444 research outputs found

    Dosis máximas de estatinas pueden evitar el uso de los inhibidores de la PCSK9

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    Revisió del tractament farmacològic de les condropaties

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    Es fa una revisió de la terapèutica actual de les condropaties en la medicina de l'esport, i en especial dels fàrmacs d'acció simptomàtica lenta per al tractament d'aquestes patologies, com són la condroïtina sulfat, sulfat de glucosamina i àcid hialurònic. La condroïtina sulfat és un fàrmac eficaç i segur, que produeix una disminució o desaparició dels símptomes del dolor condral, com el dolor i la impotència funcional, i millora el moviment de les articulacions afectades amb un efecte que perdura durant 2 o 3 mesos. A més, en un assaig clínic recent es demostra que la condroïtina sulfat presenta un efecte estadísticament significatiu de millora en la inflor i/o el vessament articular respecte del placebo. Aquest mateix assaig clínic mostra l'eficàcia de la combinació terapèutica de condroïtina sulfat i glucosamina. Els resultats de diversos assajos clínics han demostrat que, tant el sulfat de glucosamina com l'àcid hialurònic presenten una eficàcia estadísticament significativa en la millora dels principals símptomes de les patologies condrals. En definitiva, s'expliquen els avantatges de la utilització clínica en medicina esportiva d'aquestes molècules, els seus mecanismes d'acció i el possible efecte modificador del curs de la malaltia condral

    Revisión del tratamiento farmacológico de las condropatías

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    Se procede a una revisión de la terapéutica actual de las condropatías en la medicina del deporte, y en especial de los fármacos de acción sintomática lenta para el tratamiento de dichas patologías como son el condroitín sulfato, el sulfato de glucosamina y el ácido hialurónico. El condroitín sulfato es un fármaco eficaz y seguro que produce una disminución o desaparición de los síntomas del dolor condral, como el dolor y la impotencia funcional, y mejora el movimiento de las articulaciones afectadas con un efecto que perdura durante 2 o 3 meses. Además, en un reciente ensayo clínico se demuestra que el condroitín sulfato presenta un efecto estadísticamente significativo de mejoría en la hinchazón y/o el derrame articular respecto al placebo. Este mismo ensayo clínico evidencia la eficacia de la combinación terapéutica de condroitín sulfato y glucosamina. Los resultados de diversos ensayos clínicos han demostrado que tanto el sulfato de glucosamina como el ácido hialurónico presentan una eficacia estadísticamente significativa en la mejoría de los principales síntomas de las patologías condrales. En definitiva, se explican las ventajas de la utilización clínica en medicina deportiva de estas moléculas, sus mecanismos de acción y el posible efecto modificador del curso de la enfermedad condral

    Effect of truncating AUC at 12, 24 and 48 hr when evaluating the bioequivalence of drugs with a Long Half-Life

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Basic an Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 118.1 (2016): 53-7 which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bcpt.12432. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."Bioequivalence studies of drugs with a long half-life require long periods of time for pharmacokinetic sampling. The latest update of the European guideline allows the area under the curve (AUC) truncated at 72 hr to be used as an alternative to AUC0-t as the primary parameter. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of truncating the AUC at 48, 24 and 12 hr on the acceptance of the bioequivalence criterion as compared with truncation at 72 hr in bioequivalence trials. The effect of truncated AUC on the within-individual coefficient of variation (CVw) and on the ratio of the formulations was also analysed. Twenty-eight drugs were selected from bioequivalence trials. Pharmacokinetic data were analysed using WinNonLin 2.0 based on the trapezoidal method. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to obtain the ratios and 90% confidence intervals for AUC at different time-points. The degree of agreement of AUC0-72 in relation to AUC0-48 and AUC0-24, according to the Landis and Koch classification, was 'almost perfect'. Statistically significant differences were observed when the CVw of AUC truncated at 72, 48 and 24 hr was compared with the CVw of AUC0-12. There were no statistically significant differences in the AUC ratio at any time-point. Compared to AUC0-72, Pearson's correlation coefficient for mean AUC, AUC ratio and AUC CVw was worse for AUC0-12 than AUC0-24 or AUC0-48. These preliminary results could suggest that AUC truncation at 24 or 48 hr is adequate to determine whether two formulations are bioequivalentThis study was partially funded by the Fundación Teófilo Hernando and Foundation for Biomedical Research at Hospital Universitario de La Princesa F Abad-Santos and D Ochoa have been consultants or investigators in clinical trials sponsored by the following pharmaceutical companies: Abbott, Alter, Chemo, Farmalíder, Ferrer, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen-Cilag, Kern, Normon, Servier, Teva, and Zambon

    Contributions of the ostracode population analysis: paleoenvironmental evolution of the southwestern sector of the Doñana National Park (SW Spain) during the Late Holocene

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    El análisis de los ostrácodos extraídos en dos testigos tomados en el sector sudoccidental del Parque Nacional de Doñana permite deducir su evolución durante el Holoceno Superior. En los últimos 2.400-2.300 años BP se ha producido la transición desde un lagoon, habitado básicamente por Cyprideis torosa (Jones), Loxoconcha elliptica (Brady) y Leptocythere castanea (Sars), hasta la actual laguna de aguas dulces, con numerosos individuos de Cyprinotus salinus (Brady) y Herpetocypris chevreuxi (Sars). En este período, diversos eventos energéticos (¿tormentas, tsunamis?) han quedado reflejados en un aumento en la proporción de adultos de Cyprideis torosa y en los porcentajes de especies marinas.The ostracode analysis of two cores collected in the southwestern area of the Doñana National Park permits to deduce its evolution during the Late Holocene. In the last 2,400-2,300 years BP, there was a transition from a lagoon, inhabited mainly by Cyprideis torosa (Jones), Loxoconcha elliptica (Brady) and Leptocythere castanea (Sars), to the present-day fresh-water pond, with numerous individuals of Cyprinotus salinus (Brady) and Herpetocypris chevreuxi (Sars). In this period, different energetic events (storms?, tsunamis?) have been deduced from both the higher adult proportions of Cyprideis torosa and the introduction of marine species

    Subcutaneous Sarilumab in hospitalised patients with moderate-severe COVID-19 infection compared to the standard of care (SARCOVID): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    The main aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of a single dose of sarilumab, in subcutaneous administration, in hospitalised patients with moderate to early severe COVID-19 infection compared to the current standard of care, to prevent progression to systemic hyperinflammatory status. Our hypothesis is that use of subcutaneous sarilumab in early stages (window of opportunity) of COVID-19 moderate-severe pneumonia can prevent higher oxygenation requirements through non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation and decrease in-hospital stays, as well as death rate. The secondary objectives of the study are to evaluate the safety of sarilumab through hospitalisation and up to day 14 after discharge, compared to the control arm as assessed by incidence of serious and non serious adverse events (SAEs). In addition, as an exploratory objective, to compare the baseline clinical and biological parameters, including serum IL-6 levels, of the intervention population against controls of the same pandemic outbreak (using a propensity score) to search for markers that identify the best candidates for the treatment with subcutaneous IL-6R inhibitors and to attempt an approximation in the temporal frame of the “window of opportunity”Sanofi provides medication for the intervention arm sarilumab (Kevzara, 40 prefilled syringes