70 research outputs found

    Los paisajes del sueño americano: escenografía de "Mad Men"

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    Este artículo analiza el reflejo del sueño americano en los escenarios, iconología y modelos de belleza usados por Matt Weiner en su exitosa serie Mad Men (AMC, 2007). Esta serie de se ha convertido en obra de ficción audiovisual mundialmente aclamada y premiada repetidamente en todo el mundo, sobre todo por su autenticidad histórica y su estilo visual. La serie se convierte en un perfecto retrato de un mundo gris de hombres ejecutivos, en el que la única nota de color la ponen las mujeres. Se trata de una mujer bella, elegante, guapa, moderna, coqueta, femenina que tiene ante sí el nuevo reto de ocupar puestos de responsabilidad en el mundo laboral y al mismo tiempo de llevar una familia hacia delante como ama de casa y esposa. Paradójicamente, ese realismo y verosimilitud despiertan el interés por una realidad intangible y tan difícil de concretar como es el sueño americano.This article analyses the reflex of the American dream in the sets, iconology and beauty models used by Matt Weiner in his successful TV series drama Mad Men (AMC, 2007-Hoy). This TV drama has turned into an audio-visual fiction master piece that the world has acclaimed and internationally rewarded in the whole world, especially for his historical genuineness and his visual style. It turns into a perfect portrait of a grey world of executive men, where the women put the only and unique note of colour. These women are beautiful, elegant, handsome, modern, flirtatious and feminine and have the new challenge of occupying positions of responsibility in the labour world. Paradoxically, this realism and verisimilitude wake the interest up for a reality intangible and so difficult to make concrete since it is the American dream

    Water renewal mechanisms of the Bay of Algeciras in the Strait of Gibraltar

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    The Bay of Algeciras (BA) is a marine environment subject to high levels of anthropogenic pressure. Here we analyze observations collected at the Bay and the results of an ocean circulation model to investigate its circulation and variability. Special attention is paid to the identification of the mechanisms enhancing the exchange of water with the adjacent Strait of Gibraltar and therefore contributing to maintain satisfactory levels of water quality.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Observaciones en torno al origen y difusión de la cerámica de Miranda (Avilés)

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    A través de la revisión de las colecciones cerámicas de diversas excavaciones arqueológicas en Asturias y Galicia, proponemos algunos aspectos que puntualizan con mejor definición la evolución de la cerámica de Miranda. Al igual que en otros centros productores asturianos, el simple análisis etnográfico o documental era insuficiente sobre todo a la hora de trazar los orígenes o certificar algunos aspectos de esa producción artesanal sin la consiguiente revisión arqueológica. Nuestra revisión demuestra la existencia de unas primeras producciones preespecializadas de Miranda en la Baja Edad Media, con un surgimiento de las producciones claramente tradicionales en el siglo XVI

    What does cause the collapse of the western Alboran gyre?

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    The stability of the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG) is investigated on the basis of the outputs of a state-of-the-art Operational Oceanography System of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea. The system is based on a high-resolution (up to 500 m within Gibraltar) primitive-equation circulation model (MIT General Circulation Model) nested to a larger-scale model of the Mediterranean Sea. It is forced by tides and atmospheric (momentum, heat, and fresh water) fluxes provided by the Spanish meteorological Agency. Satellite and model SST corresponding to a hindcast run of Autumn 2011 show the classical circulation of the Alboran Sea at the beginning of October, characterized by the presence of two well developed anticyclonic gyres with the Atlantic jet flowing north-east at the exit of the strait to surround the WAG. This configuration breaks down within a time-scale of three weeks. In a first stage, the WAG undergoes a noticeable weakening and moves slightly to the east. This, in turn, makes possible the (natural) southward veering of the Atlantic jet and the formation of a new gyre on the African coast. It is shown that the WAG perturbations that triggers the sequence is produced by an event of vortex-vortex interaction between the WAG and a cyclonic gyre generated between the Atlantic Jet and Spanish coast. The development of the cyclonic gyre is explained in terms of the advection of tidally-induced positive shear vorticity generated near the lateral boundaries of the Strait of Gibraltar.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Increased rate of FEV1 decline in HIV patients despite effective treatment with HAART

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    Introduction: Previous studies have reported that the rate of FEV1 decline over time is increased in HIV patients but the mechanisms underlying this observation are unclear. Since current HIV treatment with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) results in very good immune-viral control, we hypothesized that HAART should normalize the elevated rate of FEV1 decline previously reported in HIV patients if it was somehow related to the immune alterations caused by HIV, particularly in never smokers or quitters, since smoking is a well established risk factor for accelerated FEV1 decline in the general population. Methods: We explored this hypothesis in a prospectively recruited cohort of 188 HIV (smoker and non-smoker) patients treated with HAART in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and followed-up for 6 years. The cross-sectional characteristics of this cohort have been published elsewhere. Results: We found that: (1) HAART resulted in good immune-viral control; (2) the rate of FEV1 decline remained abnormally elevated, even in non-smokers and quitters; and, (3) alcohol abuse during follow-up was related to FEV1 decline in these patients. Discussion: Despite adequate immune-viral control by HAART, lung function decline remains increased in most HIV patients, even in non-smokers and quitters. Alcohol abuse is a preventable risk factor to decrease the accelerated FEV1 decline in this population

    A training plan to implement lung ultrasound for diagnosing pneumonia in children

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    Lung ultrasound (LUS) for critical patients requires trained operators to perform them, though little information exists on the level of training required for independent practice. The aims were to implement a training plan for diagnosing pneumonia using LUS and to analyze the inter-observer agreement between senior radiologists (SRs) and pediatric intensive care physicians (PICPs). Prospective longitudinal and interventional study conducted in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary hospital. Following a theoretical and practical training plan regarding diagnosing pneumonia using LUS, the concordance between SRs and the PICPs on their LUS reports was analyzed. Nine PICPs were trained and tested on both theoretical and practical LUS knowledge. The mean exam mark was 13.5/15. To evaluate inter-observer agreement, a total of 483 LUS were performed. For interstitial syndrome, the global Kappa coefficient (K) was 0.51 (95% CI 0.43-0.58). Regarding the presence of consolidation, K was 0.67 (95% CI 0.53-0.78), and for the consolidation pattern, K was 0.82 (95% CI 0.79-0.85), showing almost perfect agreement. Our training plan allowed PICPs to independently perform LUS and might improve pneumonia diagnosis. We found a high inter-observer agreement between PICPs and SRs in detecting the presence and type of consolidation on LUS

    Modelo hidrodinámico de alta resolución del puerto de Algeciras – proyecto SAMPA2

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    El proyecto SAMPA, financiado por la Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (APBA) y Puertos del Estado entre los años 2010 y 2013, fue proyecto piloto para la integración de un modelo numérico de alta resolución en un sistema operacional en el cual el Grupo de Oceanografía Física de la Universidad de Málaga (GOFIMA) desarrolló el propio modelo hidrodinámico [Sammartino et al., 2014; Sánchez Garrido et al., 2014]. Los productos operacionales servidos por Puertos del Estado (portal PORTUS) y la APBA (sistema CMA), alimentados entre otros por las predicciones derivadas de SAMPA, representaron el primer ejemplo de difusión de un forecast océano-meteorológico accesible tanto al público generalizado como al personal técnico marítimo empleado en el puerto. El modelo numérico que estaba detrás de SAMPA, sin embargo, no tenía suficiente resolución para llegar a resolver la dinámica portuaria, y la APBA, en el 2015, financió la segunda generación del proyecto (SAMPA2), con el objetivo de cubrir ese hueco. Entre la segunda mitad del 2015 y durante todo el 2016, después de haber realizado un atento análisis de los aspectos mejorables del actual SAMPA, GOFIMA desarrolló un sistema completamente nuevo: un modelo anidado en tres dominios acoplados, que proporciona un aumento progresivo de resolución desde la escala regional hasta la portuaria. A eso se añade el valor añadido de unas herramientas de análisis de calidad de agua del Puerto de Algeciras de acuerdo con las indicaciones de la ROM5.1-13.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A numerical model analysis of the tidal flows in the Bay of Algeciras, Strait of Gibraltar

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    A numerical model has been applied to study the tidal flows of the Bay of Algeciras in the eastern part of the Strait of Gibraltar, focusing on the M-2 semidiurnal constituent. The numerical model was satisfactorily validated against a comprehensive set of observations collected in the bay in the year 2011 and the model outputs were used for a detailed analysis of the local tidal circulation. The M-2 net (vertically integrated) transport across the mouth of the bay has an amplitude of 2.7 x 10(-3) Sv, while that of the sea surface signal is of similar to 30 cm and is in quadrature with this flow. However, the vertically integrated flow is the result of a pronounced baroclinic structure consisting of an upper (S 37.5) layers, whose associated transports are one order of magnitude higher. This reveals a noticeable internal tide that is characterized by an inward (to the head of the bay) propagation and a likely quarter-wave resonance. During the rising tide, Atlantic water from the strait comes in and produces the thickening of the upper (Atlantic) layer in the bay, while Mediterranean water of the lower layer is pushed out to join the Mediterranean water stream that is flowing to the west along the Strait of Gibraltar. During the falling tide, Atlantic water flows out of the bay and incorporates to the eastward flow in the strait. In this tidal phase, Mediterranean water flows into the bay. Therefore, Atlantic and Mediterranean waters accumulate in the bay during the rising and falling tide, respectively. This pattern is opposite to that observed in the strait, where the Mediterranean layer thickens during the rising tide and becomes thinner during the falling tide. This suggests that the internal tide in the bay is basically determined by the baroclinic forcing at its mouth imposed by the baroclinic tide of the Strait of Gibralta

    Evolving AIDS- and non-AIDS Mortality and Predictors in the PISCIS Cohort of People Living With HIV in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (Spain), 1998–2020

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    Background. Effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) has substantially reduced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related deaths, shifting the focus to non-AIDS conditions in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (PLWH). We examined mortality trends and predictors of AIDS- and non-AIDS mortality in the Population HIV Cohort from Catalonia and Balearic Islands (PISCIS) cohort of PLWH from 1998 to 2020. Methods. We used a modified Coding Causes of Death in HIV protocol, which has been widely adopted by various HIV cohorts to classify mortality causes. We applied standardized mortality rates (SMR) to compare with the general population and used competing risks models to determine AIDS-related and non-AIDS-related mortality predictors. Results. Among 30 394 PLWH (81.5% male, median age at death 47.3), crude mortality was 14.2 per 1000 person-years. All-cause standardized mortality rates dropped from 9.6 (95% confidence interval [CI], 8.45-10.90) in 1998 through 2003 to 3.33 (95% CI, 3.14-3.53) in 2015 through 2020, P for trend = .0001. Major causes were AIDS, non-AIDS cancers, cardiovascular disease, AIDS-defining cancers, viral hepatitis, and nonhepatitis liver disease. Predictors for AIDS-related mortality included being aged >= 40 years, not being a man who have sex with men, history of AIDS-defining illnesses, CD4 = 2 comorbidities, and nonreceipt of ART. Non-AIDS mortality increased with age, injection drug use, heterosexual men, socioeconomic deprivation, CD4 200 to 349 cells/mu L, nonreceipt of ART, and comorbidities, but migrants had lower risk (adjusted hazard risk, 0.69 [95% CI, .57-.83]). Conclusions. Mortality rates among PLWH have significantly decreased over the past 2 decades, with a notable shift toward non-AIDS-related causes. Continuous monitoring and effective management of these non-AIDS conditions are essential to enhance overall health outcomes