239 research outputs found

    EU-South Korea FTA – Economic Impact for the EU and Austria

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    Das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Südkorea (EU-Südkorea FHA) ist das erste einer neuen Generation von FHA, die 2007 gestartet wurden und Teil der Initiative „Globales Europa“ sind. Solche Abkommen, die auf fundierten wirtschaftlichen Kriterien basieren, bilden einen wichtigen Schritt für weitere Handelsliberalisierungen, da sie auch Themen behandeln, die noch nicht reif für multilaterale Diskussionen sind und weit über eine bloße Marktöffnung hinausgehen, wie sie im Rahmen der WTO erreicht werden können. In diesem Sinne ist das EU-Südkorea FHA das umfassendste Freihandelsabkommen, das die EU jemals verhandelt hat. Wir evaluieren die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen dieses Freihandelsabkommen für die EU und für Österreich mit dem rechenbaren allgemeinen Weltgleichgewichtsmodell GTAP. Die Ergebnisse sind wie erwartet. Beide Parteien gewinnen von der Beseitigung der Zölle und anderer Handelsbarrieren. Da die Anteile der Exporte und Importe mit Südkorea sowohl von seitens der EU als auch Österreichs nur 2% bis 2 ½% des gesamten Extra-EU-Handels ausmachen, fallen die Handels- und Wohlfahrtsgewinne für die EU und Österreich bescheiden aus. Der gesamte Handel der EU steigt um 0,2%, jener Österreichs nur um 0,1%. Der Extra-EU-Handel steigt sowohl in der EU als auch in Österreich um jeweils 1,2%. Die Wohlfahrt steigt in der EU und in Österreich nur um 0,04% des BIP. In Südkorea sind die Effekte höher, da die EU der zweitgrößte Handelspartner mit einem Anteil von 12% ist. Der Handel nimmt in Südkorea um 5,3% zu und die Wohlfahrt kann um 1,3% des BIP gesteigert werden.

    Colorectal cancer screening of high-risk populations: A national survey of physicians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The incidence of colorectal cancer can be decreased by appropriate use of screening modalities. Patients with a family history of colon cancer and of African-American ethnicity are known to be at higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. We aimed to determine if there is a lack of physician knowledge for colorectal cancer screening guidelines based on family history and ethnicity. Between February and April 2009 an anonymous web-based survey was administered to a random sample selected from a national list of 25,000 internists, family physicians and gastroenterologists. A stratified sampling strategy was used to include practitioners from states with high as well as low CRC incidence. All data analyses were performed following data collection in 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average knowledge score was 37 ± 18% among the 512 respondents. Gastroenterologists averaged higher scores compared to internists, and family physicians, <it>p </it>= 0.001. Only 28% of physicians correctly identified the screening initiation point for African-Americans while only 12% of physicians correctly identified the screening initiation point and interval for a patient with a family history of CRC. The most commonly cited barriers to referring high-risk patients for CRC screening were "patient refusal" and "lack of insurance reimbursement."</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There is a lack of knowledge amongst physicians of the screening guidelines for high-risk populations, based on family history and ethnicity. Educational programs to improve physician knowledge and to reduce perceived barriers to CRC screening are warranted to address health disparities in colorectal cancer.</p

    Harmonizing and combining existing land cover and land use datasets for cropland area monitoring at the African continental scale

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    Mapping cropland areas is of great interest in diverse fields, from crop monitoring to climate change and food security. Recognizing the value of a reliable and harmonized crop mask that entirely covers the African continent, the objectives of this study were to (i) consolidate the best existing land cover/land use datasets, (ii) adopt the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) for harmonization and (iii) assess the final product. Ten datasets were compared and combined through an expert-based approach to create the derived map of cropland areas at 250m covering the whole of Africa. The resulting cropland mask was compared with two recent cropland extent maps at 1km: one derived from MODIS and one derived from five existing products. The accuracy of the three products was assessed against a validation sample of 3591 pixels of 1km² regularly distributed over Africa and interpreted using high resolution images, which were collected using the agriculture.geo.wiki.org tool. The comparison of the resulting crop mask with existing products shows that it has a greater agreement with the expert validation dataset, in particular for cropland above 30%.JRC.H.4-Monitoring Agricultural Resource

    Harmonizing and combining existing land cover/land use datasets for cropland area monitoring at the African continental scale

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    Mapping cropland areas is of great interest in diverse fields, from crop monitoring to climate change and food security. Recognizing the value of a reliable and harmonized crop mask that entirely covers the African continent, the objectives of this study were to (i) consolidate the best existing land cover/land use datasets, (ii) adapt the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) for harmonization, (iii) assess the final product, and (iv) compare the final product with two existing datasets. Ten datasets were compared and combined through an expert-based approach to create the derived map of cropland areas at 250m covering the whole of Africa. The resulting cropland mask was compared with two recent cropland extent maps at 1km: one derived from MODIS and one derived from five existing products. The accuracy of the three products was assessed against a validation sample of 3591 pixels of 1km regularly distributed over Africa and interpreted using high resolution images, which were collected using the Geo-Wiki tool. The comparison of the resulting crop mask with existing products shows that it has a greater agreement with the expert validation dataset, in particular for places where the cropland represents more than 30% of the area of the validation pixel.JRC.H.4-Monitoring Agricultural Resource

    Skeletal, cardiac, and respiratory muscle function and histopathology in the P448Lneo- mouse model of FKRP-deficient muscular dystrophy.

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    BACKGROUND: Fukutin-related protein (FKRP) mutations are the most common cause of dystroglycanopathies known to cause both limb girdle and congenital muscular dystrophy. The P448Lneo- mouse model has a knock-in mutation in the FKRP gene and develops skeletal, respiratory, and cardiac muscle disease. METHODS: We studied the natural history of the P448Lneo- mouse model over 9 months and the effects of twice weekly treadmill running. Forelimb and hindlimb grip strength (Columbus Instruments) and overall activity (Omnitech Electronics) assessed skeletal muscle function. Echocardiography was performed using VisualSonics Vevo 770 (FujiFilm VisualSonics). Plethysmography was performed using whole body system (ADInstruments). Histological evaluations included quantification of inflammation, fibrosis, central nucleation, and fiber size variation. RESULTS: P448Lneo- mice had significantly increased normalized tissue weights compared to controls at 9 months of age for the heart, gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis anterior, quadriceps, and triceps. There were no significant differences seen in forelimb or hindlimb grip strength or activity monitoring in P448Lneo- mice with or without exercise compared to controls. Skeletal muscles demonstrated increased inflammation, fibrosis, central nucleation, and variation in fiber size compared to controls (p \u3c 0.05) and worsened with exercise. Plethysmography showed significant differences in respiratory rates and decreased tidal and minute volumes in P448Lneo- mice (p \u3c 0.01). There was increased fibrosis in the diaphragm compared to controls (p \u3c 0.01). Echocardiography demonstrated decreased systolic function in 9-month-old mutant mice (p \u3c 0.01). There was increased myocardial wall thickness and mass (p \u3c 0.001) with increased fibrosis in 9-month-old P448Lneo- mice compared to controls (p \u3c 0.05). mRNA expression for natriuretic peptide type A (Nppa) was significantly increased in P448Lneo- mice compared to controls at 6 months (p \u3c 0.05) and for natriuretic peptide type B (Nppb) at 6 and 9 months of age (p \u3c 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: FKRP-deficient P448Lneo- mice demonstrate significant deficits in cardiac and respiratory functions compared to control mice, and this is associated with increased inflammation and fibrosis. This study provides new functional outcome measures for preclinical trials of FKRP-related muscular dystrophies

    Evaluation and Association Mapping of Resistance to Tan Spot and Stagonospora Nodorum Blotch in Adapted Winter Wheat Germplasm

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    Tan spot and Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB), often occurring together, are two economically significant diseases of wheat in the Northern Great Plains of the United States. They are caused by the fungi Pyrenophora tritici-repentis and Parastagonospora nodorum, respectively, both of which produce multiple necrotrophic effectors (NE) to cause disease. In this work, 120 hard red winter wheat (HRWW) cultivars or elite lines, mostly from the United States, were evaluated in the greenhouse for their reactions to the two diseases as well as NE produced by the two pathogens. One P. nodorum isolate (Sn4) and four Pyrenophora tritici-repentis isolates (Pti2, 331-9, DW5, and AR CrossB10) were used separately in the disease evaluations. NE sensitivity evaluation included ToxA, Ptr ToxB, SnTox1, and SnTox3. The numbers of lines that were rated highly resistant to individual isolates ranged from 11 (9%) to 30 (25%) but only six lines (5%) were highly resistant to all isolates, indicating limited sources of resistance to both diseases in the U.S. adapted HRWW germplasm. Sensitivity to ToxA was identified in 83 (69%) of the lines and significantly correlated with disease caused by Sn4 and Pti2, whereas sensitivity to other NE was present at much lower frequency and had no significant association with disease. As expected, association mapping located ToxA and SnTox3 sensitivity to chromosome arm 5BL and 5BS, respectively. A total of 24 potential quantitative trait loci was identified with −log (P value) \u3e 3.0 on 12 chromosomes, some of which are novel. This work provides valuable information and tools for HRWW production and breeding in the Northern Great Plains

    Foregut microbiome in development of esophageal adenocarcinoma

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    Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA), the type of cancer linked to heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD), has increased six fold in the past 30 years. This cannot currently be explained by the usual environmental or by host genetic factors. EA is the end result of a sequence of GERD-related diseases, preceded by reflux esophagitis (RE) and Barrett&#x2019;s esophagus (BE). Preliminary studies by Pei and colleagues at NYU on elderly male veterans identified two types of microbiotas in the esophagus. Patients who carry the type II microbiota are &#x3e;15 fold likely to have esophagitis and BE than those harboring the type I microbiota. In a small scale study, we also found that 3 of 3 cases of EA harbored the type II biota. The findings have opened a new approach to understanding the recent surge in the incidence of EA. &#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Our long-term goal is to identify the cause of GERD sequence. The hypothesis to be tested is that changes in the foregut microbiome are associated with EA and its precursors, RE and BE in GERD sequence. We will conduct a case control study to demonstrate the microbiome disease association in every stage of GERD sequence, as well as analyze the trend in changes in the microbiome along disease progression toward EA, by two specific aims. Aim 1 is to conduct a comprehensive population survey of the foregut microbiome and demonstrate its association with GERD sequence. Furthermore, spatial relationship between the esophageal microbiota and upstream (mouth) and downstream (stomach) foregut microbiotas as well as temporal stability of the microbiome-disease association will also be examined. Aim 2 is to define the distal esophageal metagenome and demonstrate its association with GERD sequence. Detailed analyses will include pathway-disease and gene-disease associations. Archaea, fungi and viruses, if identified, also will be correlated with the diseases. A significant association between the foregut microbiome and GERD sequence, if demonstrated, will be the first step for eventually testing whether an abnormal microbiome is required for the development of the sequence of phenotypic changes toward EA. If EA and its precursors represent a microecological disease, treating the cause of GERD might become possible, for example, by normalizing the microbiota through use of antibiotics, probiotics, or prebiotics. Causative therapy of GERD could prevent its progression and reverse the current trend of increasing incidence of EA

    Transient structural variations have strong effects on quantitative traits and reproductive isolation in fission yeast

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    Large structural variations (SVs) within genomes are more challenging to identify than smaller genetic variants but may substantially contribute to phenotypic diversity and evolution. We analyse the effects of SVs on gene expression, quantitative traits and intrinsic reproductive isolation in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We establish a high-quality curated catalogue of SVs in the genomes of a worldwide library of S. pombe strains, including duplications, deletions, inversions and translocations. We show that copy number variants (CNVs) show a variety of genetic signals consistent with rapid turnover. These transient CNVs produce stoichiometric effects on gene expression both within and outside the duplicated regions. CNVs make substantial contributions to quantitative traits, most notably intracellular amino acid concentrations, growth under stress and sugar utilization in winemaking, whereas rearrangements are strongly associated with reproductive isolation. Collectively, these findings have broad implications for evolution and for our understanding of quantitative traits including complex human diseases