998 research outputs found

    Cidades utópicas: política, imaginação e urbanismo em Belo Horizonte e La Plata

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    GT 1 ­ Nuevas Epistemologías en América Latina. “Anais do I Encuentro de Estudios Sociales desde América Latina y el Caribe: cenários linguístico-culturais contemporâneos” - 07, 08 e 09 de novembro de 2013 – UNILA - Coordenação geral: Félix Pablo FriggeriEste trabalho evoca duas cidades latino­americanas: Belo Horizonte e La Plata. De base modernista, ambas foram erguidas no final do século XIX. La Plata, fundada em 1882, tornou­se capital da província de Buenos Aires. Belo Horizonte, inaugurada em 1897, tornou­se capital do estado de Minas Gerais. Aqui apresentamos um estudo comparativo entre as duas cidades, compreendendo ambas como cidades utópicas. Com base no pensamento de Ernst Bloch, as cidades de La Plata e Belo Horizonte são utopias concretas. Por serem planejadas para serem harmônicas, modernas e ideais, estima­se que as cidades­capitais aproximam­se do marco inicial do pensamento utópico.Universidad Federal de Integración Latino Americana (UNILA) ; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC

    Canine parvovirus and sepsis : SIRS criteria evaluation and implementation of a PIRO classification

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaSepsis is a severe condition associated with high prevalence and mortality rates. Parvovirus enteritis is a predisposing factor for sepsis, as it promotes intestinal bacterial translocation and severe immunosuppression. This makes naturally parvovirus infected dogs a suitable study population as far as sepsis is concerned. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the differences between two sets of SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) criteria in outcome prediction, parallelly the possibility of stratifying and classify septic animals using a proposed animal adapted PIRO (Predisposition, Infection, Response, Organ dysfunction) scoring system was also assessed. The 72 animals enrolled in this study were subjected to a score for each of the PIRO elements (except for the Infection, as all were considered to have the same infection score) and to two sets of SIRS criteria, assessing their correlation with the outcome. The data was retrieved from the clinical records of the Infectious Disease Isolation Unit (IDIU) of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FMV) of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa). Concerning the SIRS criteria, it was found that the proposed alterations were significantly associated with the outcome (OR = 4.09, p < 0,05), contrasting with the original SIRS criteria (p=0.352) that did not correlate with the outcome. No significant statistical association was found between Predisposition (p=1), Response (p=0.1135), Organ dysfunction (p=0.1135) or total PIRO score (p=0.093) and outcome. The results obtained reveal the need for consensual and more specific criteria to assess SIRS and sepsis. The results suggest that augmenting the criteria specificity may improve their prognostic value, thus making them more useful in clinical management and treatment decision. This work represents a contribution for the development of an approved set of criteria, to could contribute not only to the classification of septic dogs but also to the improvement of sepsis diagnosis. Further studies are still needed to conclude about the best criteria to be used, but this study can serve as base from which further studies can adapt and improve. Additional more specific criteria, mainly inflammatory and organ dysfunction biomarkers, should be added to the proposed PIRO scoring system in order to improve the its´ prognostic value and clinical utility. Further studies should focus on improving classification systems and finding new biomarkers that would allow a timely intervention in sepsis affected animals and improve sepsis survival rate.RESUMO - Parvovirose Canina e Sépsis: Avaliação dos critérios de SIRS e Implementação da classificação PIRO - A sépsis esta associada a uma elevada prevalência e taxa de mortalidade. A Parvovirose canina predispõe para o aparecimento de sépsis secundaria à translocação bacteriana intestinal e imunossupressão. Este facto faz dos cães naturalmente infetados com parvovírus uma boa população para o estudo de sépsis. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as diferenças entre dois conjuntos de critérios de SRIS (Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistémica) sobre a sua capacidade de prognóstico, assim como avaliar a possibilidade de implementação de um sistema de estratificação de animais sépticos com base no modelo PIRO (Predisposition, Infection, Response, Organ dysfunction). Os 72 animais da amostra foram submetidos a dois conjuntos de critérios SIRS e classificados para cada um dos elementos constituintes do PIRO (com exceção da infeção, sendo que todos os animais foram considerados como tendo a mesma classificação para a Infeção), avaliando a sua relação com o desfecho. Os dados foram recolhidos a partir dos registos clínicos da Unidade de Isolamento de Doenças Infeciosas (UIDI) do HEV-FMV-UL. Em relação aos critérios de classificação SRIS, os resultados revelaram que a alteração proposta aos critérios originais resulta numa associação estatisticamente significativa com o desfecho (OR = 4.09, p < 0,05), contrastando com os resultados observados quando aplicados os critérios originais (p=0.352) que não se correlacionam significativamente com o desfecho. Não foi encontrada nenhuma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a Predisposição (p=1), Resposta (p=0.1135), Disfunção Orgânica (p=0.1135) ou PIRO total (p=0.093) e o desfecho clínico. Os resultados obtidos revelam a necessidade de critérios mais específicos para a avaliar SRIS e sépsis. Os resultados sugerem que o aumento da especificidade pode melhorar o seu valor prognóstico. Este trabalho representa uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de critérios consensual e aprovado para a classificação de animais sépticos, servindo de base para estudos futuros. Mais critérios com uma maior especificidade, como marcadores bioquímicos inflamatórios e de disfunção orgânica, devem ser adicionados ao sistema PIRO proposto. Estudos futuros devem concentrar-se em melhorar os sistemas de classificação existentes e descobrir novos biomarcadores que permitam uma intervenção atempada em animais afetados por sépsis, melhorando a taxa de sobrevivência.N/

    An ‘Eiopean’ tool to project post retirement income in portuguese defined contribution pension schemes

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    Ageing of the populations is leading to reforms in Social Security systems with a negative impact on post retirement income. One way to minimize this is to reinforce the role of complementary pension schemes, and pension projections can be an important tool to assist workers in making their decisions on saving for retirement. The topic has been discussed by the European Union (EU) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). This work focuses on a tool for making pension projections in the scope of occupational defined contribution pension schemes, based on EIOPA’s guidance. We aim to study the potential performance of different investment strategies using an Economic Scenario Generator framework and evaluate the impact on the retirement income that such investment strategies produce, under different assumptions. The model underlying the tool takes in three main risk factors: the financial market risk, which includes uncertainty over returns on investments, inflation and interest rates; the labor risk, originated from uncertainty over real wage growth paths; the demographic risk, as a result of the increasing life expectancy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Collective actions and political behavior: scientific production of brazilian social psychology (1986-2011)

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    The article aims to analyze the scientific production about collective actions and political behavior written by authors of Brazilian social psychology. The main issue is to analyze how the authors understand the politicization of social relations and the process of building a democratic society. The authors were selected from three sources – Research Groups of the CNPq, Work Groups of the ANPEPP, and Psychology and Society Brazilian Journal – and the papers were analyzed by the perspective of the Plural and Radical Democratic Theory (Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe). The discussion demonstrates the distance of the articles in relation to the conception of the political based on the articulation between three moments– moment of the articulation, the moment of the contingency, moment of the antagonism – and the implications these distance. Moreover, the discussion suggests the emergence of social psychology in the debate about the political through a resumption of the concept of the hegemony in a non-essentialist perspective

    Roadmap for implementing business intelligence systems in Higher Education Institutions: exploratory work

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    Higher Education Institutions must define and monitor strategies and policies essential for decision-making in their various areas and levels, in which Business Intelligence plays a leading role. This research addresses the problem of Business Intelligence system adoption in Higher Education Institutions, with a view, in the first instance, to identify and characterise the strategic objectives that underpin decision-making, activities, processes, indicators and information in Higher Education Institutions. After a literature review, it was found that the absence of a roadmap that can serve as a reference to implement a Business Intelligence system in Higher Education Institutions may limit the adoption of this type of solution. Therefore, this research intends to present the methodology of a proposed roadmap for the implementation of Business Intelligence systems in Higher Education Institutions, that allows for increasing its capacity for analysis and evaluation of the data and information available in the various systems and platforms.This work has received funding from FEDER Funds through COMPETE program and from National Funds through Portugal 2020 under the project "SATDAP - Capacitação da Administração Pública operation BI@UTAD", grant number POCI-05- 5762-FSE-000264. The authors acknowledge the work facilities and equipment provided by CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) to the project team.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Olhares Infantis: brincando e lutando na Ocupação Guarani Kaiowá

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    Qual é o papel das crianças na luta pela terra e moradia? Busca-se uma análise do protagonismo infantil em uma Ocupação urbana, denominada Guarani Kaiowá, localizada em Contagem/MG, Brasil. A metodologia se baseou em oficinas de fotografia e vídeo; observação participante; entrevistas; e, análise documental. As crianças desenvolvem-se brincando e lutando, produzindo o território da GK, com a criação de laços afetivos com o Pé de Manga. Conclui-se que a organização da Ocupação Guarani Kaiowá é uma busca incessante de utopia concreta, pois efetiva, mesmo que sob todas as precariedades, a utopia do direito à moradia. Destarte, as crianças são sujeitos protagonistas, pois, tornando sonhos em realidade, elas brincam ao mesmo tempo em que lutam. Sem negligenciar que a terra é por direito de quem faz dela viva