127 research outputs found

    X-ray Spectroscopy of the Radiation-Driven Winds of Massive Stars: Line Profile and Line Ratio Diagnostics

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    Massive stars drive powerful, supersonic winds via the radiative momentum associated with the thermal UV emission from their photospheres. Shock phenomena are ubiquitous in these winds, heating them to millions, and sometimes tens of millions, of degrees. The emission line spectra from the shock-heated plasma provide powerful diagnostics of the winds' physical conditions, which in turn provide constraints on models of wind shock heating. Here I show how x-ray line transfer is affected by photoelectric absorption in the partially ionized component of the wind and how it can be modeled to determine the astrophysically important mass-loss rates of these stellar winds. I also discuss how photoexcitation out of metastable excited levels of helium-like ions can provide critical information about the location of the hot plasma in magnetically channeled massive star winds.Comment: Invited talk presented at the 16th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Monterey, CA, March 2009; will appear in an AIP-published conference proceedings. 10 pages, 4 figures (2 color, but color not crucial

    Fe L-Shell Density Diagnostics in Theory and Practice

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    We provide a discussion of the density and photoexcitation sensitivity of the X-ray spectra of Fe L-shell ions (Fe XVII-Fe XXIV) calculated with the Livermore X-ray Spectral Synthesizer, a suite of IDL codes that calculates spectral models of highly charged ions based primarily on HULLAC atomic data. These models are applicable to collisionally ionized laboratory or cosmic plasmas with electron temperatures T_e ~ 2-45 MK (0.2-4 keV) and electron densities n_e > 1E11 cm^{-3}. Potentially useful density diagnostics are identified for Fe XVII and Fe XIX-Fe XXIII, with the most straightforward being the Fe XVII I(17.10 A)/I(17.05 A) line ratio and the Fe XXII I(11.92 A)/I(11.77 A) line ratio. Applying these models to the Chandra X-ray Observatory High Energy Transmission Grating spectrum of the intermediate polar EX Hya, we find that the strength of all the Fe L-shell lines are consistent with electron densities n_e > 1E14 cm^{-3}. Specifically, from the observed Fe XVII I(17.10 A)/I(17.05 A) line ratio, we infer an electron density n_e > 2E14 cm^{-3} at the 3 sigma level, while from the observed Fe XXII I(11.92 A)/I(11.77 A) line ratio, we infer n_e = 1.0^{+2.0}_{-0.5}E14 cm^{-3} at the 1 sigma level and n_e > 2E13 cm^{-3} at the 3 sigma level.Comment: 11 pages including 9 encapsulated postscript figures; LaTeX format, uses aipproc.cls, aip-6d.clo, and aipxfm.sty; to appear in the proceedings of X-ray Diagnostics for Astrophysical Plasmas: Theory, Experiment, and Observation, ed. R. K. Smith (Melville: AIP

    The Fe XXII I(11.92 A)/I(11.77 A) Density Diagnostic Applied to the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrum of EX Hydrae

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    Using the Livermore X-ray Spectral Synthesizer, which calculates spectral models of highly charged ions based primarily on HULLAC atomic data, we investigate the temperature, density, and photoexcitation dependence of the I(11.92 A)/I(11.77 A) line ratio of Fe XXII. We find that this line ratio has a critical density n_c \approx 5x10^13 cm^-3, is approximately 0.3 at low densities and 1.5 at high densities, and is very insensitive to temperature and photoexcitation, so is a useful density diagnostic for sources like magnetic cataclysmic variables in which the plasma densities are high and the efficacy of the He-like ion density diagnostic is compromised by the presence of a bright ultraviolet continuum. Applying this diagnostic to the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating spectrum of the intermediate polar EX Hya, we find that the electron density of its T_e \approx 12 MK plasma is n_e = 1.0^{+2.0}_{-0.5} x 10^14 cm^-3, orders of magnitude greater than that typically observed in the Sun or other late-type stars.Comment: 11 pages including 3 encapsulated postscript figures; LaTeX format, uses aastex.cls; accepted on 2003 April 3 for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    First Application of the Fe XVII I(17.10 A)/I(17.05 A) Line Ratio to Constrain the Plasma Density of a Cosmic X-ray Source

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    We show that the Fe XVII I(17.10 A)/I(17.05 A) line ratio observed in the Chandra HETG spectrum of the intermediate polar EX Hydrae is significantly smaller than that observed in the Sun or other late-type stars. Using the Livermore X-ray Spectral Synthesizer, which calculates spectral models of highly charged ions based on HULLAC atomic data, we find that the observed I(17.10 A)/I(17.05 A) line ratio can be explained if the plasma density n_e > 3x10^{14} cm^{-3}. However, if photoexcitation is included in the level population kinetics, the line ratio can be explained for any density if the photoexcitation temperature T_bb > 55 kK. For photoexcitation to dominate the Fe XVII level population kinetics, the relative size of the hotspot on the white dwarf surface must be f < 2%. This constraint and the observed X-ray flux requires a density n > 2x10^{14} cm^{-3} for the post-shock flow. Either way, then, the Chandra HETG spectrum of EX Hya requires a plasma density which is orders of magnitude greater than that observed in the Sun or other late-type stars.Comment: 13 pages including 1 table and 4 encapsulated postscript figures; LaTeX format, uses aastex.cls; accepted on 2001 June 27 for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Search for gravitational waves associated with the InterPlanetary Network short gamma ray bursts

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    We outline the scientific motivation behind a search for gravitational waves associated with short gamma ray bursts detected by the InterPlanetary Network (IPN) during LIGO's fifth science run and Virgo's first science run. The IPN localisation of short gamma ray bursts is limited to extended error boxes of different shapes and sizes and a search on these error boxes poses a series of challenges for data analysis. We will discuss these challenges and outline the methods to optimise the search over these error boxes.Comment: Methods paper; Proceedings for Eduardo Amaldi 9 Conference on Gravitational Waves, July 2011, Cardiff, U

    Awesome SOSS: Transmission Spectroscopy of WASP-96b with NIRISS/SOSS

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    The future is now - after its long-awaited launch in December 2021, JWST began science operations in July 2022 and is already revolutionizing exoplanet astronomy. The Early Release Observations (ERO) program was designed to provide the first images and spectra from JWST, covering a multitude of science cases and using multiple modes of each on-board instrument. Here, we present transmission spectroscopy observations of the hot-Saturn WASP-96b with the Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy (SOSS) mode of the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph, observed as part of the ERO program. As the SOSS mode presents some unique data reduction challenges, we provide an in-depth walk-through of the major steps necessary for the reduction of SOSS data: including background subtraction, correction of 1/f noise, and treatment of the trace order overlap. We furthermore offer potential routes to correct for field star contamination, which can occur due to the SOSS mode's slitless nature. By comparing our extracted transmission spectrum with grids of atmosphere models, we find an atmosphere metallicity between 1x and 5x solar, and a solar carbon-to-oxygen ratio. Moreover, our models indicate that no grey cloud deck is required to fit WASP-96b's transmission spectrum, but find evidence for a slope shortward of 0.9ÎĽ\mum, which could either be caused by enhanced Rayleigh scattering or the red wing of a pressure-broadened Na feature. Our work demonstrates the unique capabilities of the SOSS mode for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy and presents a step-by-step reduction guide for this new and exciting instrument.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Updated to reflect published versio
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