1,500 research outputs found

    Do children choose to play active video games when given the choice between seated and ambulatory video game play? A study of children's play choice

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    Session III – Theory, Technology and Best Practice (slides)postprintGameDays Conference 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, 12-13 September 2011

    Reactive Oxygen Species Modulate the Barrier Function of the Human Glomerular Endothelial Glycocalyx

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a key role in the pathogenesis of proteinuria in glomerular diseases like diabetic nephropathy. Glomerular endothelial cell (GEnC) glycocalyx covers the luminal aspect of the glomerular capillary wall and makes an important contribution to the glomerular barrier. ROS are known to depolymerise glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains of proteoglycans, which are crucial for the barrier function of GEnC glycocalyx. The aim of this study is to investigate the direct effects of ROS on the structure and function of GEnC glycocalyx using conditionally immortalised human GEnC. ROS were generated by exogenous hydrogen peroxide. Biosynthesis and cleavage of GAG chains was analyzed by radiolabelling (S35 and 3H-glucosamine). GAG chains were quantified on GEnC surface and in the cell supernatant using liquid chromatography and immunofluorescence techniques. Barrier properties were estimated by measuring trans-endothelial passage of albumin. ROS caused a significant loss of WGA lectin and heparan sulphate staining from the surface of GEnC. This lead to an increase in trans-endothelial albumin passage. The latter could be inhibited by catalase and superoxide dismutase. The effect of ROS on GEnC was not mediated via the GAG biosynthetic pathway. Quantification of radiolabelled GAG fractions in the supernatant confirmed that ROS directly caused shedding of HS GAG. This finding is clinically relevant and suggests a mechanism by which ROS may cause proteinuria in clinical conditions associated with high oxidative stress. © 2013 Singh et al.published_or_final_versio

    Anarchy in the UK: Detailed genetic analysis of worker reproduction in a naturally occurring British anarchistic honeybee, Apis mellifera, colony using DNA microsatellites

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    Anarchistic behaviour is a very rare phenotype of honeybee colonies. In an anarchistic colony, many workers’ sons are reared in the presence of the queen. Anarchy has previously been described in only two Australian colonies. Here we report on a first detailed genetic analysis of a British anarchistic colony. Male pupae were present in great abundance above the queen excluder, which was clearly indicative of extensive worker reproduction and is the hallmark of anarchy. Seventeen microsatellite loci were used to analyse these male pupae, allowing us to address whether all the males were indeed workers’ sons, and how many worker patrilines and individual workers produced them. In the sample, 95 of 96 of the males were definitely workers’ sons. Given that ≈ 1% of workers’ sons were genetically indistinguishable from queen’s sons, this suggests that workers do not move any queen-laid eggs between the part of the colony where the queen is present to the area above the queen excluder which the queen cannot enter. The colony had 16 patrilines, with an effective number of patrilines of 9.85. The 75 males that could be assigned with certainty to a patriline came from 7 patrilines, with an effective number of 4.21. They were the offspring of at least 19 workers. This is in contrast to the two previously studied Australian naturally occurring anarchist colonies, in which most of the workers’ sons were offspring of one patriline. The high number of patrilines producing males leads to a low mean relatedness between laying workers and males of the colony. We discuss the importance of studying such colonies in the understanding of worker policing and its evolution

    A Common Glaucoma-risk Variant of SIX6 Alters Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer and Optic Disc Measures in a European Population: The EPIC-Norfolk Eye Study

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    PURPOSE: A common missense variant in the SIX6 gene (rs33912345) is strongly associated with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). We aimed to examine the association of rs33912345 with optic disc and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) measures in a European population. METHODS: We examined participants of the population-based EPIC-Norfolk Eye Study. Participants underwent confocal laser scanning tomography (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II, HRT) to estimate optic disc rim area and vertical cup-disc ratio (VCDR). Scanning laser polarimetry (GDxVCC) was used to estimate average RNFL thickness. The mean of right and left eye values was considered for each participant. Genotyping was performed using the Affymetrix UK Biobank Axiom Array. Multivariable linear regression with the optic nerve head parameter as outcome variable and dosage of rs33912345 genotype as primary explanatory variable was used, adjusted for age, sex, disc area, axial length and intraocular pressure. We further repeated analyses stratified into age tertiles. RESULTS: In total, 5433 participants with HRT data and 3699 participants with GDxVCC data were included. Each "C" allele of rs33912345 was associated with a smaller rim area (-0.030▒mm [95% CI -0.040, -0.020], P=5.4×10), a larger VCDR (0.025 [95% CI 0.017, 0.033], P=3.3×10) and a thinner RNFL (-0.39▒μm [95% CI -0.62, -0.15], P=0.001). The RNFL association was strongest in the oldest age tertile, whereas rim area and VCDR associations were strongest in the youngest and oldest age tertiles. CONCLUSIONS: The protein coding SIX6 variant rs33912345, previously associated with POAG, has a functional effect on glaucoma-associated optic nerve head traits in Europeans

    Interplay between pleiotropy and secondary selection determines rise and fall of mutators in stress response

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    Dramatic rise of mutators has been found to accompany adaptation of bacteria in response to many kinds of stress. Two views on the evolutionary origin of this phenomenon emerged: the pleiotropic hypothesis positing that it is a byproduct of environmental stress or other specific stress response mechanisms and the second order selection which states that mutators hitchhike to fixation with unrelated beneficial alleles. Conventional population genetics models could not fully resolve this controversy because they are based on certain assumptions about fitness landscape. Here we address this problem using a microscopic multiscale model, which couples physically realistic molecular descriptions of proteins and their interactions with population genetics of carrier organisms without assuming any a priori fitness landscape. We found that both pleiotropy and second order selection play a crucial role at different stages of adaptation: the supply of mutators is provided through destabilization of error correction complexes or fluctuations of production levels of prototypic mismatch repair proteins (pleiotropic effects), while rise and fixation of mutators occur when there is a sufficient supply of beneficial mutations in replication-controlling genes. This general mechanism assures a robust and reliable adaptation of organisms to unforeseen challenges. This study highlights physical principles underlying physical biological mechanisms of stress response and adaptation

    Avoiding Dangerous Missense: Thermophiles Display Especially Low Mutation Rates

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    Rates of spontaneous mutation have been estimated under optimal growth conditions for a variety of DNA-based microbes, including viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes. When expressed as genomic mutation rates, most of the values were in the vicinity of 0.003–0.004 with a range of less than two-fold. Because the genome sizes varied by roughly 104-fold, the mutation rates per average base pair varied inversely by a similar factor. Even though the commonality of the observed genomic rates remains unexplained, it implies that mutation rates in unstressed microbes reach values that can be finely tuned by evolution. An insight originating in the 1920s and maturing in the 1960s proposed that the genomic mutation rate would reflect a balance between the deleterious effect of the average mutation and the cost of further reducing the mutation rate. If this view is correct, then increasing the deleterious impact of the average mutation should be countered by reducing the genomic mutation rate. It is a common observation that many neutral or nearly neutral mutations become strongly deleterious at higher temperatures, in which case they are called temperature-sensitive mutations. Recently, the kinds and rates of spontaneous mutations were described for two microbial thermophiles, a bacterium and an archaeon. Using an updated method to extrapolate from mutation-reporter genes to whole genomes reveals that the rate of base substitutions is substantially lower in these two thermophiles than in mesophiles. This result provides the first experimental support for the concept of an evolved balance between the total genomic impact of mutations and the cost of further reducing the basal mutation rate

    Characterising the application of the “progressive overload” principle of exercise training within cardiac rehabilitation: A United Kingdom-based community programme

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    Background: Recent concerns have cast doubt over the effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation [CR] programmes for improving cardiorespiratory fitness [CRF] in patients with a history of cardiac disease in the United Kingdom [UK]. We aimed to characterise the weekly progression of exercise training dose over an 8-week Phase III CR programme as we felt this may be partly responsible for the lack of improvement in CRF reported in previous studies. Design: Observational study. Methods: We evaluated a community-based Phase III CR programme in the UK. During each training session, patients wore an Apple Watch and the weekly progression of exercise training dose/load was quantified. The analysis was based on 332 individual training sessions. Exercise intensity [% heart rate reserve] during the cardiovascular [CV] exercise training component [%HRR-CV], CV training duration; estimated changes in cardiorespiratory fitness [change in estimated metabolic equivalents (METs)]; session rating of perceived exertion [sRPE], sRPE training load [sRPE-TL], and exercise training impulse [TRIMP] were evaluated. Results: Thirty cardiac patients [83% male; age [SD] 67.0 [10.0] years; body mass index [SD] 28.3 [4.6] kg∙m-2] were recruited to an 8-week programme [16 sessions in total]. Bayesian repeated-measures ANOVA indicated anecdotal evidence for the alternative hypothesis for changes in %HRR-CV (BF10 = 0.61), sRPE (BF10 = 1.1), and change in estimated METs (BF10 = 1.2) during CR. Conversely, Bayesian repeated-measures ANOVA showed extreme evidence for changes in CV training duration (BF10 = 2.438e+26), TRIMP (BF10 = 71436), and sRPE-TL (BF10 = 779570). Conclusion: The key exercise training principle of progressive overload was only partially applied. Increases observed in exercise dose were due to increases in the duration of CV training, rather than combined with increases in exercise intensity [%HRR-CV and sRPE]. Accordingly, allied health professionals must ensure that exercise intensity is more consistently progressed to optimise the exercise stimulus and improvements in CRF and patient outcomes

    Exploring local knowledge and perceptions on zoonoses among pastoralists in northern and eastern Tanzania

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    Background: Zoonoses account for the most commonly reported emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is limited knowledge on how pastoral communities perceive zoonoses in relation to their livelihoods, culture and their wider ecology. This study was carried out to explore local knowledge and perceptions on zoonoses among pastoralists in Tanzania. Methodology and principal findings: This study involved pastoralists in Ngorongoro district in northern Tanzania and Kibaha and Bagamoyo districts in eastern Tanzania. Qualitative methods of focus group discussions, participatory epidemiology and interviews were used. A total of 223 people were involved in the study. Among the pastoralists, there was no specific term in their local language that describes zoonosis. Pastoralists from northern Tanzania possessed a higher understanding on the existence of a number of zoonoses than their eastern districts' counterparts. Understanding of zoonoses could be categorized into two broad groups: a local syndromic framework, whereby specific symptoms of a particular illness in humans concurred with symptoms in animals, and the biomedical framework, where a case definition is supported by diagnostic tests. Some pastoralists understand the possibility of some infections that could cross over to humans from animals but harm from these are generally tolerated and are not considered as threats. A number of social and cultural practices aimed at maintaining specific cultural functions including social cohesion and rites of passage involve animal products, which present zoonotic risk. Conclusions: These findings show how zoonoses are locally understood, and how epidemiology and biomedicine are shaping pastoralists perceptions to zoonoses. Evidence is needed to understand better the true burden and impact of zoonoses in these communities. More studies are needed that seek to clarify the common understanding of zoonoses that could be used to guide effective and locally relevant interventions. Such studies should consider in their approaches the pastoralists' wider social, cultural and economic set up