10 research outputs found
The Diversification of Actors Involved in Armed Conflicts: Beyond 'Direct Participation to Hostilities'? (La Diversification Des Acteurs Impliqués Dans Les Conflits Armés: Vers Un Dépassement De La 'Participation Directe Aux Hostilités'?)
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
Where Does the Critique of International Human Rights Stand? An Exploration in 18 Vignettes
- Author
- . . . Conclusion
- A Anghie
- A Anghie
- A Cornwall
- A Orford
- A Robert
- A William
- B
- Balakrishnan Rajagopal
- C Douzinas
- C Nyamu-Musembi
- Christina Ho
- Christina Ho
- D Chandler
- D K Chatterjee
- D Kennedy
- D Otto
- D Sanders
- David Kennedy
- David Kinley
- David Luban
- David Luban
- F Megret
- Frederic Megret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- G S Bhattacharyya
- H Slim
- Human Rights
- J Melb
- J Waldron
- James A Gross
- James Thuo
- Jonh Stuart Mill
- K Bennoune
- K Engle
- K Roth
- Karima Bennoune
- Karima Bennoune
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Koskenniemi
- L Abu-Lughod
- L Ahmed
- L R Helfer
- Lance Compa
- Liz Fekete
- M A Geer
- M A Stein
- M Denike
- M Gauchet
- M Goodale
- M Goodhart
- M Mandel
- Makau Wa Mutua
- Miriam Cooke
- N Fraser
- Nicolas Guilhot
- Patrick Macklem
- R Falk
- R Falk
- R Rorty
- R See
- Ratna Kapur
- Ronen Shamir
- S Benhabib
- S E Merry
- T Asad
- T Evans
- T Pogge
- The Veil
- Vasuki Nesiah
- Vivien Collingwood
- W Brown
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2010
- Field of study
The Case for Collective Reparations before the ICC
- Author
- Alan Norrie
- Carla Ferstman
- Carla Ferstman
- Carla Ferstman
- Chris Cunneen
- Claudia Martin
- David Luban
- Egon Schwelb
- Eugene Kamenka
- Frederic Megret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Larry May
- Martin Wright
- Matthew Lippman
- Michel Foucault
- Prosecutor V Kunarac
- Prosecutor V Tadic
- Prosecutor V Tadic
- Prosecutor V Thomas Lubanga
- Prosecutor V Thomas Lubanga
- Prosecutor V Thomas Lubanga
- Prosecutor V Vasilijevic
- Raphael Lemkin
- Ruth Jamieson
- Simon Chesterman
- U S V See
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: An Introduction and Research Guide
- Author
- Aida Azar
- Alison J Macfarlane
- Aurelia Lelarge
- Bardo Fassbender
- Ben Saul
- Bibliography
- Bj�rn Elberling
- Choucri Sader
- Chris Jenks
- D Konstantinos
- D Sridhar Patnaik
- Emiel Jurjens
- F G�bor
- Fr�d�ric Me�gret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Giorgia Tortora
- Gu�na�l Mettraux
- H M Safira
- Heather Noel Doherty
- Hemptinne J�r�me De
- Iolanda Jaquemet
- James Cockayne
- Jan Erik Wetzel
- Janice Yun
- Jurdi Nidal Nabil
- Jurdi Nidal Nabil
- Kai Ambos
- Kelly L Razzouk
- Lindsey Raub
- Lukasz Korecki
- Maggie Gardner
- Manuel J Ventura
- Marie Ghantous
- Mario Odoni
- Marko Milanovic
- Martin Waehlisch
- Martin Waehlisch
- Matthew Gillett
- Matthew Gillett
- Melia Amal Bouhabib
- Niccol� Pons
- Paola Gaeta
- Ralph Riachy
- Sandra L Hodgkinson
- Valerie Oosterveld
- Washington Square South
- Wayne Jordash
- William A Schabas
- William A Schabas
- Yves Daudet
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Abolition of 1807: Revolt, Opposition and Resistance to Slavery by Slaves Themselves (A l'occasion du Bicentenaire de l'abolition de 1807: revolte, contestation et resistance a l'esclavage par les esclaves eux-memes)
- Author
- A Comme L&apos
- A Ferrer
- A J Von Frank
- A L Allen
- A William-Myers
- Abolitionism � Militant
- Abolitionism � Militant
- B Abolitionism
- B Drew
- B J Ballard
- C
- Cyril Lionel Robert James
- D B Davis
- D F Ericson
- D Walker
- E Varikas
- Ernest Francisco De Vitoria
- Frederic Megret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- G A Levesque
- G W Irwin
- George W Voir Par Exemple
- Georges Scelle
- H Aptheker
- H Aptheker
- H Beckles
- H Bielefeldt
- H Nicolson
- H R Baker
- Henri Gr�goire
- Henry David
- Hugo Grotius
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Ibid
- J E Mason
- J H Painter
- J H Painter
- J J Reis
- J R Mckivigan
- J Sidbury
- Jos� Marcial Ramos Gu�dez
- K Grinberg
- L Cardozo
- L Dubois
- Laurent Dubois
- Louis Sala-Molins
- Louise Weinberg
- Lucien-Ren� Ab�non
- M Duchet
- M Fordham
- M Fordham
- M J Russell
- M P Young
- P Rebellion
- Peter Blanchard
- Peter Blanchard
- R B Turner
- R V Knowles
- Richard B Sheridan
- Robert M Spector
- S Cit� Dans
- S Cit� Dans
- William Lloyd Garrison
- Y Benot
- Y B�not
- � Esclavage
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Toward an International Right to Claim Innocence
- Author
- . . . Brazil
- . . . Canada
- Am J Int&apos
- Brandon L. Garrett
- Bratyakin V Russia
- Cal See
- David See
- Dowsett V
- Emmerson See
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- G E Gago
- Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops
- H B
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- J Souter
- L Rev
- Leg
- Mark Godsey
- Mark Godsey
- Mark Godsey
- Milne
- Milne
- Nikitin V Russia
- Rinat Kitai
- S B Accord
- See Homepage
- See Mark Godsey
- See Philip
- See S Comm
- Shahar Ilan
- South Australia
- Tex
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
The United States and the ICC: The Force and Farce of the Legal Arguments
- Author
- . S Un Doc
- Akande
- Al Prosecutor
- Anne W Patterson
- Arnold Mcnair
- Dapo Akande
- Dapo Akande
- David Scheffer
- David Scheffer
- David Scheffer
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Gennady M Danilenko
- Gerhard Haffner
- Gordon Duguid
- Hans Kelsen
- Hazel
- Italy V France
- James B Cunningham
- John Bolton
- John P Cerone
- John P See
- Jordan J Paust
- Letter
- Madeline Morris
- Michael P Scharf
- Monroe Leigh
- M�gret See Also
- Palmas Island Of
- Prosecutor V Lubanga
- Robert Cryer
- Roger O'Keefe
- Ruth Wedgwood
- Ruth Wedgwood
- R�diger Wolfrum
- S/Pv
- S/Pv
- Scsl See
- Scsl See
- See
- See
- Statute
- Susan E Rice
- Taylor Prosecutor V
- Taylor Prosecutor V
- Taylor Prosecutor V
- Taylor Prosecutor V
- Wedgwood
- William J Clinton
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Peer Review and the Global Anti-Corruption Conventions: Context, Theory and Practice
- Author
- &
- A Carol
- Alejandro Posadas
- Andrew Tyler
- Andrew Tyler
- Arie Freiberg
- Bronwen Manby
- Charlesworth
- Chris Landsberg
- Darren Sinclair
- Deirk Hanschel
- E G See
- E G See
- Edmund Bao
- Eduard Jordaan
- Eg See
- Freiberg
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- George Downes
- Gillian Dell
- Gruzd Herbert
- Hilary Charlesworth
- Ibid
- Ibid
- Jeff Corntassel
- John Braithwaite
- Jonas
- Kath Hall
- Kathleen A Barbara Crutchfield George
- Larkin Charlesworth
- Mark Pieth
- Markus Burgstaller
- Mendelson Coglianese
- Ophelie Brunelle-Quraishi
- Ophelie Brunelle-Quraishi
- Philippa Webb
- Ravi Kanbur
- Ravi Kanbur
- Richard Damania
- Richard Macrory
- Ryan Goodman
- Shanker Singham
- Sinclair
- Vlassis
- Walter Kalin
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study
Cannibal Laws
- Author
- &
- A Roderick
- Achille Mbembe
- Adam John Waterman
- Appadurai
- Arens
- Bergner
- Bernard Sheehan
- Christiane Wilke
- Clarke Kamari Maxine
- Claude L�vi-Strauss
- Conklin
- Conklin
- Conklin
- Conklin
- Daniel Bergner
- Daniel Jutras
- Danny Hoffman
- Denis Tull
- Eric De
- F Cyprian
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- G Guille-Escuret
- Gananath Obeyesekere
- Geertz
- Geertz
- Geschiere &
- I M Lewis
- Ibid
- Id
- Id
- J Gerald
- James Boyd White
- John Austin
- Kelsall
- Kelsall
- Kilgour
- Kilgour
- Kilgour
- Kilgour
- L Lon
- L Lon
- Lindenbaum
- Lindenbaum
- Lon Luvois Fuller
- Maggie Kilgour
- Maggie Kilgour
- Maggie Kilgour
- Milan Kalous
- Paul Richards
- Paul Richards
- Peter Geschiere
- Poole
- Postema
- Provost
- Rene Provost
- Richards
- Robert D Kaplan
- Roderick A Macdonald &
- Roy Harvey
- S Donald
- Sanday
- Sanday
- See Anthony
- See E G Paul Shankman
- See Rosalind Shaw
- See Tim Kelsall
- See William Michael Reisman
- See: Gerhard Anders
- Sousa Boaventura De
- Sutton
- Sutton
- Thomas Hobbes
- Tim Kelsall
- W Ann
- White
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Critical International Legal Theory
- Author
- Am J Int&apos
- Anne Orford
- Anne Orford
- Annelise Riles
- Antony Anghie
- Antony Anghie
- Arnulf Becker Lorca
- Cait Storr
- Christophe Bonneuil &
- David Kennedy
- David Kennedy
- David Kennedy
- Duncan Kennedy
- E G
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- Fleur E. Johns
- Fleur Johns
- Friedrich A Kittler
- Fr�d�ric M�gret
- Gary Shapiro
- Gregor Noll
- Hilary Charlesworth
- Hilary Charlesworth
- Hilary Charlesworth
- J Int&apos
- J Nordic
- J Pol Econ
- Janet E See
- Janet Halley
- Jill Lepore
- John Reynolds
- Johns
- Karen Mickelson
- Lama Abu-Odeh
- Luis Eslava
- Nancy Birdsall
- Nathaniel Berman
- Nathaniel Berman
- Nathaniel Berman
- Nietzschean
- Not Samuel Moyn
- Orford
- P Ved
- Richard Joyce
- Robert Malley
- Ruth Buchanan &
- Susan Marks
- Thomas Skouteris
- Vasuki Nesiah
- Women&apos
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study