294 research outputs found

    Investigating the antitumoral activity and mechanism of action of a xanthone derivative

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    Chapter I refers to the introduction, and has the role of providing an initial overview of the issues addressed directly or indirectly in the rest of the study. Initially, an overview of the cell cycle, its regulation and control is given. In the sequence, a greater emphasis is given to mitosis, which is described in detail from its cascade of events to the molecular machinery of the mitotic spindle. Still at this stage, the dynamics that occur between kinetochore-microtubules, correlated errors and their due corrections are described. Next, we provide an overview of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC), dissecting the functions triggered by this mechanism, as well as the proteins involved in this important cellular control mechanism. Following, an introduction was given about drugs that use the targeting of mitosis for cancer therapy, namely through microtubules, providing an overview of current approaches, their limitations and future directions. Finally, a correlation was made between xanthones and cancer, demonstrating how this class of compounds (as well as their derivatives) is already used as a starting point in the development of new anticancer drugs. Chapter II concerns what motivated the project, as well as its specific objectives. Chapter III refers to the materials and methods used throughout the study, so that it was possible to dissect the mechanism of action of the compound. Chapter IV will demonstrate the results about the compound's mechanism of action, through: in vitro characterization of the compound's antimitotic activity, identification of the underlying mechanism of action and evaluation of the combined treatment of PX2 with paclitaxel in promoting cell death of tumoral cells. Chapter V provides a discussion, correlating previous studies and the present study. Chapter VI provides general conclusions about the mechanism of action of PX2 and the prospects for future research. Chapter VII contains a list of all references cited in the course of the thesis.This work was supported by CESPU - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário Crl [grant number ComeTarget_CESPU_2017 and ComeTax-PFT-IINFACTS-2019]. This research was partially supported by FCT/MCTES - Foundation for Science and Technology from the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the projects, co-financed by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020, PTDC/SAU-PUB/28736/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028736) and within the scope of UIDB/04423/2020, UID/QUI/5000612019, and UIDP/04423/2020 (Group of Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry). ACH thanks FCT for her PhD grant (SFRH/BD/140844/2018). DRPL thanks FCT for her PhD grant (SFRH/BD/140844/2018). JXS thanks for the FCT PhD Programmes, specifically by the BiotechHealth Programme (PD/00016/2012), and for the grants (SFRH/BD/98105/2013 and SFRH/BD/116167/2016). To Departamento de Química da Universidade de Aveiro (Portuguese NMR network) for the NMR analysis

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    Quando falam as figuras: humanização e relações de poder num quartel de Polícia Militar

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    The research in question it is ethnography at the Military Police Training Center of Paraíba. Focusing on the analysis of power relations arising from the concealment of these through the current humanizing speech disseminated by the institution use these archfield with the use of direct observation and participant, which conducted the ethnographic gaze to the perception of mosaics, panels and phrases that the aesthetic beauty that show, were spread across all environments police training barracks. All elements observed led us to see that, in fact, the evidence in the figures photographed omits forms of power legitimized by its positivity and thereby removes the critical appreciation of the beholder, because these figures “speak” and more which clearly show.A pesquisa em questão trata-se de etnografia realizada no Centro de Formação da Polícia Militar da Paraíba. Tendo como foco a análise das relações de poder surgidas do ocultamento dessas através do atual discurso humanizador disseminado pela instituição utilizamos a pesquisa de campo com o uso da observação direta e participante, as quais conduziram o olhar etnográfico para a percepção de mosaicos, painéis e frases que, pela beleza estética que demonstram, foram espalhados por todos os ambientes do quartel de formação policial. Todos os elementos observados nos levaram a constatar que, na verdade, a evidência nas figuras fotografadas omite formas de poder legitimadas por sua positividade e que, desse modo, retira a apreciação crítica de quem as vê, pois essas figuras “falam” bem mais do que evidentemente mostram

    A banalidade do mal à luz da sociologia - Considerações sobre a razão militar

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    This article discusses Hannah Arendt’s concept of the banality of evil, focusing our analysis on the military’ reasoning and its mechanisms — especially the principle of obedience. JVe argue that not only does obedience to authority’ allows for the banality’ of evil but also the process of socialization leads to the naturalization of violence.En este artículo pretendemos, a partir de una discusión teórica, reflexionar sociológicamente sobre el fenómeno de la banalidad del mal, un concepto acuñado por Hannah Arendt. En este sentido, nos fijamos específicamente en la razón militar y sus mecanismos, especialmente el principio de obediencia, para reflexionar no solo sobre la presencia de la autoridad en fenómenos como la banalidad del mal, sino también para comprender los procesos de socialización que tienen como objetivo la naturalización de la violencia.Objetivamos neste artigo, a partir de uma discussão teórica, refletir sociologicamente sobre o fenômeno da banalidade do mal, conceito cunhado por Hannah Arendt. Para tanto, voltamos nosso olhar especificamente para a razão militar e seus mecanismos, especialmente o princípio da obediência, de modo a refletirmos não apenas sobre a presença da autoridade em fenômenos como a banalidade do mal, mas também para compreendermos processos de socialização que têm por objetivo a naturalização da violência

    Uma discussão sobre a teoria do valor em Smith, Ricardo e Marx

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    Análise da teoria do valor trabalho tal qual foi formulada pelos principais autores da economia política nos séculos XVIII e XIX: Adam Smith, David Ricardo e Karl Marx. Primeiramente apresenta-se o trabalho de Adam Smith a respeito da teoria do valor (trabalho comandado) e do movimento de preços. Prossegue-se com a teoria de Ricardo (trabalho incorporado) e suas principais explicações sobre o movimento dos preços, dando ênfase a variações causadas pelas diferentes durabilidades dos capitais. Por último a teoria do valor e preços em Marx e suas inovações em relação aos autores anteriores. A saber: a definição de mercadoria e fetichismo