3,422 research outputs found

    Purified plasma membranes inhibit polypeptide growth factor-induced DNA synthesis in subconfluent 3T3 cells.

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    Plasma membranes derived from NR-6 cells, a variant line of Swiss mouse 3T3 cells that does not have cell surface receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF), inhibited EGF-induced stimulation of DNA synthesis by 50% in serum-starved, subconfluent 3T3 cells. Membranes derived from SV3T3 cells were much less effective in inhibiting EGF-induced DNA synthesis. This inhibition on DNA synthesis by NR-6 membranes was not a direct effect of membranes on EGF, nor could it be overcome by high concentrations of EGF. NR-6 membranes were most effective when added 3 h before EGF addition and had little effect when added 2 h or more after EGF. NR-6 membranes also reduced the stimulation of DNA synthesis induced by platelet-derived growth factor or fibroblast growth factor in serum-starved 3T3 cells. These findings indicate that membrane-membrane interactions between nontransformed cells may diminish their ability to proliferate in response to serum polypeptide growth factors

    Building the Brazilian Academic Genealogy Tree

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    Along the history, many researchers provided remarkable contributions to science, not only advancing knowledge but also in terms of mentoring new scientists. Currently, identifying and studying the formation of researchers over the years is a challenging task as current repositories of theses and dissertations are cataloged in a decentralized way through many local digital libraries. Following our previous work in which we created and analyzed a large collection of genealogy trees extracted from NDLTD, in this paper we focus our attention on building such trees for the Brazilian research community. For this, we use data from the Lattes Platform, an internationally renowned initiative from CNPq, the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, for managing information about individual researchers and research groups in Brazil

    Minimal effects of waterborne exposure to single-walled carbon nanotubes on behaviour and physiology of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

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    Fish behaviours are often considered to be sensitive endpoints of waterborne contaminants, but little attention has been given to engineered nanomaterials. The present study aimed to determine the locomotor and social behaviours of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during waterborne exposure to single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and to ascertain the physiological basis for any observed effects. Dispersed stock suspensions of SWCNTs were prepared by stirring in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), an anionic surfactant, on an equal w/w basis. Trout were exposed to control (no SWCNT or SDS), 0.25 mg L(-1) SDS (dispersant control), or 0.25 mg L(-1) of SWCNT for 10 days. Video tracking analysis of spontaneous locomotion of individual fish revealed no significant effects of SWCNT on mean velocity when active, total distance moved, or the distribution of swimming speeds. Hepatic glycogen levels were also unaffected. Fish exposed to SWCNTs retained competitive fitness when compelled to compete in energetically costly aggressive interactions with fish from both control groups. Assessment of the respiratory physiology of the fish revealed no significant changes in ventilation rate or gill injuries. Haematocrit and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood were unaffected by SWCNT exposure; and the absence of changes in the red and white pulp of the spleen excluded a compensatory haematopoietic response to protect the circulation. Despite some minor histological changes in the kidneys of fish exposed to SWCNT compared to controls, plasma ion concentrations and tissue electrolytes were largely unaffected. Direct neurotoxicity of SWCNT was unlikely with the brains showing mostly normal histology, and with no effects on acetylcholinesterase or Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activities in whole brain homogenates. The minimal effects of waterborne exposure to SWCNT observed in this study are in contrast to our previous report of SWCNT toxicity in trout, suggesting that details of the dispersion method and co-exposure concentration of the dispersing agent may alter toxicity

    The antibody crossmatch in liver transplantation

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    Six hundred sixty-seven first, second, and third orthotopic liver allografts in 520 patients were reviewed to determine the effects of recipient panel-reactive antibody (PRA) and donor-recipient antibody crossmatch on 2-year patient and liver allograft survival rates. Neither a high panel-reactive antibody nor a positive crossmatch for donor-specific preformed antibody was associated with decreased patient or liver allograft survival for primary grafts or retransplants. Two patients have been given kidney transplants immediately after a liver allograft from a donor with whom each patient had a initial strongly positive donor-specific antibody crossmatch. The liver apparently removed or neutralized circulating anti-donor antibody, since the renal allografts functioned promptly and did not experience hyperacute rejection

    Beard transplants and facial hair trends: Why men are motivated to have surgery

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    Over the past few years, an increasing number of men have received surgery to enhance or restore facial hair. This came at a time when beards re-entered mainstream fashion. Drawing on the research literature, this article explores the apparent link between facial hair fashion and rates of beard transplants, and considers deeper-seated psychological explanations for the trend, including perceptions of masculinity, social dominance, age and attractiveness. The question of whether beard transplants will continue to proliferate is also explored

    Gene Function Classification Using Bayesian Models with Hierarchy-Based Priors

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    We investigate the application of hierarchical classification schemes to the annotation of gene function based on several characteristics of protein sequences including phylogenic descriptors, sequence based attributes, and predicted secondary structure. We discuss three Bayesian models and compare their performance in terms of predictive accuracy. These models are the ordinary multinomial logit (MNL) model, a hierarchical model based on a set of nested MNL models, and a MNL model with a prior that introduces correlations between the parameters for classes that are nearby in the hierarchy. We also provide a new scheme for combining different sources of information. We use these models to predict the functional class of Open Reading Frames (ORFs) from the E. coli genome. The results from all three models show substantial improvement over previous methods, which were based on the C5 algorithm. The MNL model using a prior based on the hierarchy outperforms both the non-hierarchical MNL model and the nested MNL model. In contrast to previous attempts at combining these sources of information, our approach results in a higher accuracy rate when compared to models that use each data source alone. Together, these results show that gene function can be predicted with higher accuracy than previously achieved, using Bayesian models that incorporate suitable prior information

    Necrosis correlates with high vascular density and focal macrophage infiltration in invasive carcinoma of the breast

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    Necrosis is a common feature of invasive carcinoma of the breast and is caused by chronic ischaemia leading to infarction. Although necrosis was previously assumed to be due to a generally poor blood supply in the tumour, in this study we show that it is present in tumours with focal areas of high vascular density situated away from the actual sites of necrosis. This may account, in part, for the previous observation that necrosis is linked to poor prognosis in this disease. Highly angiogenic tumours often display blood vessel shunting from one tumour area to another, which further exacerbates ischaemia and the formation of tumour necrosis. We have recently demonstrated that high focal microphage infiltration into breast tumours is significantly associated with increased tumour angiogenesis and poor prognosis and that the macrophages accumulate in poorly vascularized, hypoxic areas within breast tumours. In order to investigate the interactions of macrophages with chronic ischaemia (as reflected by the presence of necrosis) and angiogenesis in breast tumours, we quantified the levels of these three biological parameters in a series of 109 consecutive invasive breast carcinomas. We found that the degree of tumour necrosis was correlated with both microphage infiltration (Mann–Whitney U, P-value = 0.0009; chi-square, P-value = 0.01) and angiogenesis (Mann–Whitney U P-value = 0.0008, chi square P-value = 0.03). It was also observed that necrosis was a feature of tumours possessing an aggressive phenotype, i.e. high tumour grade (chi-square, P-value < 0.001), larger size (Mann–Whitney U, P-value = 0.003) and low oestrogen receptor status (Mann–Whitney U, P-value = 0.008; chi-square, P-value < 0.008). We suggest, therefore, that aggressive tumours rapidly outgrow their vascular supply in certain areas, leading to areas of prolonged hypoxia within the tumour and, subsequently, to necrosis. This, in turn, may attract macrophages into the tumour, which then contribute to the angiogenic process, giving rise to an association between high levels of angiogenesis and extensive necrosis. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig