17 research outputs found

    Signs and symptoms associated with acute HIV infection.

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    *<p>Odds Ratio adjusted for repeated measures.</p><p>Note: Signs and symptoms reported with <5% frequency in the AHI cases or p>0.15 were omitted. These included splenomegaly, anal ulcers, swollen joints, gingivitis, observed fever, aseptic meningitis, peripheral neuropathy, conjunctivitis, hepatomegaly, photophobia, parasthaesia, retro-orbital headache and neck stiffness.</p

    Unadjusted and adjusted analysis of signs and symptoms associated with acute HIV Infection.

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    *<p>Model for behavioural and demographic factors adjusted for age in years, relationship status, education and age at sexual debut (data not shown), while model for symptoms and signs adjusted for sore throat, rash, loss of appetite, weight loss, genital ulcers and vaginal discharge.</p>**<p>Risk score model adjusting for age, sore throat, rash, loss of appetite, weight loss, genital ulcers and vaginal discharge.</p

    Haematologic parameters and median viral load prior to infection and by post-infection month.

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    <p>Normal values are as follows: Hb 12.0–16.5 g/dl, MCV 76–99 fl, MCH 26–34 pg, RDW 11–16%. (*Note: The post-seroconversion visit refers to the first visit after identification of acute infection and was at a median of 41.5 days post-infection (range 15–104). Also, since acute infections were identified at different time points, not all participants have data at each month post-infection.)</p