57 research outputs found

    Host stage and temperature for the rearing of Aridelus rufotestaceus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), with notes on acceptance and suitability of 2 stink bug species

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    Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is a harmful pest of many agricultural crops in different parts of the world. This stink bug is the preferred host species of Aridelus rufotestaceus Tobias (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an endoparasitoid of nymphs and adults of pentatomids. With the aim to improve the rearing procedure of this beneficial insect, the acceptance and suitability of all mobile stages of N. viridula (from first instar nymph to adult) were evaluated. At 25 & DEG;C, all host stages were accepted and suitable for A. rufotestaceus development, but the highest parasitoid cocoon and adult yields were obtained from second instar nymphs. The possibility to reduce the development time of A. rufotestasceus by increasing the rearing temperature was also evaluated, but 28 & DEG;C proved to be detrimental for parasitoid development, as shown by the very low cocoon and adult numbers obtained. The acceptance and suitability of the invasive pentatomid species Halyomorpha halys (Stal) for A. rufotestaceus was also tested. Female wasps were observed piercing H. halys nymphs with the ovipositor, but no cocoons were obtained, nor were larvae or head capsules detected in the exposed stink bugs

    Soy flour versus skimmed milk powder in artificial diets for Galleria mellonella, a factitious host for Exorista larvarum

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    Galleria mellonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Pyralidae) is worldwide produced and utilized for different purposes. In the entomology laboratories of the University of Bologna, Italy, this insect has long been maintained in continuous colony, and used as a factitious host for Exorista larvarum (L.) (Diptera Tachinidae), a polyphagous, gregarious larval parasitoid, mainly of Lepidoptera, which lays eggs on the host body. The “standard” diet used to feed G. mellonella larvae, which contains skimmed milk powder, white and whole wheat flour, maize flour, honey, bee wax, brewer’s yeast and glycerine, has long proven to be efficient, but presents the drawback to be rather expensive. We tested the possibility to reduce diet costs by replacing skimmed milk powder (added for its protein and energy intake) with soy flour, an alternative and cheaper protein source. The development times and adult yields of G. mellonella were not negatively affected, when the “soy” diet was used to feed the larvae for one generation. Host acceptance by E. larvarum (measured as number of parasitoid eggs laid on G. mellonella) was higher for the larvae fed on the “soy” than on the “standard” diet. The use of soy flour in lieu of skimmed milk powder, however, proved inappropriate for the rearing of G. mellonella in the long run, because some quality traits, e.g. pupal weights and development times were lower in the “soy” than in the “standard” diet and further worsened through generations. Moreover, the number of eggs laid was dramatically lower for the F2 G. mellonella females obtained on the “soy” than on the “standard” diet. These results suggested that the costs of the artificial diet currently used for G. mellonella may not be lowered by replacing skimmed milk powder with soy flour on a regular basis, possibly due to nutrient imbalance

    Differential Stress-Induced Neuronal Activation Patterns in Mouse Lines Selectively Bred for High, Normal or Low Anxiety

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    There is evidence for a disturbed perception and processing of emotional information in pathological anxiety. Using a rat model of trait anxiety generated by selective breeding, we previously revealed differences in challenge-induced neuronal activation in fear/anxiety-related brain areas between high (HAB) and low (LAB) anxiety rats. To confirm whether findings generalize to other species, we used the corresponding HAB/LAB mouse model and investigated c-Fos responses to elevated open arm exposure. Moreover, for the first time we included normal anxiety mice (NAB) for comparison. The results confirm that HAB mice show hyperanxious behavior compared to their LAB counterparts, with NAB mice displaying an intermediate anxiety phenotype. Open arm challenge revealed altered c-Fos response in prefrontal-cortical, limbic and hypothalamic areas in HAB mice as compared to LAB mice, and this was similar to the differences observed previously in the HAB/LAB rat lines. In mice, however, additional differential c-Fos response was observed in subregions of the amygdala, hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, midbrain and pons. Most of these differences were also seen between HAB and NAB mice, indicating that it is predominately the HAB line showing altered neuronal processing. Hypothalamic hypoactivation detected in LAB versus NAB mice may be associated with their low-anxiety/high-novelty-seeking phenotype. The detection of similarly disturbed activation patterns in a key set of anxiety-related brain areas in two independent models reflecting psychopathological states of trait anxiety confirms the notion that the altered brain activation in HAB animals is indeed characteristic of enhanced (pathological) anxiety, providing information for potential targets of therapeutic intervention

    Re-examination of the Controversial Coexistence of Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Misdiagnosis and Self-Report Measures

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    The coexistence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a controversial issue in the literature. To address this controversy, we focused primarily on the civilian-related literature of TBI and PTSD. Some investigators have argued that individuals who had been rendered unconscious or suffered amnesia due to a TBI are unable to develop PTSD because they would be unable to consciously experience the symptoms of fear, helplessness, and horror associated with the development of PTSD. Other investigators have reported that individuals who sustain TBI, regardless of its severity, can develop PTSD even in the context of prolonged unconsciousness. A careful review of the methodologies employed in these studies reveals that investigators who relied on clinical interviews of TBI patients to diagnose PTSD found little or no evidence of PTSD. In contrast, investigators who relied on PTSD questionnaires to diagnose PTSD found considerable evidence of PTSD. Further analysis revealed that many of the TBI patients who were initially diagnosed with PTSD according to self-report questionnaires did not meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD upon completion of a clinical interview. In particular, patients with severe TBI were often misdiagnosed with PTSD. A number of investigators found that many of the severe TBI patients failed to follow the questionnaire instructions and erroneously endorsed PTSD symptoms because of their cognitive difficulties. Because PTSD questionnaires are not designed to discriminate between PTSD and TBI symptoms or determine whether a patient's responses are accurate or exaggerated, studies that rely on self-report questionnaires to evaluate PTSD in TBI patients are at risk of misdiagnosing PTSD. Further research should evaluate the degree to which misdiagnosis of PTSD occurs in individuals who have sustained mild TBI

    Acceptance and suitability of Nezara viridula nymphs as hosts for Trichopoda pennipes

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    Trichopoda pennipes F. is a parasitoid species introduced in various countries as a biological control agent against the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula L.. Several studies were performed to investigate the interactions between this parasitoid and the host, but they were focused above all on the adults. Our research was focused on the effects of exposure and parasitization by T. pennipes on the five-instar nymphs of N. viridula. We observed that the exposure to the parasitoid had effects on the development time of the five-instar nymphs and on the lifespan of the nymphs and the adults that emerged from them

    Insetti ed altri Invetebrati presenti sulle dune costiere presso la foce del torrente Bevano

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    Si riportano i risultati di uno studio sperimentale effettuato nella zona circostante la foce del torrente Bevano (SI/ZPS IT4070009 della Rete Ecologica Natura 2000), una delle poche aree naturali della costa romagnola, soggetta a restrizioni nell\u2019uso a fini balneari. Lo studio esamina la composizione specifica e la consistenza dei popolamenti di insetti e di altri invertebrati frequentatori dell\u2019ambiente delle dune sabbiose costiere e, su questa base, propone alcune considerazioni sullo stato in cui il sistema stesso si trova. La presenza di insetti con abitudini alimentari assai varie (fitofagi, predatori, saprofagi, coprofagi) pu\uf2 essere considerata un indicatore dell\u2019instaurarsi di catene trofiche complesse, segno di una buona funzionalit\ue0 dell\u2019ecosistema. Riguardo alle comunit\ue0 di artropodi, la presenza, sia pure numericamente modesta, di Calomera littoralis nemoralis, indica una buona qualit\ue0 ambientale, trattandosi di una specie sensibile anche a minime variazioni dei parametri che ne soddisfano le esigenze ecologiche

    Prove sperimentali con idrolati per la difesa del ciliegio da Drosophila suzukii

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    Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) \ue8 comunemente nota con il nome \u201cmoscerino dei piccoli frutti\u201d (in inglese Spotted Wing Drosophila, SWD). \uc8 considerata un insetto molto infestante che causa gravi danni a livello economico soprattutto nel suo continente d\u2019origine, ovvero l\u2019Asia, ma, recentemente, anche in America ed in Europa. Per difendere le colture, in particolare il ciliegio, da questo fitofago si fa uso per lo pi\uf9 di insetticidi di sintesi, in particolare modo prima della raccolta (1) quando la femmina con il proprio ovipositore sclerificato inizia a deporre nel frutto le proprie uova. I parassitoidi, come Trichopria drosophilae (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae), possono coadiuvare nella lotta, ma non sono, di per s\ue9, sufficientemente efficaci (2). Le reti antinsetto sono efficienti ma molto costose. Visto che fra gli obiettivi dell\u2019agricoltura sostenibile vi \ue8 la riduzione degli insetticidi di sintesi al fine di salvaguardare l\u2019ambiente e la sicurezza alimentare dei consumatori, questo lavoro pone l\u2019attenzione sull\u2019utilizzo verso D. suzukii dell\u2019idrolato di Monarda didyma, una pianta erbacea perenne appartenente alla famiglia delle Lamiacee (Fig. 1) ed originaria del Nord America contenente diversi metaboliti secondari, in particolare il monoterpene Timolo, conosciuto in Letteratura per l\u2019attivit\ue0 dissuasiva verso i fitofagi aggressori delle piante. Attraverso diversi biosaggi effettuati in laboratorio si \ue8 osservato che l\u2019applicazione topica mediante Torre di Potter di diverse concentrazioni dell\u2019idrolato di Monarda ha provocato elevate mortalit\ue0 dopo 48 ore (Tab. 1), mentre nessuna attivit\ue0 repellente e fagodeterrente \ue8 stata osservata rispettivamente mediante biosaggi con olfattometro a Y e biosaggi con dieta artificiale con colorante


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    176 Sessione V - Ecologia ed etologia. Presentazioni Posters INDAGINE SU ARTROPODI E ALTRI INVERTEBRATI IN AMBIENTI DUNOSI COSTIERI Recente MENTE RESTAURATI: RISULTATI PRELIMINARI S. Francati, L. Ferroni, M. Speranza & M. L. Dindo DiSTA, Universit\ue0 di Bologna, Viale Fanin 42-44, 40127 Bologna E-mail: [email protected] Nell\u2019ambito di un progetto di riqualificazione del litorale, riguardante l\u2019area protetta di Foce del Torrente Bevano (Ravenna), stazione del Parco Regionale del Delta del Po, \ue8 stata realizzata la copertura vegetale di una duna costruita artificialmente, a seguito dei lavori effettuati nell\u2019inverno 2005/2006 per il riposizionamento della foce del torrente stesso. Per l\u2019intervento sono state utilizzate due specie, l\u2019una delle dune embrionali (Agropyron junceum (L.) Beauv.), l\u2019altra delle dune mobili (Ammophila littoralis (Beauv.) Rothm.). La piantumazione, effettuata a fine ottobre 2006, ha dato luogo, gi\ue0 nella stagione vegetativa 2007, ad una copertura vegetale di discreto sviluppo, aumentata ulteriormente negli anni successivi. A primavera 2010 si \ue8 verificato l\u2019avvenuto insediamento spontaneo di invertebrati nel nuovo ambiente, mediante il censimento di artropodi e di altri gruppi. Tale censimento \ue8 stato effettuato anche in una duna limitrofa, immediatamente a Sud della foce del torrente. Ci\uf2 allo scopo di eseguire un confronto tra la giovane duna e una duna di origine naturale, dove la copertura vegetale presentava la complessit\ue0 strutturale e floristica propria di un sistema dunoso maturo. La principale tecnica di campionamento utilizzata \ue8 stata quella delle trappole a caduta, posizionate a distanza regolare all\u2019interno dell\u2019area vegetata delle dune, parallelamente alla linea di costa. Sono state utilizzate anche le tecniche di raccolta manuale e sfalcio con retino. Dal punto di vista della composizione faunistica, sia nella duna naturale (N) che in quella ricostituita (R) sono stati rinvenuti i seguenti taxa: Isopoda (N=256; R=7), Araneae (N=38; R=5), Acari (N=356; R=246), Orthoptera (N=1; R=11), Neuroptera Myrmeleontidae (N=9; R=15), Diptera (N=1.894; R=1.343), Hemiptera (N=12; R=8), Coleoptera (Carabidae (N=371; R=134), Staphylinidae (N=1-848; R=302), Scarabaeoidea (N=641; R=654), Hymenoptera (Formicidae Myrmicinae (N=657; R=266). Nella sola duna naturale sono stati inoltre rinvenuti Gastropoda (1.218), Pseudoscorpiones (1), Diplopoda Julidae (48), Collembola (70), Blattodea (5), Coleoptera Curculionidae (8). Riguardo alla sostenibilit\ue0 ambientale dell\u2019intervento di restauro effettuato, il risultato pu\uf2 essere considerato incoraggiante. Dopo un tempo relativamente breve dall\u2019esecuzione dell\u2019intervento (poco pi\uf9 di 3 anni), \ue8, infatti, gi\ue0 stata rinvenuta una comunit\ue0 di artropodi, e altri invertebrati, ben diversificata e numericamente abbastanza consistente. I dati raccolti potrebbero essere validi anche per costituire una banca dati da utilizzare per caratterizzazioni di studi analoghi

    Ortazzo e Ortazzino: un esempio di relazioni piante-insetti in un'area ad elevata diversit\ue0 ambientale

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    L\u2019habitat prioritario 1150 *Steppe salate mediterranee (Limonietalia), tutelato dalla Direttiva Habitat (92/43/EEC) \ue8 presente nel sistema di zone umide salmastre dell\u2019Ortazzo e dell\u2019Ortazzino (SIC/ZPS It4070009). In questo habitat \ue8 stata ritrovata su Artemisia caerulescens L., l\u2019afide Macrosiphoniella pulvera Walker 1848. Tale ritrovamento, visto nel quadro della distribuzione europea delle specie di Artemisia e delle specie di Macrosiphoniella, \ue8 di notevole interesse, perch\ue9 suggerisce relazioni di vicarianza geografica tra le specie dei due generi, nonch\ue9 relazioni di stretta dipendenza trofica afide-pianta

    Cimice asiatica confermata come insetto vettore di fitoplasmi.

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    Dalle prove condotte emerge che le cimici sono in grado di acquisire fi toplasmi presenti nell\u2019ambiente in cui si nutrono. In condizioni di laboratorio \ue8 stata verifi cata anche la loro capacit\ue0 di trasmissione a piante san
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