122 research outputs found

    Innovations in thoracic imaging:CT, radiomics, AI and x-ray velocimetry

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    In recent years, pulmonary imaging has seen enormous progress, with the introduction, validation and implementation of new hardware and software. There is a general trend from mere visual evaluation of radiological images to quantification of abnormalities and biomarkers, and assessment of 'non visual' markers that contribute to establishing diagnosis or prognosis. Important catalysts to these developments in thoracic imaging include new indications (like computed tomography [CT] lung cancer screening) and the COVID-19 pandemic. This review focuses on developments in CT, radiomics, artificial intelligence (AI) and x-ray velocimetry for imaging of the lungs. Recent developments in CT include the potential for ultra-low-dose CT imaging for lung nodules, and the advent of a new generation of CT systems based on photon-counting detector technology. Radiomics has demonstrated potential towards predictive and prognostic tasks particularly in lung cancer, previously not achievable by visual inspection by radiologists, exploiting high dimensional patterns (mostly texture related) on medical imaging data. Deep learning technology has revolutionized the field of AI and as a result, performance of AI algorithms is approaching human performance for an increasing number of specific tasks. X-ray velocimetry integrates x-ray (fluoroscopic) imaging with unique image processing to produce quantitative four dimensional measurement of lung tissue motion, and accurate calculations of lung ventilation

    The validity of axisymmetric assumptions when investigating pulsatile biological flows

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    Computational fluid simulations of biological flows is increasingly popular due to its inexpense and ability to define the flow throughout the entire domain---both common limiting factors for experimental work. A common assumption has been that both the geometry and the flow field through an aneurysm is axisymmetric; however, investigations into non-biological flows have seen that even with an axisymmetric geometry, non-axisymmetric flow may develop. Idealised geometries are used to investigate these biological flows as it simplifies the model to enable an improved understanding of the effect geometry has on the flow. Additionally this simplification allows the implementation of a computationally cheaper axisymmetric code. We test this axisymmetric assumption by applying Floquet stability analysis to investigate the stability of the flow and thus determine when an axisymmetric aneurysmal flow is unstable to non-axisymmetric instabilities. Dimensions of the model are selected to be consistent with a high risk aneurysm in the human abdominal aorta and Reynolds numbers relevant to aneurysms in large arteries are examined. The presence of three dimensional instabilities has a significant impact on the validity of the assumption of axisymmetry. The maximum streamwise vorticity in the perturbation fields is found to occur at the downstream section of the aneurysm, implying that it is in these areas that the results of axisymmetric simulations differ the most from fully three dimensional flow. References Barkley, D. and Henderson, R. D., Three-dimensional Floquet stability analysis of the wake of a circular cylinder. J. Fluid Mech. 322 (1996), 215--241. doi:10.1017/S0022112096002777 Brown, P. M., Zelt D. T., Sobolev B., The risk of rupture in untreated aneurysms: The impact of size, gender, and expansion rate. J. Vasc. Surg. 37 (2003), 280--284. doi:10.1067/mva.2003.119 Cowling R., Soria J., Flow Visualisation through Model Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Fourth Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 7--9 December 2005, 33--36. Egelhoff C. J., Budwig R. S., Elger D. F., Khraishi T. A., Model studies of the flow in abdominal aortic aneurysms during resting and exercise conditions. J. Biomech, 32 (1999), 1319-1329. doi:10.1016/S0021-9290(99)00134-7 Karniadakis, G. E. and Triantafyllou, G. S., Frequency selection and asymptotic states in laminar wakes. J. Fluid Mech. 199 (1989), 441--469. doi:10.1017/S0022112089000431 Karniadakis, G. E., Israeli, M. and Orszag, S. A., High-order splitting methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, J. Comp. Phys. 97 (1991), 414--443. doi:10.1016/0021-9991(91)90007-8 Ku, D. N., Blood flow in arteries, Annual review of Fluid Mechanics, 29 (1997), 399--434. doi:10.1146/annurev.fluid.29.1.399 Lasheras J., The Biomechanics of Arterial Aneurysms, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 39 (2007), 293--319 doi:10.1146/annurev.fluid.39.050905.110128 Salsac, A. V., Sparks, S. R., Chomaz, J. M. and Lasheras, J. C., Evolution of the wall shear stresses during the progressive enlargement of symmetric abdominal aortic aneurysms, J. Fluid Mech., 560 (2006), 19--51. doi:10.1017/S002211200600036X Sheard, G. J., Evans, R. G., Denton, K. M. and Hourigan, K., Undesirable Haemodynamics in Aneurysms, In Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control, Hotel Corfu Chandris, Corfu, Greece, 18--22 June 2007 Sheard, G. J. and Ryan, K., Pressure-driven flow past spheres moving in a circular tube, J. Fluid Mech. 592 (2007), 233--262. doi:10.1017/S0022112007008543 Stedman, 2002, The American HeritageÆ Stedmanís Medical Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, Massachusetts. Steinman, D. A., Vorp, D. A. and Ethier, C. R., Computational modelling of arterial biomechanics: Insights into pathogenesis and treatment of vascular disease, J. Vascular Surgery, 37 (2003), 1118--1128. doi:10.1067/mva.2003.122 Waite, L. and Fine, J. (2007). Applied biofluid mechanics. United Stated of America: McGraw-Hill

    Cortical Tension Allocates the First Inner Cells of the Mammalian Embryo

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    Every cell in our body originates from the pluripotent inner mass of the embryo, yet it is unknown how biomechanical forces allocate inner cells in vivo. Here we discover subcellular heterogeneities in tensile forces, generated by actomyosin cortical networks, which drive apical constriction to position the first inner cells of living mouse embryos. Myosin II accumulates specifically around constricting cells, and its disruption dysregulates constriction and cell fate. Laser ablations of actomyosin networks reveal that constricting cells have higher cortical tension, generate tension anisotropies and morphological changes in adjacent regions of neighboring cells, and require their neighbors to coordinate their own changes in shape. Thus, tensile forces determine the first spatial segregation of cells during mammalian development. We propose that, unlike more cohesive tissues, the early embryo dissipates tensile forces required by constricting cells via their neighbors, thereby allowing confined cell repositioning without jeopardizing global architecture.Fil: Samarage, Chaminda R.. Monash University; AustraliaFil: White, Melanie D.. Monash University; AustraliaFil: Alvarez, Yanina Daniela. Monash University; Australia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fierro González, Juan Carlos. Monash University; AustraliaFil: Henon, Yann. Monash University; AustraliaFil: Jesudason, Edwin C.. National Health Service Scotland; Reino UnidoFil: Bissiere, Stephanie. Monash University; Australia. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology; SingapurFil: Fouras, Andreas. Monash University; AustraliaFil: Plachta, Nicolas. Monash University; Australia. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology; Singapu

    Non-invasive airway health assessment: Synchrotron imaging reveals effects of rehydrating treatments on mucociliary transit in-vivo

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    To determine the efficacy of potential cystic fibrosis (CF) therapies we have developed a novel mucociliary transit (MCT) measurement that uses synchrotron phase contrast X-ray imaging (PCXI) to non-invasively measure the transit rate of individual micron-sized particles deposited into the airways of live mice. The aim of this study was to image changes in MCT produced by a rehydrating treatment based on hypertonic saline (HS), a current CF clinical treatment. Live mice received HS containing a long acting epithelial sodium channel blocker (P308); isotonic saline; or no treatment, using a nebuliser integrated within a small-animal ventilator circuit. Marker particle motion was tracked for 20 minutes using PCXI. There were statistically significant increases in MCT in the isotonic and HS-P308 groups. The ability to quantify in vivo changes in MCT may have utility in pre-clinical research studies designed to bring new genetic and pharmaceutical treatments for respiratory diseases into clinical trials