405 research outputs found

    The target group sports-orientated young people : Event marketing using the example of Sparkassen Mountainbike Festival

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    Eine zielgruppengerechte Ansprache ist das A und O von Werbebotschaften. Jugendliche mit Affinität zum Sport sind für Unternehmen eine beliebte Zielgruppe, aber auch einer sehr sensible, deren Besonderheitenstets berücksichtigt werden müssen. Event- und Sportmarketing stellen für diesejunge Konsumentenschicht besonders geeignete Kommunikations-Instrumente dar.Doch wie setzt ein Unternehmen bzw. eine Sportorganisation diese Instrumente am optimalsten um? Auf welche Eigenheiten der Zielgruppe muss dabei eingegangen werden? Diese Bachelorarbeit beschreibt die Faktoren, die bei der Zielgruppe sportorientierte Jugendliche aus Marketingsicht beachtet werden müssen. Außerdem beschäftigt sie sich mit Event- und Sportmarketingund geht dabei besonders auf das immer populärer werdende Sportsegment Funsportein. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, mithilfe der theoretischen Grundlagen und dem Praxisbeispiel Sparkassen Mountainbike Festival Erfolgsfaktoren und Handlungsempfehlungen für Funsport-Events zu erarbeiten

    Role and outcomes of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the elderly.

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    Introduction: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard of treatment for gallstones disease and acute colecystitis. The prevalence of this disease increases with age and the population is aging in industrialized countries. So, in this study we report our experience in the treatment of gallstone disease in elderly patients, particularly analyzing the outcomes of laparoscopic approach. Methods: Between January 2010 and May 2014 we performed a total of 1227 cholecystectomies. In this retrospective study age group was the primary independent variable: 351 patients were 65-79 years of age and 65 were 80 years of age or older. Results: Only 65 patients (5.3%) of all population had primary open cholecystectomy, but the rate in young group was 3.7% respect the highest frequency (9.2%) in the elderly group. The conversion rate was higher (1.2%) in the older group but there was no significant difference with younger group. LC in emergency setting was performed in 10.3% of young patients and in 13.8% of elderly group. Conclusion: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a feasible and safe procedure in elderly patients and might be performed during the same hospitalization like definitive treatment of gallstone disease. The old age and subsequent comorbidity are the fundamental predictor of surgical outcomes. Elective treatment should be recommended when repeated gallstone symptoms have occurred in the elderly patient before the development of acute cholecystitis and related complications

    Right diaphragmatic injury and lacerated liver during a penetrating abdominal trauma: case report and brief literature review.

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    INTRODUCTION: Diaphragmatic injuries are rare consequences of thoracoabdominal trauma and they often occur in association with multiorgan injuries. The diaphragm is a difficult anatomical structure to study with common imaging instruments due to its physiological movement. Thus, diaphragmatic injuries can often be misunderstood and diagnosed only during surgical procedures. Diagnostic delay results in a high rate of mortality. METHODS: We report the management of a clinical case of a 45-old man who came to our observation with a stab wound in the right upper abdomen. The type or length of the knife used as it was extracted from the victim after the fight. CT imaging demonstrated a right hemothorax without pulmonary lesions and parenchymal laceration of the liver with active bleeding. It is observed hemoperitoneum and subdiaphragmatic air in the abdomen, as a bowel perforation. A complete blood count check revealed a decrease in hemoglobin (7 mg/dl), and therefore it was decided to perform surgery in midline laparotomy. CONCLUSION: In countries with a low incidence of inter-personal violence, stab wound diaphragmatic injury is particularly rare, in particular involving the right hemidiaphragm. Diaphragmatic injury may be underestimated due to the presence of concomitant lesions of other organs, to a state of shock and respiratory failure, and to the difficulty of identifying diaphragmatic injuries in the absence of high sensitivity and specific diagnostic instruments. Diagnostic delay causes high mortality with these traumas with insidious symptoms. A diaphragmatic injury should be suspected in the presence of a clinical picture which includes hemothorax, hemoperitoneum, anemia and the presence of subdiaphragmatic air in the abdomen

    Pseudocisti pancreatiche infette: Note di tecnica

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    Introduction. Starting from the observation of 9 cases of giant infected pancreatic cysts, which occurred from 1994 to 2004 at the Department of Oncological and Surgical Studies, the Authors' aim has been to evaluate whether a more thorough necrosectomy, carried-out under videoendoscopic control, associated with a nose-gastro-cavity tube, which ensures a continuous cleansing of the newly-formed cavity, and an appropriate positioning of the drainages, could reduce the morbility and allow a shorter recovery of the infected psuodocysts. Patients and methods. Of 73 cases of acute pancreatitis, observed from 1994 to 2004, 9 showed severe and acute pancreatitis, which included giant pseudocysts, as revealed by the abdomen angio-TC. Our nine septic patients underwent cysto-gastro-anastomosis, necrosectomy, intraoperative cleansing of the cavity with an antibiotic solution and positioning of multiple drainages. Three of these patients also underwent a thorough and targeted nectrosectomy, assisted by a trans-anastomotic videoendoscopy. A nose-gastro-cavity tube has been placed in all the patients. Results. The disappearance of the septic state in our three patients who underwent a targeted video-assisted necrosectomy occurred after three days of treatment; moreover, the abdomen angio-TC on the 5th postoperative day showed the disappearance of the necrotic areas. The recovery of these three patients was significantly shorter, compared to those undergoing traditional treatment (cysto-gastro-anastomosis, standard necrosectomy and positioning of abdominal drainages). Conclusions. Our surgical video-assisted technique demonstrated that, with a slight increase in the operative time, a better control over sepsis may be accomplished, as well as a reduction of he post-operative morbidity, which leads to shorter hospitalisation of patients with infected pancreatic pseudocysts

    \u201cRelaparoscopic\u201d management of surgical complications: The experience of an Emergency Center

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    Background/aim: Laparotomy has been the approach of choice for re-operations in patients with surgical complications. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the feasibility and the safety of laparoscopic approach for the management of general abdominal surgery complications. Materials and methods: We report a retrospective review of 75 patients who underwent laparoscopic evaluation for postoperative complications over a 4-year period. Primary outcomes (resolution rate by exclusive laparoscopic approach, conversion rate, further surgery rate) and secondary outcomes (mortality, hospitalization, prolonged ileus, wounds problems and median operative time) were evaluated. Results: Sixty-six patients (88 %) were managed with laparoscopic approach without conversion; of these, sixty-three patients (84 %) had no more or further complications and were discharged from hospital between 4 \ub1 3 days after \u201csecond-look\u201d surgery; three patients (4 %) developed postoperative complications requiring a third surgery. Nine cases (12 %) underwent conversion in open surgery after laparoscopic approach. Two elderly patients (2.7 %) died in intensive care unit, because of multi-organ failure syndrome. Median time elapsed between an intervention and another was about 2.5 \ub1 9.5 days. Mean operative time was 90 \ub1 150 min. Postoperative hospital stay was between 4.5 and 18 days. Discussion and conclusion: Laparoscopy has begun to be the preferred method to manage postoperative problems, but only few reports are available actually. Our experience in \u201crelaparoscopic\u201d management of surgical complications seems to suggest that laparoscopy \u201csecond look\u201d is an effective tool after open or laparoscopic surgery for the management of postoperative complications and it may avoid diagnostic delay and further laparotomy and related problems

    Tiroidectomia totale con impiego del dissettore ad ultrasuoni: risultati di uno studio prospettico randomizzato

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    In the last years, the introduction and employment in surgery of the dissectors of last generation (ultrasounds, radiofrequency, etc.) have contributed to a remarkable improvement and simplification of the performances and the surgical techniques. The present study has the aim to verify, on the basis of the experience made in the last two years and through a careful comparisons with operations performed in the usual way, the advantages of employment of ultrasonic dissector in thyroid surgery and if besides such advantages it is possible to obtain real and substantial reductions of the complications. To such aim a randomized perspective study has been lead, confronting two groups of 60 patients, submitted to total thyroidectomy in Chair of General Surgery and Surgical Physiopathology of the University of Palermo - Complex Operating Unit of General Surgery. In all patients have been considered age, sex, histological diagnosis, length of the incision, time (from the incision until suture of skin), entity of the bleeding, hospital stay, post-operative consequences and total costs of thyroidectomy. The elaboration of the obtained data shows the advantages following to the use of the dissectors of last generation: reduction of the times, reduction of the complications, better tolerance of the operation by patients, better rationalization of the resources

    Hiatal Hernia Repair with Gore Bio-A Tissue Reinforcement: Our Experience

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    Type I hiatal hernia is associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 50\u201390% of cases. Several trials strongly support surgery as an effective alternative to medical therapy. Today, laparoscopic fundoplication is considered as the procedure of choice. However, primary laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair is associated with upto 42% recurrence rate. Mesh reinforcement of the crural closure decreases the recurrence but can lead to complications, above all nonabsorbable ones. We experiment a new totally absorbable mesh by Gore. Case. We present a case of a 65-year-old female patient with a 6-year classic history of GERD. Endoscopy revealed a large hiatal hernia and esophagitis. pH study was positive for acid reflux; esophageal manometry revealed LES intrathoracic dislocation. With laparoscopic approach, the hiatal hernia defect was identified and primarily repaired, by crural closure. Gore Bio-A Tissue Reinforcement was trimmed to fit the defect accommodating the esophagus. Nissen fundoplication was performed. Result. Bio-A mesh was easily placed laparoscopically. It has good handling and could be cut and tailored intraoperatively for optimal adaptation. There were no short-term complications. Conclusion. Crural closure reinforcement can be done readily with this new totally absorbable mesh replaced by soft tissue over six months. However, further data and studies are needed to evaluate long-term outcomes
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