9 research outputs found
Increased acetyl carnitine in rat skeletal muscle as a result of high-intensity short-duration exercise Implications in the control of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity
- Publication venue
- Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sex steroid regulation of urinary excretion of carnitine in rats
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Alteration of the concentration of cyclic nucleotides in the rat by fusidic acid
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chronic exercise training alters kinetic properties of rat skeletal muscle and myocardial lactate dehydrogenase
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Calcium transport in isolated rat hepatocytes
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Increased acetyl carnitine in rat skeletal muscle as a result of high-intensity short-duration exercise
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Game Changer? Citizens United, Judicial Elections, and Turnout in 2012
- Author
- Anthony Champagne
- Anthony G Gierzynski
- Bert Brandenberg
- Brian Frederick
- Brian Frederick
- Brian K Arbour
- C Pritchett
- Chris W Bonneau
- Chris W Bonneau
- Chris W Bonneau
- Chris W Bonneau
- Chris W Bonneau
- Chris W Bonneau
- Chris W Bonneau
- D E Apollonio
- Damon Cann
- Damon M Cann
- Deborah Goldberg
- Donald W Jackson
- Douglas M Spencer
- Frederick S Wood
- Gary C Jacobson
- Graham P Ramsden
- James Eisenstein
- James L Gibson
- James L Gibson
- James L Gibson
- James L Gibson
- James L Gibson
- James L Gibson
- Joseph V Ross
- Ken Goldstein
- Ken Goldstein
- Kristen C Allen
- Lawrence Baum
- Lawrence Baum
- Lawrence Baum
- Mark Curriden
- Matthew J Streb
- Matthew J Streb
- Matthew J Streb
- Matthew J Streb
- Melinda Hall
- Melinda Hall
- Melinda Hall
- Melinda Hall
- Michael Franz
- Nicholas LaRowe
- Owen G Abbe
- Paul D Carrington
- Peter L Francia
- Philip L Dubois
- Philip L Dubois
- Rachel P Caulfield
- Richard N Engstrom
- Robert E Hogan
- Robert M Regoli
- Roy A Schotland
- Samuel Issacharoff
- Stanton A Glantz
- Thomas Stratman
- Travis N Ridout
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
New and forthcoming reference books from Gale Research company
- Author
- Angeles
- Blauvelt N.Y.
- Boston G. K.
- Chicago
- Co
- Congress Senate
- Dept
- Detroit Gale
- Ed
- Education
- Iotti Oscar Raoul
- Irwin Leonard B. BLACK STUDIES
- Jordan Emil Leopold
- Jossey-Bass
- Kallmann Helmut
- Kane Joseph Nathan
- Kase Francis Joseph
- Katcher Philip R. N
- Katz William Armstrong
- Kavenagh W. Keith.
- Keene Donald
- Keller Dean H
- Kelly Kathleen White
- Kent Allen
- Kerwood John R
- Kirkler Bernard
- Kirtley Bacil F
- Kobbe Gustav
- Koehmstedt Carol L
- Krummel Donald William
- Kuehl Warren F
- Kuhns William
- Kujoth Jean Spealman
- Langer William Leonard
- Laufe Abe
- Lee Walt
- Legum Colin
- Leipzig
- Leprohan Pierre
- Levine Milton Isra
- Lewine Richard
- Library Association
- Limbacher James L
- Lin Yutang
- Linsenmaier Walter
- LoGatto Anthony F
- London
- London Oxford Univ
- Los Angeles
- Mann David
- Marer Paul
- Maring Ester G
- Martinson Tom L
- May Isopel
- May Robin
- Mayer Ralph
- McBrearty James C
- McCoy Garnett
- McFie Marshall N
- McLeod James Richard
- McPheeters Annie L
- Meriwether James B
- Merriam Alan P
- Metro Toronto Library Board MAGYAR KONYVEK
- Meyerink George
- Mihailovich Vasa D
- Modern Language Association of America.
- Moquin Wayne
- Moss Norman
- Mullaly Edward J
- Nash Jay Robert
- Nayman Jacqueline
- Necker Claire
- Neubert G.
- Neumann George C
- New York
- New York Barnard College
- New York Bowker
- New York Crown
- Nissen Claus
- Nobile Philip
- Nueckel Susan
- Ocran Emanuel Benjamin
- Olle J. G.
- Palmer Helen H
- Paris France-Expansion
- Paris London
- Parlato Salvatore J
- Parrinder Edward Geoffrey
- Pearl Richard Maxwell
- Polunin Oleg
- Postan Michael Moissey
- Posthumus Cyril
- Pritchard Alan
- Propes Steve
- Przebienda Edward
- Public Affairs Information Service
- Public Library
- Pyke E. J.
- Quinn Edward G
- Raphael Ralph B
- Redfern James
- Reed Irving B
- Reiman Donald H
- Rhodesia
- Ricks
- Ricks
- Riley Carolyn
- Riley Carroll L
- Robinson J. Hedley.
- Rohsenow Warren M
- Rosenberg Judith K
- Rosten Leo Calvin
- Rudler Gustave
- Sainty John Christopher
- Saito Shiro
- Sakoian Frances
- Samson Philip
- San Rafael Calif
- Sattler Rolf
- Scarne John
- Scharf Traute
- Schmalz Larry C
- Schmalz Larry C
- Schmid Elizabeth
- Schon Gunter
- Schuler
- Schutze Gertrude
- Schwanzer George O
- Schwartz Elliott S
- Scorer Richard
- Shaw John
- Shepherd Walter
- Shoemaker Richard H
- Shugar Gershon J
- Simon Andre Louis
- Simon André Louis
- Smith Clifford Neal
- Smith Jacobus Wilhelmus
- Smith Myron J
- Smith Myron J
- Smith W. A.
- Snyder John
- Socolofsky Homer E
- Sohn Louis B
- Soltow Martha Jane
- Special Libraries Association
- Spector David A
- Spencer D. A
- Springfield
- Stahl Fred A
- Stallman R. W. STEPHEN CRANE
- Stimpson Catherine
- Storey R. L
- Stratman Carl Joseph
- Sutton Roberta Briggs
- Swan Lester A
- Swanson Gerald L
- Tanselle George Thomas
- Thewlis J.
- Thomas
- Thomas Lawrence B
- Trager Frank N. BURMA
- Troyer Donald L
- Tunney Christopher
- Turley Raymond V
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. BLACK AMERICANS
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. National Library of Medicine
- U.S. National Park Service
- Unger Frederick Wilhelm
- United Nations Educational Scientific
- United Nations Library
- Valde's Mario J
- Vanderlinden Jacques
- Vinson James
- Vol
- Walker Dale L
- Wall C. Edward.
- Walne Peter
- Walsh James Patrick
- Waltman Franklin M. CONCORDANCE TO
- Ward A. C
- Ward William Smith
- Warner Wayne E
- Weinberg
- Weiss Mark
- Whatley H. A.
- Wheeler Helen Rippier
- White William
- Whittaker Kenneth
- Wiener Philip
- Wilbur C. Keith
- Williams James G
- Willingham Warren W
- Wilson H. W.
- Winton Harry N. M
- Winton Harry N. M
- Wu
- Yoo Yushin
- Young Jean
- Young William C
- Zenkovsky Serge A
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study