609 research outputs found

    Multiple scale theory of topology driven pattern on directed networks

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    Dynamical processes on networks are currently being considered in different domains of cross-disciplinary interest. Reaction-diffusion systems hosted on directed graphs are in particular relevant for their widespread applications, from neuroscience, to computer networks and traffic systems. Due to the peculiar spectrum of the discrete Laplacian operator, homogeneous fixed points can turn unstable, on a directed support, because of the topology of the network, a phenomenon which cannot be induced on undirected graphs. A linear analysis can be performed to single out the conditions that underly the instability. The complete characterization of the patterns, which are eventually attained beyond the linear regime of exponential growth, calls instead for a full non linear treatment. By performing a multiple time scale perturbative calculation, we here derive an effective equation for the non linear evolution of the amplitude of the most unstable mode, close to the threshold of criticality. This is a Stuart-Landau equation whose complex coefficients appear to depend on the topological features of the embedding directed graph. The theory proves adequate versus simulations, as confirmed by operating with a paradigmatic reaction-diffusion model

    Ginzburg-Landau approximation for self-sustained oscillators weakly coupled on complex directed graphs

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    A normal form approximation for the evolution of a reaction-diffusion system hosted on a directed graph is derived, in the vicinity of a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. Weak diffusive couplings are assumed to hold between adjacent nodes. Under this working assumption, a Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) is obtained, whose coefficients depend on the parameters of the model and the topological characteristics of the underlying network. The CGLE enables one to probe the stability of the synchronous oscillating solution, as displayed by the reaction-diffusion system above Hopf bifurcation. More specifically, conditions can be worked out for the onset of the symmetry breaking instability that eventually destroys the uniform oscillatory state. Numerical tests performed for the Brusselator model confirm the validity of the proposed theoretical scheme. Patterns recorded for the CGLE resemble closely those recovered upon integration of the original Brussellator dynamics

    The second will be first: competition on directed networks

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    Multiple sinks competition is investigated for a walker diffusing on directed complex networks. The asymmetry of the imposed spatial support makes the system non transitive. As a consequence, it is always possible to identify a suitable location for the second absorbing sink that screens at most the flux of agents directed against the first trap, whose position has been preliminarily assigned. The degree of mutual competition between pairs of nodes is analytically quantified through apt indicators that build on the topological characteristics of the hosting graph. Moreover, the positioning of the second trap can be chosen so as to minimize, at the same time the probability of being in turn shaded by a thirdly added trap. Supervised placing of absorbing traps on a asymmetric disordered and complex graph is hence possible, as follows a robust optimization protocol. This latter is here discussed and successfully tested against synthetic data

    Hopping in the crowd to unveil network topology

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    We introduce a nonlinear operator to model diffusion on a complex undirected network under crowded conditions. We show that the asymptotic distribution of diffusing agents is a nonlinear function of the nodes' degree and saturates to a constant value for sufficiently large connectivities, at variance with standard diffusion in the absence of excluded-volume effects. Building on this observation, we define and solve an inverse problem, aimed at reconstructing the a priori unknown connectivity distribution. The method gathers all the necessary information by repeating a limited number of independent measurements of the asymptotic density at a single node that can be chosen randomly. The technique is successfully tested against both synthetic and real data, and shown to estimate with great accuracy also the total number of nodes

    Global topological control for synchronized dynamics on networks

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    A general scheme is proposed and tested to control the symmetry breaking instability of a homogeneous solution of a spatially extended multispecies model, defined on a network. The inherent discreteness of the space makes it possible to act on the topology of the inter-nodes contacts to achieve the desired degree of stabilization, without altering the dynamical parameters of the model. Both symmetric and asymmetric couplings are considered. In this latter setting the web of contacts is assumed to be balanced, for the homogeneous equilibrium to exist. The performance of the proposed method are assessed, assuming the Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation as a reference model. In this case, the implemented control allows one to stabilize the synchronous limit cycle, hence time-dependent, uniform solution. A system of coupled real Ginzburg-Landau equations is also investigated to obtain the topological stabilization of a homogeneous and constant fixed point

    Stochastic Turing Patterns on a Network

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    The process of stochastic Turing instability on a network is discussed for a specific case study, the stochastic Brusselator model. The system is shown to spontaneously differentiate into activator-rich and activator-poor nodes, outside the region of parameters classically deputed to the deterministic Turing instability. This phenomenon, as revealed by direct stochastic simulations, is explained analytically, and eventually traced back to the finite size corrections stemming from the inherent graininess of the scrutinized medium.Comment: The movies referred to in the paper are provided upon request. Please send your requests to Duccio Fanelli ([email protected]) or Francesca Di Patti ([email protected]

    Optimal search strategies on complex multi-linked networks

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    In this paper we consider the problem of optimal search strategies on multi-linked networks, i.e. graphs whose nodes are endowed with several independent sets of links. We focus preliminarily on agents randomly hopping along the links of a graph, with the additional possibility of performing non-local hops to randomly chosen nodes with a given probability. We show that an optimal combination of the two jump rules exists that maximises the efficiency of target search, the optimum reflecting the topology of the network. We then generalize our results to multi-linked networks with an arbitrary number of mutually interfering link sets

    Can a microscopic stochastic model explain the emergence of pain cycles in patients?

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    A stochastic model is here introduced to investigate the molecular mechanisms which trigger the perception of pain. The action of analgesic drug compounds is discussed in a dynamical context, where the competition with inactive species is explicitly accounted for. Finite size effects inevitably perturb the mean-field dynamics: Oscillations in the amount of bound receptors spontaneously manifest, driven by the noise which is intrinsic to the system under scrutiny. These effects are investigated both numerically, via stochastic simulations and analytically, through a large-size expansion. The claim that our findings could provide a consistent interpretative framework to explain the emergence of cyclic behaviors in response to analgesic treatments, is substantiated.Comment: J. Stat. Mech. (Proceedings UPON2008