12 research outputs found

    The Universe is Like a Hollowed Sphere. The Wave Concept of Time

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    There is space for new ideas of the essence and the entity of time. The article refers to our time concept as a special wave type and presents results of our investigations on this subject. Thus, time defined as waves and an energy carrier could give explanation to multiple unclear phenomena. It could explicate gravity, organization in the planetary systems and light speed limit. A hypothesis that matter exists due to time wave motion would emerge from the elementary particle mass generation by the waves. Time becomes the main driving force in the Universe. The discussed thoughts need further analyses and verification but their confirmation may mean civilization changes

    Spouted Bed and Jet Impingement Fluidization in Food Industry

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    Spouted bed and jet impingement fluidization are the cases of classic fluidization modification obtained by proper distribution of the fluid and the construction of device. The condition for the realization of both fluidization types is strict determination of the apparatus dimensions and process parameters. The chapter presents the issues concerning the choice of optimal operating conditions and dimensions of working elements of devices for both spouted bed and jet impingement fluidization, as well as possibilities for analysis of heat transfer in the process. Furthermore, the examples of industrial application of spouted bed fluidization and jet impingement fluidization in food technology are presented

    Modeli određivanja vremena potrebnog za odmrzavanje hrane ovisno o uvjetima prerade i karakteristikama gotovog proizvoda

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    Determining thawing times of frozen foods is a challenging problem as the thermophysical properties of the product change during thawing. A number of calculation models and solutions have been developed. The proposed solutions range from relatively simple analytical equations based on a number of assumptions to a group of empirical approaches that sometimes require complex calculations. In this paper analytical, empirical and graphical models are presented and critically reviewed. The conditions of solution, limitations and possible applications of the models are discussed. The graphical and semi-graphical models are derived from numerical methods. Using the numerical methods is not always possible as running calculations takes time, whereas the specialized software and equipment are not always cheap. For these reasons, the application of analytical-empirical models is more useful for engineering. It is demonstrated that there is no simple, accurate and feasible analytical method for thawing time prediction. Consequently, simplified methods are needed for thawing time estimation of agricultural and food products. The review reveals the need for further improvement of the existing solutions or development of new ones that will enable accurate determination of thawing time within a wide range of practical conditions of heat transfer during processing.Toplinska i fizikalna svojstva proizvoda mijenjaju se tijekom odmrzavanja, pa je određivanje vremena odmrzavanja oduvijek predstavljalo problem. Razvijeni su različiti matematički modeli za rješavanje tog problema, počevši od relativno jednostavnih analitičkih funkcija koje polaze od niza pretpostavki, pa sve do raznih empirijskih modela što uključuju složene izračune. U ovom su radu kritički prikazani analitički, empirijski i grafički modeli. Osim toga, raspravlja se o uvjetima potrebnim za rješavanje problema, ograničenju i mogućoj primjeni modela. Grafički i polugrafički modeli izvedeni su iz numeričkih metoda. Numeričke metode nisu uvijek primjenjive jer izračuni oduzimaju puno vremena, a specijalizirani su programi i oprema uglavnom skupi. Zbog toga su za primjenu u inženjerstvu prikladniji analitičko-empirijski modeli. Ovaj revijalni prikaz potvrđuje da ne postoji jednostavna, točna i u praksi lako izvediva analitička metoda određivanja vremena odmrzavanja prehrambenih proizvoda, te da treba razviti jednostavnije metode. Zaključeno je da postojeća rješenja treba poboljšati ili treba razviti nove modele koji će omogućiti precizno određivanje vremena odmrzavanja u različitim uvjetima prijenosa topline prilikom obrade hrane

    Review of thawing time prediction models depending on process conditions and product characteristics

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    Determining thawing times of frozen foods is a challenging problem as the thermophysical properties of the product change during thawing. A number of calculation models and solutions have been developed. The proposed solutions range from relatively simple analytical equations based on a number of assumptions to a group of empirical approaches that sometimes require complex calculations. In this paper analytical, empirical and graphical models are presented and critically reviewed. The conditions of solution, limitations and possible applications of the models are discussed. The graphical and semi-graphical models are derived from numerical methods. Using the numerical methods is not always possible as running calculations takes time, whereas the specialized soft ware and equipment are not always cheap. For these reasons, the application of analytical-empirical models is more useful for engineering. It is demonstrated that there is no simple, accurate and feasible analytical method for thawing time prediction. Consequently, simplified methods are needed for thawing time estimation of agricultural and food products. The review reveals the need for further improvement of the existing solutions or development of new ones that will enable accurate determination of thawing time within a wide range of practical conditions of heat transfer during processing

    Modified gelatine structures as packaging material for frozen agricultural products

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    Gelatine gels modified by hydrated paper pulp (PP), ground extruded starch (ES) and hydrogel balls (HGB) were formed so that after the crosslinking process, the plates of suitable thickness could be obtained. Then the material was freeze-dried and the obtained porous gelatine structures as well as styrofoam (XPS) as the reference material were tested for thermal conductivity and bending. The temperature fields were examined during the thawing process of products placed inside the test packagings with modified gelatine structures and polystyrene as well as temperature field profile on outer surface of these packs. The studied materials resemble styrofoam in terms of thermal insulation and exhibited medium thermal conductivity ranging between 0.047 and 0.081 [W·(mK)-1]. The bending strength of the materials under investigation proved higher than that of styrofoam and this fact supports their applicability as an alternative for frozen agricultural products packages

    Modified gelatine structures as packaging material for frozen agricultural products

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    Gelatine gels modified by hydrated paper pulp (PP), ground extruded starch (ES) and hydrogel balls (HGB) were formed so that after the crosslinking process, the plates of suitable thickness could be obtained. Then the material was freeze-dried and the obtained porous gelatine structures as well as styrofoam (XPS) as the reference material were tested for thermal conductivity and bending. The temperature fields were examined during the thawing process of products placed inside the test packagings with modified gelatine structures and polystyrene as well as temperature field profile on outer surface of these packs. The studied materials resemble styrofoam in terms of thermal insulation and exhibited medium thermal conductivity ranging between 0.047 and 0.081 [W·(mK)-1]. The bending strength of the materials under investigation proved higher than that of styrofoam and this fact supports their applicability as an alternative for frozen agricultural products packages

    Assessment of the Potential Use of Young Barley Shoots and Leaves for the Production of Green Juices

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    It is possible to use the aboveground parts of barley, which are cultivated as a forecrop. They are often simply composted or dried for bedding. It is worth trying other more effective methods of processing aboveground biomass. The aim of this study was to preliminary investigate the possibility of using young barley leaves and shoots for the production of green juice with potential health properties. The material was collected at days 7, 14, 21, and 28 after plant emergence. The length and strength of the shoots were measured and the pressing yield was calculated. The pH value and the content of protein, chlorides, and reducing sugars were also determined. The juice was additionally subjected to pasteurisation and freezing, and changes in pH and chlorophyll content occurring during storage were determined. The pressing yield of young barley leaves and shoots was estimated to be between 69% and 73%. The product was characterised by a high content of total protein (34.45%–51.81%d.w.) and chlorophylls (6.62 mg·g−1). The chlorophyll content declined during barley juice storage. Pasteurisation of the juice from young barley leaves does not induce statistically significant changes in the pH of the juice, but reduces the chlorophyll content. Our results revealed that the most effective way to preserve the green juice is by freezing. This process does not induce changes in juice acidity and only slightly reduces the chlorophyll content during storage of the product

    Germination Energy and Capacity of Maize Seeds Following Low-Temperature Short Storage

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    The present research attempts to characterize the effect of low temperatures, and the moisture content of maize (Kosmo 230) meant for sowing on its energy and capacity to germinate. Seeds were moistened to varying degrees and stored under various conditions; then, their germination energy and capacity were assessed. Sowing material with 15% moisture content showed slightly declined germination ability when stored at −25–−20 °C for over three days, while the storage of seeds with a 25 and 30% moisture content at −5–0 °C for 1–3 days had the effect of seed conditioning. Seedlings obtained from conditioned seeds showed sustainability characterized by faster growth, and demonstrated nearly twice the size as other plants. Warehousing and storage of maize grains with a 11.12% moisture content at temperatures up to −25 °C did not significantly affect seed germination capacity or energy, irrespective of storage time