46,544 research outputs found

    Gaining analytic control of parton showers

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    Parton showers are widely used to generate fully exclusive final states needed to compare theoretical models to experimental observations. While, in general, parton showers give a good description of the experimental data, the precise functional form of the probability distribution underlying the event generation is generally not known. The reason is that realistic parton showers are required to conserve four-momentum at each vertex. In this paper we investigate in detail how four-momentum conservation is enforced in a standard parton shower and why this destroys the analytic control of the probability distribution. We show how to modify a parton shower algorithm such that it conserves four-momentum at each vertex, but for which the full analytic form of the probability distribution is known. We then comment how this analytic control can be used to match matrix element calculations with parton showers, and to estimate effects of power corrections and other uncertainties in parton showers.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, v2: final journal versio

    Theory Uncertainties for Higgs and Other Searches Using Jet Bins

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    Bounds on the Higgs mass from the Tevatron and LHC are determined using exclusive jet bins to maximize sensitivity. Scale variation in exclusive fixed-order predictions underestimates the perturbative uncertainty for these cross sections, due to cancellations between the perturbative corrections leading to large K factors and those that induce logarithmic sensitivity to the jet-bin boundary. To account for this, we propose that scale variation in the fixed-order calculations should be used to determine theory uncertainties for inclusive jet cross sections, whose differences yield exclusive jet cross sections. This yields a theory correlation matrix for the jet bins such that the additional uncertainty from large logarithms due to the jet boundary cancels when neighboring bins are added. This procedure is tested for H + 0, 1 jets, WW + 0 jets, and W + 0, 1, 2 jets, and found to be generally applicable. For a case where the higher-order resummation of the jet boundary corrections is known, we show that this procedure yields fixed-order uncertainties which are theoretically consistent with those obtained in the resummed calculation.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; v2: journal versio

    High temperature alloy

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    Molybdenum is substituted for tungsten on an atomic basis in a cobalt-based alloy, S-1, thus enabling the alloy to be formed into various mill products, such as tubing and steels. The alloy is weldable, has good high temperature strength and is not subject to embrittlement produced by high temperature aging

    N-Jettiness: An Inclusive Event Shape to Veto Jets

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    Jet vetoes are essential in many Higgs and new-physics analyses at the LHC and Tevatron. The signals are typically characterized by a specific number of hard jets, leptons, or photons, while the backgrounds often have additional jets. In such cases vetoing undesired additional jets is an effective way to discriminate signals and background. Given an inclusive event sample with N or more jets, the veto to have only N energetic jets defines an "exclusive" N-jet cross section. This strongly restricts the phase space of the underlying inclusive N-jet cross section and causes large double logarithms in perturbation theory that must be summed to obtain theory predictions. Jet vetoes are typically implemented using jet algorithms. This yields complicated phase-space restrictions and one often relies on parton-shower Monte Carlos, which are limited to leading-logarithmic accuracy. We introduce a global event shape "N-jettiness", tau_N, which is defined for events with N signal jets and vanishes in the limit of exactly N infinitely narrow jets. Requiring tau_N << 1 constrains radiation between the N signal jets and vetoes additional undesired jets. This provides an inclusive method to veto jets and to define an exclusive N-jet cross section that can be well-controlled theoretically. N-jettiness yields a factorization formula with inclusive jet and beam functions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, v2: typos corrected, journal versio

    The Beam Thrust Cross Section for Drell-Yan at NNLL Order

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    At the LHC and Tevatron strong initial-state radiation (ISR) plays an important role. It can significantly affect the partonic luminosity available to the hard interaction or contaminate a signal with additional jets and soft radiation. An ideal process to study ISR is isolated Drell-Yan production, pp -> X l+l- without central jets, where the jet veto is provided by the hadronic event shape beam thrust tau_B. Most hadron collider event shapes are designed to study central jets. In contrast, requiring tau_B << 1 provides an inclusive veto of central jets and measures the spectrum of ISR. For tau_B << 1 we carry out a resummation of alpha_s^n ln^m tau_B corrections at next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic order. This is the first resummation at this order for a hadron-hadron collider event shape. Measurements of tau_B at the Tevatron and LHC can provide crucial tests of our understanding of ISR and of tau_B's utility as a central jet veto.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, v2: journal versio

    Dissecting Soft Radiation with Factorization

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    An essential part of high-energy hadronic collisions is the soft hadronic activity that underlies the primary hard interaction. It includes soft radiation from the primary hard partons, secondary multiple parton interactions (MPI), and factorization-violating effects. The invariant mass spectrum of the leading jet in ZZ+jet and HH+jet events is directly sensitive to these effects, and we use a QCD factorization theorem to predict its dependence on the jet radius RR, jet pTp_T, jet rapidity, and partonic process for both the perturbative and nonperturbative components of primary soft radiation. We prove that the nonperturbative contributions involve only odd powers of RR, and the linear RR term is universal for quark and gluon jets. The hadronization model in PYTHIA8 agrees well with these properties. The perturbative soft initial state radiation (ISR) has a contribution that depends on the jet area in the same way as the underlying event, but this degeneracy is broken by dependence on the jet pTp_T. The size of this soft ISR contribution is proportional to the color state of the initial partons, yielding the same positive contribution for gg→Hggg\to Hg and gq→Zqgq\to Zq, but a negative interference contribution for qqˉ→Zgq\bar q\to Z g. Hence, measuring these dependencies allows one to separate hadronization, soft ISR, and MPI contributions in the data.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, v2: PRL version, text rearrange

    Factorization at the LHC: From PDFs to Initial State Jets

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    We study proton-(anti)proton collisions at the LHC or Tevatron in the presence of experimental restrictions on the hadronic final state and for generic parton momentum fractions. At the scale Q of the hard interaction, factorization does not yield standard parton distribution functions (PDFs) for the initial state. The measurement restricting the hadronic final state introduces a new scale \mu_B << Q and probes the proton prior to the hard collision. This corresponds to evaluating the PDFs at the scale \mu_B. After the proton is probed, the incoming hard parton is contained in an initial-state jet, and the hard collision occurs between partons inside these jets rather than inside protons. The proper description of such initial-state jets requires "beam functions". At the scale \mu_B, the beam function factorizes into a convolution of calculable Wilson coefficients and PDFs. Below \mu_B, the initial-state evolution is described by the usual PDF evolution which changes x, while above \mu_B it is governed by a different renormalization group evolution which sums double logarithms of \mu_B/Q and leaves x fixed. As an example, we prove a factorization theorem for "isolated Drell-Yan", pp -> Xl+l- where X is restricted to have no central jets. We comment on the extension to cases where the hadronic final state contains a certain number of isolated central jets.Comment: 41 pages (19 for everyone + 22 for experts), 16 figures; v2: Notational typos fixed. Added sentences to emphasize that measuring isolated Drell-Yan directly tests the initial state parton shower; v3: typos fixed, journal versio

    Shape Function Effects in B -> X_c l \nu_l

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    Owing to the fact that m_c^2 ~ m_b \Lambda_QCD, the endpoint region of the charged lepton energy spectrum in the inclusive decay B -> X_c l \nu_l is affected by the Fermi motion of the initial-state b quark bound in the B meson. This effect is described in QCD by shape functions. Including the mass of the final-state quark, we find that a different set of operators as employed in Ref. hep-ph/0205150 is needed for a consistent matching, when incorporating the subleading contributions in B -> X_q l \nu_l for both q = u and q = c. In addition, we modify the usual twist expansion in such a way that it yields a description of the lepton energy spectrum which is not just valid in the endpoint region, but over the entire phase space.Comment: 8 Pages, LaTeX, 2 figures; a few typos corrected and some clarifications added, final journal versio
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