76 research outputs found

    Italian versus Northern Range port competitiveness: a transportation cost analysis in Chinese trade

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    The paper presents an analysis of the costs of shipping containers from four Chinese ports to representative central European destinations. It is demonstrated that the sum of costs by sea and costs over land, using both truck and rail transport, clearly favours the Italian ports, above all those of Genoa and Trieste for a geographic range that does not include all the Northern countries of the European Union and Russia but does cover a considerable portion of the southernmost cities of these countries such as Milan, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Bern, Lyon, and Kiev. Other Italian ports can compensate for the handicap of the greater distance from this range of production and consumption zones, if they are appropriately reorganized with lower costs in direct competition with the Northern European ports, particularly the port of Naples, where COSCO has set up operation. However, despite the evident advantages in terms of distance and costs, Italian ports are unable to compete with those of Northern Europe on account of inefficiency affecting both their internal structure and inland transport. The purpose of the paper is to define costs in each sector (shipping costs, port costs and inland distribution costs) and to compare the relative port positions

    New challenges and the future of Italian superyacht yards

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    This work aims to acquire greater knowledge on the structure of heterogeneous oligopoly in the superyacht production industry, and to investigate how the fierce competition mounted by newcomers who seek to beat down the price of superyachts can lead to problems for the large European, American and above all Italian yards as well as small accessories manufacturers. As a reference point of this study attention will focus on the Viareggio cluster whose companies are recognized as ranking first in all the international classifications. If stiffer competition or a decline in demand or, above all, sharply predatory prices set by the newcomers, were to create severely adverse conditions, the large companies in EU and USA and particularly in Italy mounting their counter-attack

    International competitors and Chinese ports

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    The aim of the paper is to inquire on how and why large liner shipping companies and international terminal operators have achieved power over Chinese ports. Liner shipping companies and large terminal operators are fighting for control over the extensive web of commercial relations that China has set up within a short span of time in Asia, acquiring space in the terminals. The increase of throughput in the Chinese ports also underlines the need for the development of ports infrastructures, services and high level of management. Firstly we describe the network of trade through which China is engaged in commercial relations with the rest of the world, and in particular with the other Asian countries. Secondly we underline the structural and management peculiarities of most important ports of the three main Chinese zones and the presence of large lines companies and terminal operators. Thirdly we outline in short the cooperative action shown by the Chinese and by the great liner shipping companies to jointly manage the Chinese ports

    Gestalt Therapy Approach to Depressive Experiences

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    Mourning and depressive experience are distinguished to highlight the core of the suffering of people in depression. In the mourning experience a specific person or situation becomes unreachable and therein lies the loss suffered. The experience of melancholic depression differs: what is lost is that which anchors the subject to the fabric which connects him/her to the world. A radically relational approach to depression where the client and therapist are seen as depressing here and now in the therapy’s situation is introduced

    Aesthetic Diagnosis in Gestalt Therapy

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    The diagnostic process in psychotherapy using the aesthetic evaluation is described in this article. Unlike the classical diagnostic process, which presents a result of comparing clinicians´ observations with a diagnostic system (DSM, ICD, etc.), the aesthetic evaluation is a pre-reflexive, embodied, and preverbal process. A Gestalt Therapy theoretical frame is used to introduce a concept of the aesthetic diagnostic process. During this process, the clinicians use their own here-and-now presence, which takes part in the co-creation of the shared relational field during the therapeutic session. A specific procedure of the aesthetic evaluation is introduced. The clinical work with depressed clients is presented to illustrate this perspective.Článek popisuje diagnostický proces v psychoterapii, při kterém se používá estetické hodnocení. Oproti klasickému diagnostickému procesu, při kterém se porovnává pozorování s diagnostickým systémem (DSM, ICD, apod.), estetická diagnostika zahrnuje předreflexivní, ztělesněné, a preverbální procesy. Pro vysvětlení procesu estetické diagnosticky je použitý teoretický rámec gestalt therapie. Klinická práce s depresivními klienty je použita pro ilustraci tohoto procesu.The diagnostic process in psychotherapy using the aesthetic evaluation is described in this article. Unlike the classical diagnostic process, which presents a result of comparing clinicians´ observations with a diagnostic system (DSM, ICD, etc.), the aesthetic evaluation is a pre-reflexive, embodied, and preverbal process. A Gestalt Therapy theoretical frame is used to introduce a concept of the aesthetic diagnostic process. During this process, the clinicians use their own here-and-now presence, which takes part in the co-creation of the shared relational field during the therapeutic session. A specific procedure of the aesthetic evaluation is introduced. The clinical work with depressed clients is presented to illustrate this perspective

    Fire Weather Index application in north-western Italy

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    International audiencePiedmont region is located in North-Western Italy and is surrounded by the alpine chain and by the Appennines. The region is covered by a wide extension of forests, mainly in its mountain areas (the forests cover 36% of the regional territory). Forested areas are interested by wildfire events. In the period 1997?2005 Piedmont was interested by an average 387 forest fires per year, covering an average 1926 ha of forest per year. Meteorological conditions like long periods without precipitation contribute to create favourable conditions to forest fire development, while the fire propagation is made easier by the foehn winds, frequently interesting the region in winter and spring particularly. The meteorological danger index FWI (Fire Weather Index) was developed by Van Wagner (1987) for the Canadian Forestry Service, providing a complete description of the behaviour of the different forest components in response to the changing weather conditions. We applied the FWI to the Piedmont region on warning areas previously defined for fire management purposes. The meteorological data-set is based on the data of the very-dense non-GTS network of weather stations managed by Arpa Piemonte. The thresholds for the definition of a danger scenarios system were defined comparing historical FWI data with fires occurred on a 5 years period. The implementation of a prognostic FWI prediction system is planned for the early 2008, involving the use of good forecasts of weather parameters at the station locations obtained by the Multimodel SuperEnsemble post-processing technique
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