19 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance and antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Africa from 2001 to 2020: A mini-review

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), compromising gonorrhea treatment, is a global public health concern. Improved, quality-assured NG AMR monitoring at the global level is essential. This mini-review examined NG AMR susceptibility surveillance and AMR data from the African continent from 2001 to 2020. Eligible peer-reviewed publications (n = 30) containing NG AMR data for antimicrobials currently recommended for gonorrhea treatment were included. Overall, very limited NG surveillance and AMR data was available. Furthermore, the NG AMR surveillance studies varied greatly regarding surveillance protocols (e.g., populations and samples tested, sample size, antimicrobials examined), methodologies (e.g., antimicrobial susceptibility testing method [agar dilution, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) gradient strip test, disc diffusion test] and interpretative criteria), and quality assurance (internal quality controls, external quality assessments [EQA], and verification of AMR detected). Moreover, most studies examined a suboptimal number of NG isolates, i.e., less than the WHO Global Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (GASP) and WHO Enhanced GASP (EGASP) recommendations of ≄100 isolates per setting and year. The notable inter-study variability and frequently small sample sizes make appropriate inter-study and inter-country comparisons of AMR data difficult. In conclusion, it is imperative to establish an enhanced, standardized and quality-assured NG AMR surveillance, ideally including patient metadata and genome sequencing as in WHO EGASP, in Africa, the region with the highest gonorrhea incidence globally. This will enable the monitoring of AMR trends, detection of emerging AMR, and timely refinements of national and international gonorrhea treatment guidelines. To achieve this aim, national and international leadership, political and financial commitments are imperative

    A retrospective analysis of antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. isolates from poultry in Uganda

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    There are increasing reports of antimicrobial treatment failures for bacterial diseases of poultry in Uganda. The paucity of data on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of pathogenic bacteria in Uganda is a major setback to AMR control. This study investigated the occurrence of fowl typhoid, colibacillosis, and AMR in associated pathogens from 2012 to 2018. Laboratory records from the Central Diagnostic Laboratory (CDL), a National Veterinary Diagnostic Facility located at Makerere University, were reviewed. Archived isolates of the causative bacteria for the two diseases were also evaluated for AMR. The frequencies of the two disease conditions, their clinical and necropsy presentations and the demographic data of the diagnostic samples were summarized from the records. Archived bacterial isolates were revived before antimicrobial susceptibility testing. This was done on Mueller Hinton agar using the disk diffusion method, against 16 antimicrobials of medical and veterinary importance according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. A total of 697 poultry cases were presented for bacteriological investigations in the review period. Colibacillosis and salmonellosis had prevalence rates of 39.7% (277/697) and 16.2% (113/697), respectively. A total of 63 and 92 isolates of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., respectively, were archived but 43 (68.3%) E. coli and 47 (51.1%) Salmonella spp. isolates were recovered and evaluated for AMR. Multidrug resistance was more frequent in E. coli (38; 88.4%) than salmonellae (25; 53.2%), (p < 0.001). The high prevalence of colibacillosis, salmonellosis and the AMR of associated pathogens warrants immediate institution of appropriate disease control measures

    Treatment decisions and mortality in HIV-positive presumptive smear-negative TB in the Xpertℱ MTB/RIF era: a cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: The Xpertℱ MTB/RIF (XP) has a higher sensitivity than sputum smear microscopy (70% versus 35%) for TB diagnosis and has been endorsed by the WHO for TB high burden countries to increase case finding among HIV co-infected presumptive TB patients. Its impact on the diagnosis of smear-negative TB in a routine care setting is unclear. We determined the change in diagnosis, treatment and mortality of smear-negative presumptive TB with routine use of Xpert MTB/RIF (XP). METHODS: Prospective cohort study of HIV-positive smear-negative presumptive TB patients during a 12-month period after XP implementation in a well-staffed and trained integrated TB/HIV clinic in Kampala, Uganda. Prior to testing clinicians were asked to decide whether they would treat empirically prior to Xpert result; actual treatment was decided upon receipt of the XP result. We compared empirical and XP-informed treatment decisions and all-cause mortality in the first year. RESULTS: Of 411 smear-negative presumptive TB patients, 175 (43%) received an XP; their baseline characteristics did not differ. XP positivity was similar in patients with a pre-XP empirical diagnosis and those without (9/29 [17%] versus 14/142 [10%], P = 0.23). Despite XP testing high levels of empirical treatment prevailed (18%), although XP results did change who ultimately was treated for TB. When adjusted for CD4 count, empirical treatment was not associated with higher mortality compared to no or microbiologically confirmed treatment. CONCLUSIONS: XP usage was lower than expected. The lower sensitivity of XP in smear-negative HIV-positive patients led experienced clinicians to use XP as a "rule-in" rather than "rule-out" test, with the majority of patients still treated empirically

    Development and validation of a diagnostic aid for convulsive epilepsy in sub-Saharan Africa: a retrospective case-control study

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    Background: Identification of convulsive epilepsy in sub-Saharan Africa relies on access to resources that are often unavailable. Infrastructure and resource requirements can further complicate case verification. Using machine-learning techniques, we have developed and tested a region-specific questionnaire panel and predictive model to identify people who have had a convulsive seizure. These findings have been implemented into a free app for health-care workers in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania, and South Africa. Methods: In this retrospective case-control study, we used data from the Studies of the Epidemiology of Epilepsy in Demographic Sites in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania, and South Africa. We randomly split these individuals using a 7:3 ratio into a training dataset and a validation dataset. We used information gain and correlation-based feature selection to identify eight binary features to predict convulsive seizures. We then assessed several machine-learning algorithms to create a multivariate prediction model. We validated the best-performing model with the internal dataset and a prospectively collected external-validation dataset. We additionally evaluated a leave-one-site-out model (LOSO), in which the model was trained on data from all sites except one that, in turn, formed the validation dataset. We used these features to develop a questionnaire-based predictive panel that we implemented into a multilingual app (the Epilepsy Diagnostic Companion) for health-care workers in each geographical region. Findings: We analysed epilepsy-specific data from 4097 people, of whom 1985 (48·5%) had convulsive epilepsy, and 2112 were controls. From 170 clinical variables, we initially identified 20 candidate predictor features. Eight features were removed, six because of negligible information gain and two following review by a panel of qualified neurologists. Correlation-based feature selection identified eight variables that demonstrated predictive value; all were associated with an increased risk of an epileptic convulsion except one. The logistic regression, support vector, and naive Bayes models performed similarly, outperforming the decision-tree model. We chose the logistic regression model for its interpretability and implementability. The area under the receiver operator curve (AUC) was 0·92 (95% CI 0·91–0·94, sensitivity 85·0%, specificity 93·7%) in the internal-validation dataset and 0·95 (0·92–0·98, sensitivity 97·5%, specificity 82·4%) in the external-validation dataset. Similar results were observed for the LOSO model (AUC 0·94, 0·93–0·96, sensitivity 88·2%, specificity 95·3%). Interpretation: On the basis of these findings, we developed the Epilepsy Diagnostic Companion as a predictive model and app offering a validated culture-specific and region-specific solution to confirm the diagnosis of a convulsive epileptic seizure in people with suspected epilepsy. The questionnaire panel is simple and accessible for health-care workers without specialist knowledge to administer. This tool can be iteratively updated and could lead to earlier, more accurate diagnosis of seizures and improve care for people with epilepsy

    Viruses associated with measles-like illnesses in Uganda

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    Objectives: In this study, we investigated the causes of measles-like illnesses (MLI) in the Uganda national surveillance programme in order to inform diagnostic assay selection and vaccination strategies. Methods: We used metagenomic next-generation sequencing (M-NGS) on the Illumina platform to identify viruses associated with MLI (defined as fever and rash in the presence of either cough, coryza or conjunctivitis) in patient samples that had tested IgM negative for measles between 2010 and 2019. Results: Viral genomes were identified in 87/271 (32%) of samples, of which 44/271 (16%) contained 12 known viral pathogens. Expected viruses included rubella, human parvovirus B19, Epstein Barr virus, human herpesvirus 6B, human cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster virus and measles virus (detected within the seronegative window-period of infection) and the blood-borne hepatitis B virus. We also detected Saffold virus, human parvovirus type 4, the human adenovirus C2 and vaccine-associated poliovirus type 1. Conclusions: The study highlights the presence of undiagnosed viruses causing MLI in Uganda, including vaccine-preventable illnesses. NGS can be used to monitor common viral infections at a population level, especially in regions where such infections are prevalent, including low and middle income countries to guide vaccination policy and optimize diagnostic assays

    Akwenda intervention programme for children and youth with cerebral palsy in a low-resource setting in sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a quasi-randomised controlled study

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    Introduction Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common childhood-onset motor disorder accompanied by associated impairments, placing a heavy burden on families and health systems. Most children with CP live in low/middle-income countries with little access to rehabilitation services. This study will evaluate the Akwenda CP programme, a multidimensional intervention designed for low-resource settings and aiming at improving: (1) participation, motor function and daily activities for children with CP; (2) quality of life, stress and knowledge for caregivers; and (3) knowledge and attitudes towards children with CP in the communities.Methods This quasi-randomised controlled clinical study will recruit children and youth with CP aged 2–23 years in a rural area of Uganda. Children will be allocated to one of two groups with at least 44 children in each group. Groups will be matched for age, sex and motor impairment. The intervention arm will receive a comprehensive, multidimensional programme over a period of 11 months comprising (1) caregiver-led training workshops, (2) therapist-led practical group sessions, (3) provision of technical assistive devices, (4) goal-directed training and (5) community communication and advocacy. The other group will receive usual care. The outcome of the intervention will be assessed before and after the intervention and will be measured at three levels: (1) child, (2) caregiver and (3) community. Standard analysis methods for randomised controlled trial will be used to compare groups. Retention of effects will be examined at 12-month follow-up.Ethics and dissemination The study has been approved by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (SS 5173) and registered in accordance with WHO and ICMJE standards. Written informed consent will be obtained from caregivers. Results will be disseminated among participants and stakeholders through public engagement events, scientific reports and conference presentations.Trial registration number Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (PACTR202011738099314) Pre-results

    Mastitis on selected farms in Wakiso district, Uganda: Burden, pathogens and predictors of infectivity of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in dairy herds

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    Abstract Background Mastitis and associated antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are major challenges to the dairy industry worldwide. Objective This study aimed to expose the mastitis burden, causative bacteria and drivers for mastitis‐causing multi‐drug‐resistant (MDR) Staphylococci infectivity in cows on dairy farms in Wakiso district, Uganda. Methods On 22 farms, practices were documented using questionnaires, and 175 cows were screened by the California mastitis test. Composite milk samples from the positive reactors were submitted to the laboratory for bacterial culture testing. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing by the Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method was done only on Staphylococci with a panel of 10 antimicrobials of clinical relevance. Results Mastitis was detected in 80.6% (n = 141) of the 175 sampled cows, of which sub‐clinical mastitis (76.0%: n = 133) was predominant. The Chi‐squared analysis hypothesized that cow age (p = 0.017), sub‐county (p = 0.013), parity (p < 0.0001), sex of farm owner (p = 0.003), farm duration in dairy production (p = 0.048) and the use of milking salve (p = 0.006) were associated with mastitis. Coagulase‐negative Staphylococci were the most prevalent (71.4%; n = 95), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (30.1%, n = 40). Staphylococci (76.3%; n = 135) were majorly resistant to penicillin and tetracycline. Only one isolate was phenotyped as a methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus specie (MRSS). The prevalences of MDR strains at cow and isolate level were 6.3% and 8.3%. The major MDR phenotype identified was penicillin–tetracycline–trimethoprim‐sulphamethoxazole. The isolate detected as an MRSS exhibited the broadest MDR pattern. Cow parity was identified as a predictor of infectivity of mastitis‐causing MDR Staphylococci in dairy herds. Conclusion The high prevalence of mastitis and associated pathogen AMR found exposes possibilities of economic losses for the dairy sector warranting the need for farmer sensitization on the institution of proper mastitis prevention and control programs, with emphasis on milking hygiene practices and routine disease monitoring

    Development and evaluation of a continuous quality improvement programme for antimicrobial stewardship in six hospitals in Uganda

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    Background Appropriate antimicrobial use is essential for antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). Ugandan hospitals are making efforts to improve antibiotic use, but improvements have not been sufficiently documented and evaluated.Methods Six Ugandan hospitals implemented AMS interventions between June 2019 and July 2022. We used the WHO AMS toolkit to set-up hospital AMS programmes and implemented interventions using continuous quality improvement (CQI) techniques and targeting conditions commonly associated with antibiotic misuse, that is, urinary tract infections (UTIs), upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) and surgical antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP). The interventions included training, mentorship and provision of clinical guidelines to support clinical decision-making. Quarterly antibiotic use surveys were conducted.Results Data were collected for 7037 patients diagnosed with UTIs. There was an increase in the proportion of patients receiving one antibiotic for the treatment of UTI from 48% during the pre-intervention to 73.2%, p&lt;0.01. There was a 19.2% reduction in the number of antimicrobials per patient treated for UTI p&lt;0.01. There was an increase in use of nitrofurantoin, the first-line drug for the management of UTI. There was an increase in the use of Access antibiotics for managing UTIs from 50.4% to 53.8%. The proportion of patients receiving no antimicrobials for URTI increased from 26.3% at pre-intervention compared with 53.4% at intervention phase, p&lt;0.01. There was a 20.7% reduction in the mean number of antimicrobials per patient for URTI from the pre-intervention to the intervention phase, from 0.8 to 0.6, respectively, p&lt;0.001 and reduction in the number of treatment days, p=0.0163. Among patients undergoing surgery, 49.5% (2212) received SAP during the pre-intervention versus 50.5% (2169) during the intervention.Conclusions Using CQI approaches to focus on specific causes of inappropriate antibiotic use led to desirable overall reductions in antibiotic use for URTI and UTI

    Implementation of the World Health Organization Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System in Uganda, 2015-2020: Mixed-Methods Study Using National Surveillance Data

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    BackgroundAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an emerging public health crisis in Uganda. The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Action Plan recommends that countries should develop and implement National Action Plans for AMR. We describe the establishment of the national AMR program in Uganda and present the early microbial sensitivity results from the program. ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to describe a national surveillance program that was developed to perform the systematic and continuous collection, analysis, and interpretation of AMR data. MethodsA systematic qualitative description of the process and progress made in the establishment of the national AMR program is provided, detailing the progress made from 2015 to 2020. This is followed by a report of the findings of the isolates that were collected from AMR surveillance sites. Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of the bacterial isolates were performed using standard methods at both the surveillance sites and the reference laboratory. ResultsRemarkable progress has been achieved in the establishment of the national AMR program, which is guided by the WHO Global Laboratory AMR Surveillance System (GLASS) in Uganda. A functional national coordinating center for AMR has been established with a supporting designated reference laboratory. WHONET software for AMR data management has been installed in the surveillance sites and laboratory staff trained on data quality assurance. Uganda has progressively submitted data to the WHO GLASS reporting system. Of the 19,216 isolates from WHO GLASS priority specimens collected from October 2015 to June 2020, 22.95% (n=4411) had community-acquired infections, 9.46% (n=1818) had hospital-acquired infections, and 68.57% (n=12,987) had infections of unknown origin. The highest proportion of the specimens was blood (12,398/19,216, 64.52%), followed by urine (5278/19,216, 27.47%) and stool (1266/19,216, 6.59%), whereas the lowest proportion was urogenital swabs (274/19,216, 1.4%). The mean age was 19.1 (SD 19.8 years), whereas the median age was 13 years (IQR 28). Approximately 49.13% (9440/19,216) of the participants were female and 50.51% (9706/19,216) were male. Participants with community-acquired infections were older (mean age 28, SD 18.6 years; median age 26, IQR 20.5 years) than those with hospital-acquired infections (mean age 17.3, SD 20.9 years; median age 8, IQR 26 years). All gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae) and gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus sp) bacteria with AST showed resistance to each of the tested antibiotics. ConclusionsUganda is the first African country to implement a structured national AMR surveillance program in alignment with the WHO GLASS. The reported AST data indicate very high resistance to the recommended and prescribed antibiotics for treatment of infections. More effort is required regarding quality assurance of laboratory testing methodologies to ensure optimal adherence to WHO GLASS–recommended pathogen-antimicrobial combinations. The current AMR data will inform the development of treatment algorithms and clinical guidelines