative motion of particles. In our work we have considered the cage and free diffusion models. The effect of possible attractive spin-independent interactions between particles is also analyzed. Estimation with obtained formulas shows that the proposed mechanisms can lead to a fairly strong ESP much larger than the thermal one (at room temperatures)Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Gravitational quantum states of neutrons in a rough waveguide

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    A theory of gravitational quantum states of ultracold neutrons in waveguides with absorbing/scattering walls is presented. The theory covers recent experiments in which the ultracold neutrons were beamed between a mirror and a rough scatterer/absorber. The analysis is based on a recently developed theory of quantum transport along random rough walls which is modified in order to include leaky (absorbing) interfaces and, more importantly, the low-amplitude high-aperture roughness. The calculations are focused on a regime when the direct transitions into the continuous spectrum above the absorption threshold dominate the depletion of neutrons from the gravitational states and are more efficient than the processes involving the intermediate states. The theoretical results for the neutron count are sensitive to the correlation radius (lateral size) of surface inhomogeneities and to the ratio of the particle energy to the absorption threshold in a weak roughness limit. The main impediment for observation of the higher gravitational states is the "overhang" of the particle wave functions which can be overcome only by use scatterers with strong roughness. In general, the strong roughness with high amplitude is preferable if one wants just to detect the individual gravitational states, while the strong roughness experiments with small amplitude and high aperture are preferable for the quantitative analysis of the data. We also discuss the ways to further improve the accuracy of calculations and to optimize the experimental regime.Comment: 48 pages, 14 figure

    Magnetic field effects on electron-hole recombination in disordered organic semiconductors

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    Characteristic properties of magnetic field effects on spin selective geminate and bulk electron-hole polaron pair (PP) recombination are analyzed in detail within the approach based on the stochastic Liouville equation. Simple expressions for the magnetic field (B) dependence of recombination yield and rate are derived within two models of relative PP motion: free diffusion and diffusion in the presence of well (cage). The spin evolution of PPs is described taking in account the relaxation induced by hyperfine interaction, anisotropic part of the Zeeman interaction induced, as well as Δg\Delta g-mechanism. A large variety of the BB-dependences of the recombination yield Y(B)Y(B) and rate K(B)K(B) is obtained depending on the relative weights of above-mentioned mechanisms. The proposed general method and derived particular formulas are shown to be quite useful for the analysis of recent experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Critical behavior of long straight rigid rods on two-dimensional lattices: Theory and Monte Carlo simulations

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    The critical behavior of long straight rigid rods of length kk (kk-mers) on square and triangular lattices at intermediate density has been studied. A nematic phase, characterized by a big domain of parallel kk-mers, was found. This ordered phase is separated from the isotropic state by a continuous transition occurring at a intermediate density θc\theta_c. Two analytical techniques were combined with Monte Carlo simulations to predict the dependence of θc\theta_c on kk, being θc(k)k1\theta_c(k) \propto k^{-1}. The first involves simple geometrical arguments, while the second is based on entropy considerations. Our analysis allowed us also to determine the minimum value of kk (kmin=7k_{min}=7), which allows the formation of a nematic phase on a triangular lattice.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, to appear in The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Dynamics of Diblock Copolymers in Dilute Solutions

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    We consider the dynamics of freely translating and rotating diblock (A-B), Gaussian copolymers, in dilute solutions. Using the multiple scattering technique, we have computed the diffusion and the friction coefficients D_AB and Zeta_AB, and the change Eta_AB in the viscosity of the solution as functions of x = N_A/N and t = l_B/l_A, where N_A, N are the number of segments of the A block and of the whole copolymer, respectively, and l_A, l_B are the Kuhn lengths of the A and B blocks. Specific regimes that maximize the efficiency of separation of copolymers with distinct "t" values, have been identified.Comment: 20 pages Revtex, 7 eps figures, needs epsf.tex and amssymb.sty, submitted to Macromolecule

    The Elliptic curves in gauge theory, string theory, and cohomology

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    Elliptic curves play a natural and important role in elliptic cohomology. In earlier work with I. Kriz, thes elliptic curves were interpreted physically in two ways: as corresponding to the intersection of M2 and M5 in the context of (the reduction of M-theory to) type IIA and as the elliptic fiber leading to F-theory for type IIB. In this paper we elaborate on the physical setting for various generalized cohomology theories, including elliptic cohomology, and we note that the above two seemingly unrelated descriptions can be unified using Sen's picture of the orientifold limit of F-theory compactification on K3, which unifies the Seiberg-Witten curve with the F-theory curve, and through which we naturally explain the constancy of the modulus that emerges from elliptic cohomology. This also clarifies the orbifolding performed in the previous work and justifies the appearance of the w_4 condition in the elliptic refinement of the mod 2 part of the partition function. We comment on the cohomology theory needed for the case when the modular parameter varies in the base of the elliptic fibration.Comment: 23 pages, typos corrected, minor clarification

    On the Quantum Invariant for the Brieskorn Homology Spheres

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    We study an exact asymptotic behavior of the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant for the Brieskorn homology spheres Σ(p1,p2,p3)\Sigma(p_1,p_2,p_3) by use of properties of the modular form following a method proposed by Lawrence and Zagier. Key observation is that the invariant coincides with a limiting value of the Eichler integral of the modular form with weight 3/2. We show that the Casson invariant is related to the number of the Eichler integrals which do not vanish in a limit τNZ\tau\to N \in \mathbb{Z}. Correspondingly there is a one-to-one correspondence between the non-vanishing Eichler integrals and the irreducible representation of the fundamental group, and the Chern-Simons invariant is given from the Eichler integral in this limit. It is also shown that the Ohtsuki invariant follows from a nearly modular property of the Eichler integral, and we give an explicit form in terms of the L-function.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Simulation of a semiflexible polymer in a narrow cylindrical pore

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    The probability that a randomly accelerated particle in two dimensions has not yet left a simply connected domain A{\cal A} after a time tt decays as eE0te^{-E_0t} for long times. The same quantity E0E_0 also determines the confinement free energy per unit length Δf=kBTE0\Delta f=k_BT\thinspace E_0 of a semiflexible polymer in a narrow cylindrical pore with cross section A{\cal A}. From simulations of a randomly accelerated particle we estimate the universal amplitude of Δf\Delta f for both circular and rectangular cross sections.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figure