15 research outputs found

    Genome-wide analysis of signal peptide functionality in Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Lactobacillus plantarum </it>is a normal, potentially probiotic, inhabitant of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The bacterium has great potential as food-grade cell factory and for <it>in situ </it>delivery of biomolecules. Since protein secretion is important both for probiotic activity and in biotechnological applications, we have carried out a genome-wide experimental study of signal peptide (SP) functionality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have constructed a library of 76 Sec-type signal peptides from <it>L. plantarum </it>WCFS1 that were predicted to be cleaved by signal peptidase I. SP functionality was studied using staphylococcal nuclease (NucA) as a reporter protein. 82% of the SPs gave significant extracellular NucA activity. Levels of secreted NucA varied by a dramatic 1800-fold and this variation was shown not to be the result of different mRNA levels. For the best-performing SPs all produced NucA was detected in the culture supernatant, but the secretion efficiency decreased for the less well performing SPs. Sequence analyses of the SPs and their cognate proteins revealed four properties that correlated positively with SP performance for NucA: high hydrophobicity, the presence of a transmembrane helix predicted by TMHMM, the absence of an anchoring motif in the cognate protein, and the length of the H+C domain. Analysis of a subset of SPs with a lactobacillal amylase (AmyA) showed large variation in production levels and secretion efficiencies. Importantly, there was no correlation between SP performance with NucA and the performance with AmyA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first comprehensive experimental study showing that predicted SPs in the <it>L. plantarum </it>genome actually are capable of driving protein secretion. The results reveal considerable variation between the SPs that is at least in part dependent on the protein that is secreted. Several SPs stand out as promising candidates for efficient secretion of heterologous proteins in <it>L. plantarum</it>. The results for NucA provide some hints as to the sequence-based prediction of SP functionality, but the general conclusion is that such prediction is difficult. The vector library generated in this study is based on exchangeable cassettes and provides a powerful tool for rapid experimental screening of SPs.</p

    Management routines influencing piglet survival in loose-housed sow herds

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).Piglet mortality is still a significant welfare and ethical matter in pig production, as well as an economical challenge for the farmer. Most of the mortality occurs early after farrowing, and previous studies have shown that the farm's management routines, especially around farrowing, are important factors to reduce it. When sows are loose-housed at farrowing and in the following lactation period, it puts higher demands on management input from the farmer to keep piglet mortality low. The objective of this study was to assess the importance of different management routines around the time of farrowing, and other farm qualities for piglet survival in loose-housed herds. To study risk factors for herd piglet mortality, a cross-sectional field survey was carried out in Norway in the year 2013, and included 52 commercial herds with hybrid LY sows (Norwegian Landrace x Swedish Yorkshire). The farms were visited once, and the farmers answered a questionnaire about their management practices. The outcome was the average herd pre-weaning mortality in the years of 2012–2013. To include as many management factors as possible into the multivariable linear regression model, we generated a new variable based on 4 management routines: 3 routines at farrowing (presence at 80–100% of the farrowings, drying newborn piglets, and practice split suckling), and one concerning farmer´s contact with the sows. This variable was called “Management type” (M), and were divided into 4 categories with increasing effort; M1 herds without any of the 4 mentioned routines, M2 had contact with sows >2 times per day, M3 performed the 3 routines at farrowing, and M4 combined the high sow contact and the 3 routines. The predicted values of mean herd piglet mortality for M1, M2, M3 and M4 were 20.1%, 17.0%, 16.2% and 13.3% respectively. The farmer's increased management effort was associated with lower piglet mortality (P<0.05). The farmer's effort at critical times together with systematic and important routines, and having frequent contact with the sows, makes a huge difference for piglet survival. The farmers are credited for this work by having lower piglet mortality as a result.acceptedVersio

    Claw and limb disorders in 12 Norwegian beef-cow herds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The main aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of claw and limb disorders in Norwegian beef-cow herds.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-six herds with ≥15 cow-years were selected by computerized systematic assignment from the three most beef cattle-dense regions of Norway. The study population consisted of 12 herds with 28 heifers and 334 cows. The animals were trimmed and examined once by claw trimmers during the late winter and spring of 2003. The seven claw trimmers had been taught diagnosing and recording of claw lesions. Environment, feeding and management routines, age and breed, culling and carcass characteristics were also recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Lameness was recorded in 1.1% of the animals, and only in hind claws. Pericarpal swellings were recorded in one animal and peritarsal lesions in none. In total, claw and limb disorders including lameness were recorded in 29.6% of the animals, 4.1% with front and 28.2% with hind limb disorders, respectively. Most lesions were mild. Laminitis-related claw lesions were recorded in 18.0% of the animals and infectious lesions in 16.6%. The average claw length was 84 mm in front claws and 89 mm in hind claw. Both laminitis-related and infectious claw lesions were more prevalent with increasing age. Carcasses from animals with claw and limb disorders were on average 34 kg heavier than carcasses from animals without such disorders (p = 0.02). Our results also indicate association between some management factors and claw lesions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study shows that the prevalence of lameness was low in 12 Norwegian beef-cow herds compared to beef-cattle herds in other countries and also that there were less claw and limb disorders in these herds compared to foreign dairy-cattle herds. The prevalence of lameness and white-line fissures was approximately the same as in Norwegian dairy herds whereas less dermatitis, heel-horn erosions, haemorrhages of the sole and the white line and sole ulcers were recorded.</p

    Successful aging, change in sexual interest and sexual satisfaction in couples from four European countries

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    Although the importance of sexuality and physical intimacy for well-being of older adults has been recognized, the role of sexuality in successful aging (SA) has been largely neglected. Building on our previous work, here we further validated a three-dimensional model of SA and examined its associations with sexual satisfaction and change in sexual interest among older heterosexual couples (aged 60–75 years). Participants were recruited in a probability-based survey, which was carried out in 2016–2017 in four European countries. Using structural equation modeling of the Actor–Partner Interdependence, we observed significant relationships between SA and sexual satisfaction for both male and female partners across countries. Among women, their retrospectively assessed change in sexual interest over the past 10 years was consistently associated with sexual satisfaction. Partner effects were gender-specific: male partners’ SA was significantly related to their female partners’ change in sexual interest, which in turn was linked to male partners’ sexual satisfaction. The findings point to substantial ties between successful aging and sexuality in older European couples. Taking into account the prevalent stereotypes about old age and sexuality, this study’s findings can assist professionals working with aging couples

    Kostnader ved Salmonella – human salmonellose, overvåking og kontroll

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    Utfordringer i tverrfaglig samarbeid. Kommunal helse- og omsorgstjeneste samt kommunalt barnevern

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.23865/noasp.114.This chapter on the challenges of interdisciplinary co-operation between Municipal Health/Social Care and Child Protection respectively is based on the directives of public authorities that interactions often challenge interdisciplinary co-operation. The research studies on which we based the discussion indicate that there are several challenges associated with this form of co-operation. The discussion has its basis in the social constructivist perspective, where the focus is on the implications of the ontologies and epistemologies for interdisciplinary co-operation. Further, the discussion shows that interdisciplinary co-operation challenges the hierarchy of knowledge and user participation within the services. The chapter argues that interdisciplinary co-operation has, to some extent, the potential for further knowledge development

    Undervisning i kvalitative forskningsmetoder - utfordringer i videreutdanninger i helsefag

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    Hensikten med denne studien er å studere hvordan bruk av kvalitative forskningsmetoder kan skape faglig forståelse og innsikt hos studenter i helsefaglige videreutdanninger. Med utgangspunkt i en fenomenologiskhermeneutisk tilnærming og et sosiokulturelt perspektiv, blir det diskutert hvordan det kan etableres en læringssituasjon der undervisning i kvalitative forskningsmetoder kan knyttes til studentenes erfaringsverden. Det sentrale i diskusjonen er hvordan man kan skape forståelse og interesse for forskningsmetodenes betydning i kunnskapsutvikling og fagutøvelse. Diskusjonen omhandler læringsprosesser og sosiale konstruksjoner, taus kunnskap og verbalisering av minner, fra teoretisk innføring til praktisk anvendelse, samt reviewmetodikk som kommunikasjonsform. I diskusjonen benyttes empiriske funn fra et undervisningsprosjekt om kvalitative forskningsmetoder i en helsefaglig videreutdanning. De empiriske funnene benyttes som illustrasjoner i diskusjonen. Nøkkelord: Sosiokulturelt perspektiv, fenomenologisk-hermeneutikk, læring, forskningsmetoder, videreutdannin

    Kunnskapsbaserte tjenester i kommunale sykehjem - idealer og realiteter

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    Source at https://www.nsf.no/fg/geriatri-og-demens/tidsskriftet-geriatrisk-sykepleie.Nasjonale myndigheter legger vekt på at tjenestene som utøves i helse- og omsorgstjenesten skal være kunnskapsbaserte