1,101 research outputs found

    The effect of core polarization on longitudinal form factors in 10^{10}B

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    Electron scattering Coulomb form factors for the single-particle quadrupole transitions in pp-shell 10^{10}B nucleus have been studied. Core polarization effects are included through a microscopic theory that includes excitations from the core orbits up to higher orbits with 2ℏ\hbarω\omega excitations. The modified surface delta interaction (MSDI) is employed as a residual interaction. The effect of core polarization is found essential in both the transition strengths and momentum transfer dependence of form factors, and gives a remarkably good agreement with the measured data with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Karakteristik dan Uji Fitokimia 5 (Lima) Jenis Tumbuhan Buah Eksotik dari Kabupaten Barito Utara Kalimantan Tengah

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    This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of fruit plants (generally, the environment/habitat and plant morphology fruit) and to determine the content of active compounds (secondary metabolites) plant worth exotic fruit contained in North Barito. This study used survey methods and data analysis was done descriptively qualitative and quantitative in tabular form and image. The results of the study characteristics and phytochemical test five (5) pieces of exotic plant species in North Barito regency from habitat plant fruit trees and lianas, with the composition of single and compound leaves, plant height of 10-15 meters, a lowland forest habitat. Keledang (Artocarpus lanceifolius Roxb) and Dangu (Leukconitis corpidae) which has a white sap. The test results showed the phytochemical content of secondary metabolites consisting of tannin (polyphenols), alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, steroids and terpenoid scattered on the rind, pulp, and seeds


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    Objective: This study aims to evaluate the relation between hypercholesterolemia and aging, beside the role of Ulva fasciata polysaccharides (UFP)aqueous extracts in lowering cholesterol in aged hypercholesterolemia-induced rats was demonstrated.Method: A total of 140 male Wister rats weighing 120±10 g, 6-9 months old were used. Hypercholesterolemia was induced in rats by feeding ratshigh-fat diet (cholesterol), cholesterol was orally administrated at a dose of (30 mg/0.3 ml olive oil/1 kg animal) 5 times a week for 12 consecutiveweeks, lard fat was mixed with normal diet (1 kg of animal lard was added to 5 kg of normal diet), the occurrence of hypercholesterolemia wasdetermined by measuring the lipid profile (TC, LDL-C, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol [HDL-C], triglyceride [TG]), the old hypercholesterolemic(HC) rats were only used.Results: The antihypercholesterolemic (HC) effects of ulvan, the sulfated polysaccharide extracted from the green alga Ulvafasciata, in aged rats,were studied. Algal treatment declared a significant reduction in serum total lipid level while, elevation of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levelwas noticed in HC rats. Moreover, the algal treatment significantly decreased serum liver and kidney functions biomarkers and improved the hepaticantioxidant levels in hyperlipidemic aged rats. In addition, ulvan administration significantly suppressed the expression of tumor necrosis factoralpha,myeloperoxidaseand cell vascularand intracellularadhesionmolecules-1,whileincreasedthe anti-inflammatorycytokinelevel;interleukin-10.Furthermore,the histopathologicalexaminationof aorta,liverandkidneyof HC-treatedratsindicatedthatthe Ulvafasciatapolysaccharides(UFP),isapotentnaturalhypolipidemicnutraceuticalforthe ameliorationof hyperlipidemiain aged rats.Conclusion: It could be concluded that, in comparison with the standard anti-HC drug (fluvastatin) used in this study, both cold and hot UFP algalextracts of U. fasciata demonstrated appreciable anti-hypercholesterolemic property, in addition to their antioxidant activity even in the old HC stressed rats. Thus, it could be used as a natural lipid regulator.Keywords: Ulvafasciata, Hypercholesterolemia, Polysaccharides, Rats, Sulfated polysaccharides, Aging, Hyper-cholesterolemia

    Use of evidence to support healthy public policy: a policy effectiveness-feasibility loop

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    Public policy plays a key role in improving population health and in the control of diseases, including non-communicable diseases. However, an evidence-based approach to formulating healthy public policy has been difficult to implement, partly on account of barriers that hinder integrated work between researchers and policy-makers. This paper describes a “policy effectiveness–feasibility loop” (PEFL) that brings together epidemiological modelling, local situation analysis and option appraisal to foster collaboration between researchers and policy-makers. Epidemiological modelling explores the determinants of trends in disease and the potential health benefits of modifying them. Situation analysis investigates the current conceptualization of policy, the level of policy awareness and commitment among key stakeholders, and what actually happens in practice, thereby helping to identify policy gaps. Option appraisal integrates epidemiological modelling and situation analysis to investigate the feasibility, costs and likely health benefits of various policy options. The authors illustrate how PEFL was used in a project to inform public policy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in four parts of the eastern Mediterranean. They conclude that PEFL may offer a useful framework for researchers and policy-makers to successfully work together to generate evidence-based policy, and they encourage further evaluation of this approach

    Challenges of providing healthcare worker education and training in protracted conflict: a focus on non-government controlled areas in north west Syria

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    Without healthcare workers (HCWs), health and humanitarian provision in Syria cannot be sustained either now or in the post-conflict phase. The protracted conflict has led to the exodus of more than 70% of the healthcare workforce. Those remaining work in dangerous conditions with insufficient resources and a healthcare system that has been decimated by protracted conflict. For many HCWs, particularly those in non-government-controlled areas (NGCAs) of Syria, undergraduate education and postgraduate training has been interrupted with few opportunities to continue. In this manuscript, we explore initiatives present in north west Syria at both undergraduate and postgraduate level for physician and non-physician HCWs. Conclusion: Challenges to HCW education in north west Syria can be broadly divided into 1. Organisational (local healthcare leadership and governance, coordination and collaboration between stakeholders, competition between stakeholders and insufficient funding.) 2. Programmatic (lack of accreditation or recognition of qualifications, insufficient physical space for teaching, exodus of faculty affecting teaching and training, prioritisation of physicians over non-physicians, informally trained healthcare workers.) 3. Healthcare system related (politicisation of healthcare system, changing healthcare needs of the population, ongoing attacks on healthcare.) Locally implementable strategies including dedicated funding are key to supporting retention of HCWs and return during post-conflict reconstruction

    Influence of Handprint Culture Training on Compliance of Healthcare Workers with Hand Hygiene

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    Objective. We aimed to study the effect of visual observation of bacterial growth from handprints on healthcare workers’ (HCWs) compliance with hand hygiene (HH). Settings. Medical and postoperative cardiac surgery units. Design. Prospective cohort study. Subject. The study included 40 HCWs. Intervention. Each HCW was interviewed on 3 separate occasions. The 1st interview was held to obtain a handprint culture before and after a session demonstrating the 7 steps of HH using alcohol-based hand rub, allowing comparison of results before and after HH. A 2nd interview was held 6 weeks later to obtain handprint culture after HH. A 3rd interview was held to obtain a handprint culture before HH. One month before implementation of handprint cultures and during the 12-week study period, monitoring of HCWs for compliance with HH was observed by 2 independent observers. Main Results. There was a significant improvement in HH compliance following handprint culture interview (p<0.001). The frequency of positive cultures, obtained from patients with suspected healthcare-associated infections, significantly declined (blood cultures: p=0.001; wound cultures: p = 0,003; sputum cultures: p=0.005). Conclusion. The visual message of handprint bacterial growth before and after HH seems an effective method to improve HH compliance

    Analyse économique de la compétitivité de la filiÚre tomate dans la région du Souss-Massa (Maroc)

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the government’s intervention policies for greenhouse tomato production. The study is based on data collected from a sample of farmers in the Souss-Massa. The choice of the Souss-Massa region was made for several reasons, including the potential of tomato crop production, the share of the greenhouse tomato production in relation to domestic production and the existence of different segments and operators involved in the fresh tomato industry. For this study, we used the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) method. Analysis of data showed that tomato production in farms of Souss-Massa region is profitable. It has a comparative advantage and can generate foreign currency. This is due to the lower social costs of tradable inputs and to the fact that actors use many domestic resources in their production systems. Thus, with a Domestic Cost Resources ratio (DRC) below one, the activity is competitive and will be more competitive in case of a decline in social costs of domestic resources. Key words: Tomato, Souss-Massa, policy analysis matrix, reference price, comparative advantageL’objectif de cette Ă©tude est l’évaluation des politiques d’intervention de l’État pour la production de la tomate sous serre. L’étude a Ă©tĂ© basĂ©e sur les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es auprĂšs d’un Ă©chantillon d’agriculteurs de la zone de Souss-Massa. Le choix de la rĂ©gion de Souss-Massa a Ă©tĂ© fait pour plusieurs raisons, notamment, le potentiel de production des cultures sous serre, l’importance de la part de la production de la tomate sous serre par rapport Ă  la production nationale et l’existence des diffĂ©rents segments et opĂ©rateurs qui interviennent dans la filiĂšre tomate. Pour cette Ă©tude, nous avons utilisĂ© la mĂ©thode de la matrice d’analyse des politiques (MAP). L’analyse des donnĂ©es a montrĂ© que la production de la filiĂšre tomate dans les exploitations de la rĂ©gion de Souss-Massa est rentable. Elle a un avantage comparatif aux prix de rĂ©fĂ©rence et peut gĂ©nĂ©rer de la devise Ă©trangĂšre. Ceci s’explique par la diminution des coĂ»ts sociaux des intrants Ă©changeables et par le fait que les acteurs utilisent beaucoup de ressources domestiques dans leurs systĂšmes de production. Par consĂ©quent, avec un CRD (Coefficient de coĂ»t en Ressources Domestiques) infĂ©rieur Ă  l’unitĂ©, l’activitĂ© est compĂ©titive et elle sera plus compĂ©titive en cas de rĂ©gression des coĂ»ts sociaux (Ă©conomiques) des ressources domestiques. Mots clĂ©s: Tomate, Souss-Massa, matrice d’analyse des politiques, prix de rĂ©fĂ©rence, avantage comparati

    The Effect of the Conflict on Syria’s Health System and Human Resources for Health

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    Prior to the conflict, Syria&rsquo;s health system was comparable with that of other middle-income countries; however, the prolonged conflict has led to significant destruction of the health infrastructure. The lack of security and the direct targeting of health workers and health facilities have led to an exodus of trained staff leaving junior health workers to work beyond their capabilities in increasingly difficult circumstances. This exodus together with the destruction of the health infrastructure has contributed to the increase in communicable and non-communicable diseases and the rising morbidity and mortality of the Syrian population. Strengthening the health system in the current and post-conflict phase requires the retention of the remaining health workers, incentives for health workers who have left to return as well as engagement with the expatriate Syrian and international medical communities

    The Spectral Measurement of Scattered Radiation From a Clinical Linear Accelerator Using a CZT Detector

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    The study of the induced radioactivity following radiotherapy with high energy X-rays from medical linear accelerator. Patient equivalent phantom made of Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) of 30x30x27 cm size irradiated with 15 MV X-rays from Versa HD medical linear accelerator form Elekta. Induced radioactive and ambient dose rates were measured at 0.25, 0.5 and 1 m from beam center using GR1Âź spectrometry with Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detectors having energy resolution less than 2%. Spectrum analysis was performed using MultiSpect software. The measured spectrum showed 511 keV annihilation photons possibly as a result of positron emitter of which most likely candidates are 62Cu(T1/2: 9.7 min), 64Cu (T1/2: 12.7 h )  and 57Ni  (T1/2:  35.6 h) and a  peak at ≈ 1780 keV that could be attributed 28Al and 214Bi radioisotope. Ambient photon dose rates post radiotherapy treatment ranged 660 ”Gyh-1at o.5 m to 41 ”Gyh-1at 1 m. These values agree well with the results presented in the literature. Keywords: Radiotherapy; Activation Products; Gamma spectrometry; Occupational exposure; Medical Linear Accelerator. DOI: 10.7176/ALST/83-05 Publication date: November 30th 2020
