8 research outputs found

    Disease development in the <i>Arabidopis bos1</i> mutant.

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    <p>Leaves were inoculated by needle wounding and depositing a 5 µl drop of a 10<sup>4</sup> cfu/mL <i>D. dadantii</i> (strain 3937) suspension on Col-0 wild type and <i>bos1</i> mutant plants. <b>A:</b> typical maceration symptoms on Col-0 leaves. <b>B:</b> necrotic margin appearing around the maceration zone in Col-0 infected leaves. <b>C:</b> dried maceration zone surrounded by necrotic tissues in an almost totally chlorotic leaf of the <i>bos1</i> mutant. <b>D:</b> systemic necrosis on whole <i>bos1</i> plants 7 dpi. <b>E:</b> whole <i>bos1</i> plants inoculated with mycelium plugs of <i>B. cinerea</i> (strain BD90) 7 dpi. <b>m</b>: macerated tissue; <b>c</b>: chlorotic tissue; <b>g</b>: green tissue; n: necrosis; <b>Inf L</b>: infected leaf. <b>F:</b> kinetics of soft rot progression (top) and necrosis development (bottom) in Col-0 wild type plants (left) and <i>bos1</i> mutant (right). Inoculation of at least 40 Col-0 and <i>bos1</i> plants was performed on a single leaf per plant as previously described. Symptoms were scored during 6 days using 4 step scales as follows. Maceration scale: stage 0, no symptoms; stage 1, maceration around the bacterial suspension droplet; stage 2, spreading maceration; stage 3, maceration of the whole limb. Necrosis scale: stage 0, no necrosis; stage 1, necrosis surrounding the maceration zone (B); stage 2, necrosis of the whole infected leaf (C); stage 3, systemic necrosis (D). Asterisks indicate significant differences between Col-0 and <i>bos1</i> (Fisher test comparing the highest score at each day, p<0,05). <b>G: </b><i>In planta</i> growth kinetics of <i>D. dadantii</i> on Col-0 wild type (dash line, triangles) and <i>bos1</i> mutant (dotted line, circles). Plants were inoculated as previously described. Each point corresponds to the average of at least 20 numerations and bars correspond to the standard errors. Asterisks indicate significant differences between Col-0 and <i>bos1</i> (Student's t-tests, p<0,01). The experiment has been performed three times with similar results.</p

    Enhancement of <i>D. dadantii</i> -induced cell death in <i>bos1</i> leaves.

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    <p><b>A:</b> trypan blue staining of dead cells after 1–3 dpi. Maceration and necrosis symptoms were photographed (top) and the leaves were stained with trypan blue (bottom). One representative leaf of the eight stained in each case is presented. Col-0 and <i>bos1</i> leaves were inoculated, after needle wounding, by depositing 5 µl of buffer or 5 µl of a 10<sup>4</sup> cfu/mL 3937 wild type bacterial strain suspension. <b>B:</b> intracellular oxidative stress 2 and 3 dpi analyzed by DCFH-DA staining of Col-0 wild type and <i>bos1</i> mutant leaves inoculated with <i>D. dadantii</i> after wounding. All experiments have been performed at least three times.</p

    Early oxidative stress and protein cross-linking in Col-0 and <i>bos1</i> mutant leaves during <i>D. dadantii</i> infection.

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    <p>The leaves were inoculated by depositing about 50 bacteria or 5 µl phosphate buffer after needle wounding and staining was performed 1 dpi. <b>A:</b> oxidative stress analyzed by DAB staining of Col-0 wild type and <i>bos1</i> mutant infected leaves. <b>B:</b> analysis of protein cross-linking. Coomassie staining of leaf cells around the inoculated wound without SDS pre-treatment (center) or with SDS-removal of unbound proteins (right). Leaf cell structures and the presence of bacteria (indicated by arrows) were observed using toluidine blue stained sections (left). Plant genotype and inoculum are indicated on the left of the pictures. Bars represent 50 µm. All experiments have been performed at least three times.</p

    <i>D. dadantii</i> induces <i>BOS1</i> gene expression through the secretion of specific proteins.

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    <p>Six-week-old Col-0 wild type plants were inoculated by immersion into phosphate buffer or into 5.10<sup>7</sup> cfu/mL bacterial suspensions. Rosettes were harvested at the time points indicated at the bottom and <i>BOS1</i> gene expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR using the <i>BETA-6 TUBULIN</i> as constitutive standard gene. <b>A:</b> analysis of the involvement of bacterial protein secretion systems in the induction of <i>BOS1</i> expression. Tested bacterial strains are 3937 wild type strain, <i>prtE</i> type I secretion system mutant, <i>outC</i> type II secretion system mutant and <i>hrcC</i> type III secretion system mutant. Relative <i>BOS1</i> transcript levels were expressed according to the reference condition (0 hour post infection) set to 1 for each genotype. This result is a representative example out of three biological replicates. <b>B:</b> analysis of the involvement of the major pectinases secreted through the type II secretion system in the induction of <i>BOS1</i> expression. Tested bacterial strains are 3937 wild type strain, <i>Δpel</i> mutant strain deficient for the production of the five major pectinases PelA to PelE, <i>pelA</i> mutant strain deficient for the production of the PelA pectinase, <i>pelBC</i> mutant strain deficient for the production of the PelB and PelC pectinases, <i>pelDE</i>, mutant strain deficient for the production of the PelD and PelE pectinases. Relative <i>BOS1</i> transcript levels were expressed according to the reference condition (0 hour post infection) set to 1 for each genotype. This result is a representative example out of two biological replicates.</p

    Figure 1

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    This is the alignment of the sequences used for the MLSA analysis, these sequences are generated by concatenating 11 housekeeping genes as described in the publication. the and the tree alignment were performed using MEGA 6 software