55 research outputs found

    Rational dilation problems associated with constrained algebras

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    It is shown that rational dilation fails on broad collection of distinguished varieties associated to constrained subalgebras of the disk algebra of the form C + B A(D), where B is a finite Blaschke product with two or more zeros. This is accomplished in part by finding a minimal set of test functions. In addition, an Agler-Pick interpolation theorem is given and it is proved that there exist Kaijser-Varopoulos style examples of non-contractive unital representations where the generators are contractions.Comment: Page proof corrections included in this version

    Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Diversity and evolution of ABC proteins in mycorrhiza-forming fungi

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    Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of ABC-G transporters. Numbers next to the branching points indicate the relative support from 100 bootstrap replicates (only scores above 60 are shown). Groups ABCG1-5, ABCG6 and ABCG7, the major clusters within them and ascomycetes-, basidiomycetes- and Rhizomyces / Rhizopus-specific branches are indicated. Selected fungal orders are indicated by colour code. Please refer to the legend to the Fig. 1 for the list of abbreviations of fungal names. Names of S. cerevisiae genes are listed without additional indices. Filled diamonds next to the sequence names indicate genes up-regulated in mycorrhiza-forming mycelium according to the transcriptomics data. (PDF 1381 kb

    Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Diversity and evolution of ABC proteins in mycorrhiza-forming fungi

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    Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of half-size ABC-B transporters. Numbers next to the branching points indicate the relative support from 100 bootstrap replicates (only scores above 60 are shown). The groups ABCB3, ABCB4, ABCB5 and ABCB6, the major clusters within them, the two outlying groups formed by the sequences from Boletales and Sebacinales, and ascomycetes-, basidiomycetes- and Rhizomyces / Rhizopus-specific branches are indicated. Selected fungal orders are indicated by colour code. Please refer to the legend to the Fig. 1 for the list of abbreviations of fungal names. Names of S. cerevisiae genes are listed without additional indices. Filled diamonds next to the sequence names indicate genes up-regulated in mycorrhiza-forming mycelium according to the transcriptomics data. (PDF 43 kb

    Functionally annotated Corylus assembly

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    This file lists all 13,690 Coryllus avellana contigs with their annotation. We considered, for each contig (col 1), the best blast hit found in the Swissprot database (col2) and in the Non-redundant nucleotide database (col3). We associated to these contigs GO terms. GO terms IDs are listed in col4 and GO terms definition is listed in col 5 (MF: Molecular function; CC: Cellular component; BP: Biological process)


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    This file in gff format corresponds to the list of the 60,507 SNPs in genomic region putatively free of selection. These SNPs were used for BEAST and maximum likelihood phylogenies. These SNPs originated from the initial 442,326 SNPs resource. SNPs in repeated sequences, gene models and genomic regions putatively under selection were not included in this file


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    This file in newick format corresponds to the maximum likelihood phylogeny realized using the default parameters of PhyML with 100 bootstrap replicates. This tree was produced using the 60,507 SNPs in genomic regions putatively free of selection. This tree is presented in figure S1 and S6

    Modulation of a PRRSV ORF7 DNA vaccine induced immune response in swine by co-delivery of cytokines

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    This dissertation investigated the role played by interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interleukin 4 (IL-4) during the development of the immune response in swine. Because of their opposing regulatory effects, demonstrated primarily in mice, it was expected that these cytokines would modulate the immune response in swine toward either a Th1 or Th2 response respectively. Therefore, we compared these two cytokine as adjuvants of a DNA-based vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). ^ The first section of this dissertation is a literature review that covers background information and the significance of this research and provides an outline of the specific aims. Chapter one, Cloning and Characterization of a PRRSV Derived DNA Vaccine and a Swine IL-2 and Swine IL-4 Adjuvant Constructs describes the cloning strategies and molecular and functional characterizations of the phCMV-ORF7 vaccine construct and the cytokine phCMV-IL2 and phCMV-IL4 constructs. This part of the study shows that the cloned constructs were correct and functionally active and therefore suitable to be used in the vaccination phase of the study. Chapter two, Effects of Swine IL-2 and Swine 1L-4 on the Immune Responses Elicited by a PRRSV-ORF7 DNA Vaccine in Swine describes the vaccination and challenge trial of the experimental animals. The effects of IL-2 and IL-4 on the vaccine-induced immune responses are described and discussed as well as the response to the homologous viral challenge. Portions of this chapter have been published in Veterinary Pathology and Immunopathology. The third and last chapter, Pathologic and Immunohistochemical Study of Lungs from Pigs Immunized with a phCMV-ORF7 DNA Vaccine With or Without IL-2 or IL-4 and Challenged with Homologous Virus describes and discusses the virus challenge and the gross and histopathology effects on the experimental animals, focusing in particular to the effects on the lungs.


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    This file in gff format corresponds to the list of the 442,326 SNPs produced comparing seven Tuber melanosporum geographic accessions. The SNP calling was performed with the BWA/SAMTools and CLC Genome Workbench programs and only SNPs called by both methods were retained
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