121 research outputs found

    Context matters: a global bibliometric review of regional innovation systems

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    [EN] The concept of the regional innovation system (RIS) has received substantial attention from the scientific community, public administrations, and international organisations. This paper presents a systematic quantitative review of RIS research using bibliometric techniques and the Web of Science Core Collection database up to and including the year 2017. Four periods were examined to track the evolution of the RIS concept. The results show that RIS research has grown considerably since 2010, becoming a central research theme in countries focused on a systemic approach toward innovation and in decentralised countries, especially in Western Europe. 'Innovation', 'Europe', 'technology', 'networks', and 'firms' have been the core themes of RIS research since the concept arose in 1992. 'Entrepreneurship' was the major emerging research theme in the 2010s. Since 2010, other emerging topics have appeared, namely 'collaboration', 'organisation', 'triple helix', 'China', 'perspective', 'knowledge bases', and 'governance'. 'Smart specialisation' and 'creation' have been major themes since 2015.This research benefitted from: i GV063/19 funded by Generalitat Valenciana ii RTI2018-093791-B-C22 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and FEDER.López-Rubio, P.; Roig-Tierno, N.; Mas Verdú, F. (2022). Context matters: a global bibliometric review of regional innovation systems. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM). 22(3):247-270. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTPM.2022.12525724727022

    Evolution of innovation policy in Emilia-Romagna and Valencia: Similar reality, similar results?

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    Ingenio Working Paper Series.This paper examines the evolution of regional innovation policy in Emilia-Romagna and Valencia, two regions with similar economic features that implemented close innovation policies in the 1970s and 1980s. We investigate whether their similarities have led to parallel targets, policy tools and governance developments. We show that innovation policy in both regions suffered from the effects of privatization, budget constraints and changes to manufacturing during the 1990s and we highlight the consequences. Although Emilia-Romagna experienced deeper changes to its innovation policy, privatizations and/or the replacement of public funds promoted commercial approaches and induced market failures in both regions. The worst effects of these policies were the implementation of less-risky innovation projects, the shift towards extra-regional projects and markets, and the favouring of large firms.Peer reviewe

    Mejoras en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de Estructuras Metálicas y de Hormigón Armado en Ingeniería Civil

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    Con la puesta en marcha del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior se han producido importantes cambios en las asignaturas que se impartían en las titulaciones anteriores. Con el fin de adaptar a este nuevo contexto las metodologías y contenidos de las asignaturas “Estructuras Metálicas” y “Estructuras de Hormigón Armado y Pretensado” del Grado en Ingeniería Civil, durante el curso 2012-13 se constituyó la red “Tecnología de Estructuras en el EEES: Estructuras Metálicas y de Hormigón Armado en Ingeniería Civil”. Mediante la nueva red creada en este curso 2013-14 se pretende continuar el proceso de mejora iniciado el curso anterior, y que incluye una evaluación de los resultados obtenidos con la metodología de enseñanza empleada hasta el momento y planteamiento de propuestas de mejora. En general, las metodologías empleadas continúan siendo adecuadas, aunque pueden y deben ser mejoradas. El principal problema encontrado en este curso ha sido ha sido el considerable incremento en el número de alumnos en ambas asignaturas en el curso 2013-14, manteniendo el número de grupos de teoría, tutorías grupales y prácticas de ordenador que en el curso anterior. No obstante, este hecho ha supuesto un reto en busca de mejoras para futuros cursos

    Medios audiovisuales de servicio público y desinformación. Principales políticas y estrategias contra las noticias falsas

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    The increase in false news, which aims to distort reality and create confusion between truth and lies, has become a global social problem. The verification of information has emerged as a fundamental element for the journalistic profession and some experiences have already been launched from various media, platforms and organizations. The European Union has presented an Action Plan - in force since 2019 - to counter any post-truth campaign, based on an increase in resources, coordination, the elaboration of a code of good practice and the creation of verification and contrast groups. of data. In this context, the role of publicly owned audiovisual media does not have to be secondary and must lead a coordinated media literacy process in each Member State to cut the increase in disinformation. The objective of this research is to analyze the policies and strategies that the main European public radio televisions are applying to strengthen the fight against false news. The methodological design to achieve this purpose starts from the systematic review of the scientific literature, which has made it possible to know the main contributions to the state of the question and to generate a story on this topic, which is of growing interest in the area of ​​Communication but not yet comprehensively addressed. In addition, gray literature (memoirs, reports and other documents) and actions carried out by the public televisions under study are analyzed. The results reveal that new policies and strategies are emerging in the public service audiovisual media associated with the fight against disinformation and fake news

    Medios audiovisuales de servicio público y desinformación. Principales políticas y estrategias contra las noticias falsas

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    The increase in false news, which aims to distort reality and create confusion between truth and lies, has become a global social problem. The verification of information has emerged as a fundamental element for the journalistic profession and some experiences have already been launched from various media, platforms and organizations. The European Union has presented an Action Plan - in force since 2019 - to counter any post-truth campaign, based on an increase in resources, coordination, the elaboration of a code of good practice and the creation of verification and contrast groups. of data. In this context, the role of publicly owned audiovisual media does not have to be secondary and must lead a coordinated media literacy process in each Member State to cut the increase in disinformation. The objective of this research is to analyze the policies and strategies that the main European public radio televisions are applying to strengthen the fight against false news. The methodological design to achieve this purpose starts from the systematic review of the scientific literature, which has made it possible to know the main contributions to the state of the question and to generate a story on this topic, which is of growing interest in the area of ​​Communication but not yet comprehensively addressed. In addition, gray literature (memoirs, reports and other documents) and actions carried out by the public televisions under study are analyzed. The results reveal that new policies and strategies are emerging in the public service audiovisual media associated with the fight against disinformation and fake news

    Minimally invasive sacroiliac joint arthrodesis : experience in a prospective series with 24 patients

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    Background: Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain conservative treatments show poor outcomes. Hypothesis: surgical treatment will show better results. Patients and methods: Prospective series: 24 patients undergoing SI fusion after failure of medical treatment and showing temporary relief with SI infiltration. Period: Nov 2009-July 2013. Gender: 9/15. 11 cases bilaterally (all ). Age: 32-71 years (mean 47.4 years). Height: 161-178 cm (mean 168.2 cm). Weight: 56-84 kg (mean 68.4 kg). Etiology: 12 degenerative/spontaneous, 7 fall on buttocks, 3 coincident with lumbar disc and 2 with lumbar posterolateral fusion. Exclusion criteria: ankylosing spondylitis, osteitis condensans ilii, sacro-iliac joint arthropaty. Demographics, analgesics and NSAID's consumption, incidence and severity of complications, clinical outcome using a visual analog scale (VAS) for pain, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and time to returning to work were collected postoperatively at 1, 3 and 6 months, and then at six months interval until last follow-up. Results: Follow-up: 1-4.5 years (mean 23.3 months). No intra-operative or post-operative major complications. No blood transfusions. Patients stayed over-night, and discharged next morning. No crutches used. Time to returning to work: 47.4 days (range 30-67 days). Post-op: marked reduction in VAS and analgesic consumption (preop 8.7, post-op 1 month 3.2, 3 months 2.8, 6 months post-op 2.1, 12 months 1.7, 18 months 1.7, 2 years 1.9, 2½ years 1.8, 3 years 2.0, at 3½ years 2.1, 4 years 2.1 and 4½ 2.1). Mean ODI scores improved from 54.1 preoperatively to 23.9, 21.2, 20.4 and 14.3 at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively, and 15.1, 15.5 15.8, 16.0, 16.1, 16.3 and 16.3 at 1½, 2, 2½, 3, 3½, 4 and 4½ years (p<.001). 1 year post-op 22/24 patients would undergo the procedure again. Conclusion: Percutaneous SI joint arthrodesis is effective and safe to treat chronic SI joint pain

    Optimum Multilayer-Graphene-Montmorillonite Composites From Sugar for Thermosolar Coatings Formulations

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    Solar thermal coatings are designed to achieve the highest incident solar flux into the receiver of a tower solar plant. These materials are subjected to extreme working conditions of temperature and solar concentrated radiation. Much effort is being made to develop a durable and high absorptive coating that can provide an excellent solar to heat conversion efficiency. Complex deposition techniques (PVD, CVD, electrodeposition, etc.) are developed and tested to achieve solar selectivity. High solar absorptance paints are an alternative technique, that is, easy to apply and implement in the field. In paint, pigments are the compound that provides high absorptance values, whose stability impacts the durability of optical properties. The search for new selective solar pigments for solar receivers is a promising route to improve the efficiency of this technology. In this work, novel nanocomposites were synthesized from low-cost organic materials such as table sugar. Promising results were obtained when intercalated and calcined in the laminar structure of montmorillonite, a type of smectite clay. The pigments were tested in a paint format on metallic coupons at different temperatures to obtain absorptivities above 96% of absorptance after 24 h at 700  °C. Further experiments are still needed to obtain optimum conditions to maximize the coating's absorptivity and durability at high temperature.Abengoa Solar S.A

    High frequency of lumbar fusion in patients denied surgical treatment of the sacroiliac joint

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    Purpose: Effective treatment of medical conditions relies on proper diagnosis. Clinical trials show the safety and effectiveness of sacroiliac joint (SIJ) fusion in patients with chronic SI joint dysfunction. To what extent is the condition under recognised? Objective: To determine whether under recognition of SIJ pain affects healthcare trajectories in Spanish patients with low back pain. Methods: Retrospective study of characteristics and consequences of 189 patients with persistent SIJ pain seen in an outpatient neurosurgery clinic. Results: Patients with SIJ pain who were denied surgical treatment had a longer pain duration, higher likelihood of prior lumbar fusion, and a high rate (63%) of lumbar fusion within 2 years prior to SIJ pain diagnosis, which, in most cases, provided little benefit. Conclusions: Lack of knowledge of the role of the SIJ in chronic low back pain probably results in diagnostic confusion and may lead to misdirected treatment

    Post-test analysis of the ROSA/LSTF and PKL counterpart tests

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    [EN] Experimental facilities are scaled models of commercial nuclear power plants, and are of great importance to improve nuclear power plants safety. Thus, the results obtained in the experiments undertaken in such facilities are essential to develop and improve the models implemented in the thermal-hydraulic codes, which are used in safety analysis. The experiments and inter-comparisons of the simulated results are usually performed in the frame of international programmes in which different groups of several countries simulate the behaviour of the plant under the accidental conditions established, using different codes and models. The results obtained are compared and studied to improve the knowledge on codes performance and nuclear safety. Thus, the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), in the nuclear safety work area, auspices several programmes which involve experiments in different experimental facilities. Among the experiments proposed in NEA programmes, one on them consisted of performing a counterpart test between ROSA/LSTF and PKL facilities, with the main objective of determining the effectiveness of late accident management actions in a small break loss of coolant accident (SBLOCA). This study was proposed as a result of the conclusion obtained by the NEA Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents, which analyzed different installations and observed differences in the measurements of core exit temperature (CET) and maximum peak cladding temperature (PCT). In particular, the transient consists of a small break loss of coolant accident (SBLOCA) in a hot leg with additional failure of safety systems but with accident management measures (AM), consisting of a fast secondary-side depressurization, activated by the CET. The paper presents the results obtained in the simulations for both installations using TRACE, observing, in general, a good agreement with the experiments. However, ROSA/LSTF calculations underestimated the maximum PCT value, what might be explained by the higher core level predicted in the simulation compared with the experiment. In PKL calculations, PCT maximum value is slightly higher than in the experiment, and the core level predicted is lower. In the comparison of the evolution of both installations a different timing in the transient events is observed, due to the difference in the pressure vessel design. Thus, when PKL vessel is modified with some of the ROSA/LSTF features, the evolution of the new PKL model behaviour is closer the one observed in ROSA/LSTF calculations. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This paper contains findings that were produced within the OECD-NEA ROSA and PKL Projects. The authors are grateful to the Management Boards of the ROSA and PKL Projects for their consent to this publication. This work is partially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion (Grant number: AP2009-2600), the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under Project ENE2011-22823, by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion, Innovacion and Transferencia of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, by the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear under project CSN-SIN/4078/2013/640 and by the Generalitat Valenciana under Project PROMETEOII/2014/008.Carlos Alberola, S.; Querol, A.; Gallardo Bermell, S.; Sánchez Sáez, F.; Villanueva López, JF.; Martorell Alsina, SS.; Verdú Martín, GJ. (2016). Post-test analysis of the ROSA/LSTF and PKL counterpart tests. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 297:81-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2015.10.028S819429

    The intake of fried virgin olive or sunflower oils differentially induces oxidative stress in rat liver microsomes

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    Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 March 2007This work was supported by CICYT project ALI91-1113- C03-01. M. Battino was a visiting scientist at Granada University, thanks to Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Madrid. J.L. Quiles and M.C. Ramirez-Tortosa received a short-term fellowship by Ancona University.The effects of non-fried and fried virgin olive and sunflower oils on rat liver microsomal compositional features have been investigated. In addition, plasma antioxidants (α-tocopherol and ubiquinone 9) were investigated as well as the possible oxidative modifications suffered by virgin olive and sunflower oils during the frying process. The frying process decreased the content of α-tocopherol and phenolics in the oils and increased total polar materials. Sunflower oil was affected to a greater extent than olive oil. In rats, the intake of fried oil led to higher levels of lipid peroxidation and a lower concentration of plasma antioxidants. Microsomal fatty acid and antioxidant profiles were also altered. It seems that a strong relationship exists between the loss of antioxidants and the production of toxic compounds in the oils after frying and the extent of the peroxidative events in microsomes, which were also different depending on the fat source. The highly unsaturated sunflower oil was less resistant to the oxidative stress produced by frying and led to a higher degree of lipid peroxidation in liver microsomes in vivo than virgin olive oil.CICYT project ALI91-1113- C03-01.