226 research outputs found

    The human gut microbiota during the initial stages of life: insights from bifidobacteria.

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    Current scientific literature has identified the infant gut microbiota as a multifaceted organ influencing a range of aspects of host-health and development. Many scientific studies have focused on characterizing the main microbial taxa that constitute the resident bacterial population of the infant gut. This has generated a wealth of information on the bacterial composition of the infant gut microbiota, and on the functional role/s exerted by their key microbial members. In this context, one of the most prevalent, abundant and investigated microbial taxon in the human infant gut is the genus Bifidobacterium, due to the purported beneficial activities is bestows upon its host. This review discusses the most recent findings regarding the infant gut microbiota with a particular focus on the molecular mechanisms by which bifidobacteria impact on host health and well-being

    Host-microbe interactions that facilitate gut colonization by commensal bifidobacteria.

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    Microorganisms live in a myriad of ecological niches. The human intestine is among the most densely populated environments; here, a multitude of bacteria appear to have co-evolved to impact beneficially upon the health of their human host. The precise molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways employed by commensal bacteria, including those that facilitate colonization and persistence, remain largely unknown despite the perceived positive effects of such host-microbe interactions. In this review we discuss several fascinating relationships between the gastrointestinal tract and commensal bacteria, with particular emphasis on bifidobacteria as a prototypical group of human enteric microorganisms

    Microbial diversity in the human intestine and novel insights from metagenomics

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    Bacterial communities reside in very different ecological niches on and within the human host, such as those associated with the alimentary tract. The human gastrointestinal tract is populated with as many as 100 trillion bacterial cells, whose collective genome likely reflects the co-evolution between the microbial community and its host. Recent progress has highlighted the intriguing diversity of these bacterial populations and their important contributions to human physiology. Thus, a thorough understanding of the autochthonous component of the intestinal microbiota is expected to provide crucial information not only on how to develop therapies for various gastrointestinal diseases but also on how to choose the next generation of probiotic bacteria as part of novel functional foods. Recently, novel culture-independent approaches such as metagenomics-based techniques were shown to be crucially important for the exploration of the biodiversity of the human intestinal microbiota

    Exploring the biodiversity of Bifidobacterium asteroides among honey bee microbiomes

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    Bifidobacterium asteroides is considered the ancestor of the genus Bifidobacterium, which has evolved in close touch with the hindgut of social insects. However, recent studies revealed high intraspecies biodiversity within this taxon, uncovering the putative existence of multiple bifidobacterial species, thus, suggesting its reclassification. Here, a genomic investigation of 98 B. asteroides-related genomes retrieved from public repositories and reconstructed from metagenomes of the hindgut of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana was performed to shed light on the genetic variability of this taxon. Phylogenetic and genomic analyses revealed the existence of eight clusters, of which five have been recently characterized with a representative type strain of the genus and three were represented by putative novel bifidobacterial species inhabiting the honeybee gut. Then, the dissection of 366 shotgun metagenomes of honeybee guts revealed a pattern of seven B. asteroides-related taxa within A. mellifera that co-exist with the host, while A. cerana microbiome was characterized by the predominance of one of the novel species erroneously classified as B. asteroides. A further glycobiome analysis unveiled a conserved repertoire of glycosyl hydrolases (GHs) reflecting degradative abilities towards a broad range of simple carbohydrates together with genes encoding specific GHs of each B. asteroides-related taxa

    Analysis of microbiome in gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Looking for different players in tumorigenesis and novel therapeutic options

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    Carcinogenesis; Microbiome; Tumor evolutionCarcinogènesi; Microbioma; Evolució del tumorCarcinogénesis; Microbioma; Evolución del tumorPreclinical forms of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), small asymptomatic lesions, called microGIST, are detected in approximately 30% of the general population. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor driver mutation can be already detected in microGISTs, even if they do not progress into malignant cancer; these mutations are necessary, but insufficient events to foster tumor progression. Here we profiled the tissue microbiota of 60 gastrointestinal specimens in three different patient cohorts—micro, low-risk, and high-risk or metastatic GIST—exploring the compositional structure, predicted function, and microbial networks, with the aim of providing a complete overview of microbial ecology in GIST and its preclinical form. Comparing microGISTs and GISTs, both weighted and unweighted UniFrac and Bray–Curtis dissimilarities showed significant community-level separation between them and a pronounced difference in Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidota was observed. Through the LEfSe tool, potential microbial biomarkers associated with a specific type of lesion were identified. In particular, GIST samples were significantly enriched in the phylum Proteobacteria compared to microGISTs. Several pathways involved in sugar metabolism were also highlighted in GISTs; this was expected as cancer usually displays high aerobic glycolysis in place of oxidative phosphorylation and rise of glucose flux to promote anabolic request. Our results highlight that specific differences do exist in the tissue microbiome community between GIST and benign lesions and that microbiome restructuration can drive the carcinogenesis process.Francesca Goriini and Federica Zanotti have been supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna

    Genome-scale analyses of health-promoting bacteria: probiogenomics

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    The human body is colonized by an enormous population of bacteria (microbiota) that provides the host with coding capacity and metabolic activities. Among the human gut microbiota are health-promoting indigenous species (probiotic bacteria) that are commonly consumed as live dietary supplements. Recent genomics-based studies (probiogenomics) are starting to provide insights into how probiotic bacteria sense and adapt to the gastrointestinal tract environment. In this Review, we discuss the application of probiogenomics in the elucidation of the molecular basis of probiosis using the well-recognized model probiotic bacteria genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus as examples

    Genomics of the genus Bifidobacterium reveals species-specific adaptation to the glycan-rich gut environment

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    Bifidobacteria represent one of the dominant microbial groups that occur in the gut of various animals, being particularly prevalent during the suckling period of humans and other mammals. Their ability to compete with other gut bacteria is largely attributed to their saccharolytic features. Comparative and functional genomic as well as transcriptomic analyses have revealed the genetic background that underpins the overall saccharolytic phenotype for each of the 47 bifidobacterial (sub)species representing the genus Bifidobacterium, while also generating insightful information regarding carbohydrate resource sharing and crossfeeding among bifidobacteria. The abundance of bifidobacterial saccharolytic features in human microbiomes supports the notion that metabolic accessibility to dietary and/or host-derived glycans is a potent evolutionary force that has shaped the bifidobacterial genome

    In Vivo Effects of Einkorn Wheat (Triticum monococcum) Bread on the Intestinal Microbiota, Metabolome, and on the Glycemic and Insulinemic Response in the Pig Model

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    Einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) is characterized by high content of proteins, bioactive compounds, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, fructans, tocols, carotenoids, alkylresorcinols, and phytosterols, and lower α-, β-amylase and lipoxygenase activities compared to polyploid wheat. These features make einkorn flour a good candidate to provide healthier foods. In the present study, we investigated the effects of einkorn bread (EB) on the intestinal physiology and metabolism of the pig model by characterizing the glycemic and insulinemic response, and the microbiota and metabolome profiles. Sixteen commercial hybrid pigs were enrolled in the study; four pigs were used to characterize postprandial glycemic and insulinemic responses and twelve pigs underwent a 30-day dietary intervention to assess microbiota and metabolome changes after EB or standard wheat bread (WB) consumption. The postprandial insulin rise after an EB meal was characterized by a lower absolute level, and, as also observed for glucose, by a biphasic shape in contrast to that in response to a WB meal. The consumption of EB led to enrichment in short-chain fatty acid producers (e.g., Blautia, Faecalibacterium, and Oscillospira) in the gut microbiota and to higher metabolic diversity with lower content of succinate, probably related to improved absorption and therefore promoting intestinal gluconeogenesis. The observed changes, at both a compositional and metabolic scale, strongly suggest that EB consumption may support a health-promoting configuration of the intestinal ecosystem

    Isolation of novel gut bifidobacteria using a combination of metagenomic and cultivation approaches

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    Whole metagenome shotgun (WMGS) sequencing is a method that provides insights into the genomic composition and arrangement of complex microbial consortia. Here, we report how WMGS coupled with a cultivation approach allows the isolation of novel bifidobacteria from animal fecal samples. A combination of in silico analyses based on nucleotide and protein sequences facilitate the identification of genetic material belonging to putative novel species. Consequently, the prediction of metabolic properties by in silico analyses permits the identification of specific substrates that are then employed to isolate these species through a cultivation method

    Bifidobacterium bifidum: A key member of the early human gut microbiota

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    Bifidobacteria typically represent the most abundant bacteria of the human gut microbiota in healthy breast-fed infants. Members of the Bifidobacterium bifidum species constitute one of the dominant taxa amongst these bifidobacterial communities and have been shown to display notable physiological and genetic features encompassing adhesion to epithelia as well as metabolism of host-derived glycans. In the current review, we discuss current knowledge concerning particular biological characteristics of the B. bifidum species that support its specific adaptation to the human gut and their implications in terms of supporting host health
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