10 research outputs found

    Совершенствование системы мотивации и стимулирования труда работников на примере ПАО "Ростелеком"

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    Объект ВКР - система мотивации и стимулирования персонала. Цель ВКР – изучение особенностей системы мотивации и стимулирования труда работников ПАО "Ростелеком" ,анализ применяемых методов мотивации и стимулирования и разработка рекомендаций. В результате исследования был разработан ряд мероприятий по совершенствованию системы мотивации и стимулирования персоналом.Object of WKR is a system of motivation and incentives for staff. The purpose of WKR is to study the features of the system of motivation and motivation of the work of PAO "Rostelecom" employees, analyze the methods of motivation and incentives used and develop recommendations. As a result of the research, a number of measures were developed to improve the system of motivation and incentives for staff

    The Discourse of Civilization in the Works of Russia’s New Eurasianists: Lev Gumilev and Alexander Panarin

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    This paper does not intend to be an exercise in prognosis. Nor will I try to analyse Russia in an international relations context. Nevertheless, I want to point out that if the Russian thinkers who have theorized Russia’s place in the world have been labelled “messianic” time and time again in the Occidental literature, it may be possible to forgive them. Keeping the country’s geographical and historical circumstances in mind, I will undertake to study what might be considered one of the most recent branches of Russian intellectual discourse, drawing on the ideas of the Eurasianists, by intellectuals known in the literature as the “New” Eurasianists or “Neoeurasianists.” The aim of this paper is to identify what writing is representative of Neoeurasianist thought, to distinguish Neoeurasianism both from its historical antecedents (particularly the writers whom I will term the “classical” Eurasianists, or simply “Eurasianists”) and some other modern, nationalist and conservative trends in Russian thought that many Western writers have frequently confused it with over the last ten years, and, most importantly, to analyse some of the texts of the Neoeurasianists to attempt to get a fix on what this school of thought represents, if it can indeed be termed a “school”

    S.L. Frank and the Concept of Perezhivanie (Erlebnis)

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    In this paper, I will elucidate how perezhivanie (Erlebnis) is at the centre of Semyon Ludvigovich Frank’s (1877-1950) realism, and explain why the result of Frank’s theory is different from the relativism that is characteristic of Life-Philosophy, particularly that of the German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey. I will also look at how Frank’s study of Goethe led him to attempt to overcome the idea that intuitive knowledge of reality and knowledge by means of reasoning are incompatible. I will try to explain how Frank attempts to avoid the trap of relativism into which life-philosophy such as that of Dilthey, who also studied Goethe, is prone to fall

    Nikolai Berdyaev versus the Eurasianists on Interfaith Dialogue and Ecumenism

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    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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