9 research outputs found

    Sequential immunosuppressive therapy in progressive IgA nephropathy

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    BACKGROUNDS: Cyclophosphamide and high-dose steroids have been used as limited induction therapy in progressive IgA nephropathy (IgAN) to reduce the loss of renal function and proteinuria. We evaluated the effect of cyclophosphamide pulses (CyP) and mycophenolic acid (MPA) as sequential therapy on renal function in patients with progressive IgAN. METHODS: Twenty patients with progressive IgAN and advanced renal failure (median GFR 22 ml/min per 1.73 m2) and further disease activity (triangle downGFR -0.8 ml/min per month) after cyclophosphamide (CyP; n = 18) or steroid pulse therapy (n = 2) were treated with mycophenolate mofetil 1 g per day for a median of 27 months. RESULTS: The monthly loss of renal function was significantly reduced in linear regression analysis from -2.4 ml/min before CyP to -0.12 ml/min with CyP/MPA (p = 0.0009). Estimated renal survival time was significantly prolonged by a median of 65 months (p = 0.0014). Proteinuria decreased significantly from 1.7 to 0.4 g/l during MPA treatment (p = 0.015). In Cox regression analysis, only proteinuria >1.0 g/l was an independent risk factor for doubling of creatinine during CyP/MPA treatment (p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: A sequential therapy with CyP/MPA may arrest or slow down the loss of renal function and reduces proteinuria even in patients who passed the so called 'point of no return' with progressive IgAN

    Modern peptide biomarkers and echocardiography in cardiac healthy haemodialysis patients

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    Abstract Background In this prospective study, we aimed to assess the haemodynamic changes before and after haemodialysis (HD) in cardiac healthy subjects on chronic HD by imaging methods and endocrine markers of fluid balance. Methods Mid-regional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (MR-proANP), N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), vasopressin (AVP) and copeptin (CT-proAVP), metanephrines and normetanephrines, renin and aldosterone, standard transthoracic echocardiography and diameter of vena cava inferior (VCID) were performed in 20 patients with end stage renal disease (CKD5D) before and after HD and were stratified in residual excretion (RE, less or more 0.5 l) and ultrafiltration rate (UF, less or more 2 l). Results Copeptin was significantly higher in patients before HD. Copeptin was inversely correlated with haemodialysis treatment adequacy (KT/v), RE and UF, but was not significantly influenced by age, gender and body mass index (BMI). MR-proANP was significantly reduced by haemodialysis by 27% and was inversely correlated with KT/v, but there was a significant influence by UF, RE, age, gender and BMI. NT-proBNP was significantly higher in patients before HD and was not influenced by RE and UF. Renin, aldosterone, metanephrines and normetanephrines did not demonstrate significant differences. Echocardiographic parameters and VCID were significantly correlated with RE, UF and copeptin. Conclusion Modern biomarkers will provide cardiovascular risk assessment, but elimination (UF), RE and other factors may influence the serum concentrations, e.g. in patients with renal impairment. The interpretation will be limited by altered reference ranges, and will be restricted to individual courses combined with clinical and echocardiographic data

    Dialysis vintage time has the strongest correlation to psychosocial pattern of oral health-related quality of life - a multicentre cross-sectional study

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    Schwerpunkt der publikationsbasierten Promotion war die Mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (MLQ) von Hämodialysepatienten (HD) und der Einfluss der Dialysedauer sowie des dentalen und parodontalen Behandlungsbedarfes auf diesen subjektiven Parameter. Dabei sollte anhand der vier Dimensionen der MLQ mit Schwerpunkt auf 'orale Funktion' und 'psychosozialer Einfluss' herausgefunden werden, ob orale Funktion, psychosoizales Leid oder eine Kombination aus beidem mehr Relevanz in dieser heterogenen Patientengruppe hat. Die HD-Patienten wurden in 6-Dialysedauergruppen (0-2 Jahre, 3-5 Jahre, 6-8 Jahre, 9-12 Jahre, 13-20 Jahre und >20 Jahre) unterteilt, die auf gleichen Perzenten beruhten und eine Minimumgröße von 25 Patienten aufweisen sollten. Ein dentaler Behandlungsbedarf bestand bei einem D-T Wert von 1, ein parodontaler Behandlungsbedarf bei einer Sondierungstiefe von >3,5mm (orientiert am PSI). Zusammenfassend konnte festgestellt werden, dass sich die MLQ wiedererwartend mit steigender Dialysedauer verbessert. Dieser Umstand geht womöglich mit einer geringeren Beeinträchtigung im psychosozialen Bereich einher, da gerade zu Beginn der Therapie die Dimension 'psychosozialer Einfluss' eine große Bedeutung hat. Weiterhin war der gesamte zahnärztliche Behandlungsbedarf in der Kohorte sehr hoch. Jedoch konnte kein Zusammenhang mit der MLQ gefunden werden. Den HD-Patienten scheint ihr Defizit nicht bewusst zu sein. Als Fazit sollte die Mundgesundheit von HD-Patienten dringend verbessert werden sowie das Bewusstsein für mundgesunde Verhältnisse. Systematische Komplikationen können dadurch reduziert werden. Zudem sollte eine verstärkte psychosoziale Betreuung zu Beginn der Therapie erfolgen um den Einschnitt in die Lebensqualität so gering wie möglich zu halten.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung 1.1 Hämodialyse 1.2 Die Mundgesundheit Erkrankungen der Mundhöhle 1.2.1 Karies 1.2.2 Parodontitis 1.3 Mundgesundheitszustand von HD-Patienten 1.4 Mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität von HD-Patienten 1.5 Zielsetzung und Fragestellung 2. Publikationsmanuskript 3. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 4. Ausblick 5. Literatur 6. Wissenschaftliche Präsentationen 7. Darstellung des eigenen Beitrages 8. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 9. Lebenslauf 10. Danksagun

    Early Flow Disturbances of Tunnelled Haemodialysis Catheters and Topographic Landmarks in Chest X-Ray

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    &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;Background/Aims:&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; The position of the tip of tunnelled haemodialysis (HD) catheters (THC) might influence flow characteristics during HD. In chest X-ray (CXR), carina-related landmarks may be practicable to verify the THC position, and tip-carina distance (TCD) might be useful to predict early-flow dysfunctions. &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;Methods:&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; In this single-centre, retrospective study, the TCD and the angle between the distal catheter and the body vertical axis (tip-body vertical-angle [TVA]) was measured in 115 THC by post-procedure CXR with 2 investigators. The parameters were proved to be feasible by interrater-reliability and correlated with the incidence of flow-dysfunction within 10 days after insertion. &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;Results:&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; Steep-aligned (TVA &amp;#x3c;40°, &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt; &amp;#x3c; 0.01) and deep-ending catheters (TCD: right-sighted &amp;#x3e;1.5 cm or left-sighted &amp;#x3e;4.5 cm below the carina; &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt; &amp;#x3c; 0.01) showed a significantly less dysfunction with a good interrater-reliability (R[TVA] = 0.8, R[TCD] = 0.9). &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; Carina-related landmarks in CXR might be helpful to predict early-flow dysfunctions. However, randomized studies will be necessary to confirm this in fluoroscopic-guided placement during the insertion of THC.</jats:p

    Immunological Alterations due to Hemodialysis Might Interfere with Early Complications in Renal Transplantation

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    Background. Chronic or intercurrent alterations of the immune system in patients with end-stage renal disease (CKD) and intermittent hemodialysis (CKD5D, HD) have been attributed to an acute rejection of renal allograft. Methods. Leukocyte subsets in flow cytometry, complement activation, and concentrations of TGFβ, sCD30 (ELISA), and interleukins (CBA) of fifteen patients eligible for renal transplantation were analyzed before, during, and after a regular HD. Results. Before HD, the median proportion of CD8+ effector cells, CD8+ CCR5+ effector cells, and HLA-DR+ regulatory T cells as well as the median concentration of soluble CD30 increased and naive CD8+ T cells decreased. During HD, there was a significant decrease in CD4- CD8- T cells (p<0.001) and an increase in CD25+ T cells (p=0.026), sCD30 (p<0.001), HLA-DR+ regulatory T cells (p=0.005), and regulatory T cells (p=0.003). TGFβ and sCD30 increased significantly over time. The activity of the classical complement pathway started to slightly increase after the first hour of HD and lasted until fifteen minutes after finishing dialysis. The decrease in the functional activity of the alternative pathway was only transient and was followed by a significant increase within 15 minutes after finishing the treatment. Conclusion. HD might interact with the allograft outcome by influencing T cell subsets and activation of the complement system in a biphasic course