846 research outputs found

    Diagonal sections of copulas, multivariate conditional hazard rates and distributions of order statistics for minimally stable lifetimes

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    As a motivating problem, we aim to study some special aspects of the marginal distributions of the order statistics for exchangeable and (more generally) for minimally stable non-negative random variables T1,...,TrT_{1},...,T_{r}. In any case, we assume that T1,...,TrT_{1},...,T_{r} are identically distributed, with a common survival function G‾\overline{G} and their survival copula is denoted by KK. The diagonal's and subdiagonals' sections of KK, along with G‾\overline{G}, are possible tools to describe the information needed to recover the laws of order statistics. When attention is restricted to the absolutely continuous case, such a joint distribution can be described in terms of the associated multivariate conditional hazard rate (m.c.h.r.) functions. We then study the distributions of the order statistics of T1,...,TrT_{1},...,T_{r} also in terms of the system of the m.c.h.r. functions. We compare and, in a sense, we combine the two different approaches in order to obtain different detailed formulas and to analyze some probabilistic aspects for the distributions of interest. This study also leads us to compare the two cases of exchangeable and minimally stable variables both in terms of copulas and of m.c.h.r. functions. The paper concludes with the analysis of two remarkable special cases of stochastic dependence, namely Archimedean copulas and load sharing models. This analysis will allow us to provide some illustrative examples, and some discussion about peculiar aspects of our results

    Direct oral anticoagulants for the treatment of splanchnic vein thrombosis: A state of art

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    Splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is a manifestation of venous thromboembolism in an unusual site. Portal, mesenteric, and splenic veins are the most common vessels involved in SVT which occurs mainly in patients with liver cirrhosis, although non-cirrhotic patients could be affected as well. Thrombosis of hepatic veins, also known as Budd-Chiari syndrome, is another manifestation of SVT. Prompt diagnosis and intervention are mandatory in order to increase the recalization rate and reduce the risk of thrombus progression and hypertensive complications. Traditional anticoagulation with heparin and vitamin-K antagonists is the treatment of choice in these cases. However, recent studies have shown promising results on the efficacy and safety of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in this setting. Available results are mainly based on retrospective studies with small sample size, but first clinical trials have been published in the last years. This manuscript aims to provide an updated overview of the current evidence regarding the role of DOACs for SVT in both cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients

    Design and Synthesis of Hsp90 Inhibitors with B-Raf and PDHK1 Multi-Target Activity

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    5noopenThe design of multi-target ligands has become an innovative approach for the identification of effective therapeutic treatments against complex diseases, such as cancer. Recent studies have demonstrated that the combined inhibition of Hsp90 and B-Raf provides synergistic effects against several types of cancers. Moreover, it has been reported that PDHK1, which presents an ATP-binding pocket similar to that of Hsp90, plays an important role in tumor initiation, maintenance and progression, participating also to the senescence process induced by B-Raf oncogenic proteins. Based on these premises, the simultaneous inhibition of these targets may provide several benefits for the treatment of cancer. In this work, we set up a design strategy including the assembly and integration of molecular fragments known to be important for binding to the Hsp90, PDHK1 and B-Raf targets, aided by molecular docking for the selection of a set of compounds potentially able to exert Hsp90-B-Raf-PDHK1 multi-target activities. The designed compounds were synthesized and experimentally validated in vitro. According to the in vitro assays, compounds 4 a, 4 d and 4 e potently inhibited Hsp90 and moderately inhibited the PDHK1 kinase. Finally, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to provide further insights into the structural basis of their multi-target activity.openPinzi L.; Foschi F.; Christodoulou M.S.; Passarella D.; Rastelli G.Pinzi, L.; Foschi, F.; Christodoulou, M. S.; Passarella, D.; Rastelli, G

    Ruthenium-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Rearrangement of 4-Alkenyl-isoxazol-5-ones to Pyrrole Derivatives

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    Easily accessible isoxazol-5(4H)-ones are useful precursors of heterocycles. In this context, we report the ruthenium-catalyzed transformation of 4-alkenyl-substituted isoxazol-5-ones to afford 1H-pyrrole derivatives. The operative conditions were proven to be effective also on cyclohexane-fused isoxazolones giving 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroindoles. The reactions, which allow for access to tri-and tetra-substituted pyrroles in moderate to high yields, occur through decarboxylative ring-opening/ring-closure involving C-H functionalization of the alkenyl moiety

    A Self-Powered Wireless Water Quality Sensing Network Enabling Smart Monitoring of Biological and Chemical Stability in Supply Systems

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    A smart, safe, and efficient management of water is fundamental for both developed and developing countries. Several wireless sensor networks have been proposed for real-time monitoring of drinking water quantity and quality, both in the environment and in pipelines. However, surface fouling significantly affects the long-term reliability of pipes and sensors installed in-line. To address this relevant issue, we presented a multi-parameter sensing node embedding a miniaturized slime monitor able to estimate the micrometric thickness and type of slime. The measurement of thin deposits in pipes is descriptive of water biological and chemical stability and enables early warning functions, predictive maintenance, and more efficient management processes. After the description of the sensing node, the related electronics, and the data processing strategies, we presented the results of a two-month validation in the field of a three-node pilot network. Furthermore, self-powering by means of direct energy harvesting from the water flowing through the sensing node was also demonstrated. The robustness and low cost of this solution enable its upscaling to larger monitoring networks, paving the way to water monitoring with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. Document type: Articl

    Definition of a Core Collection and Construction of a Reference Set for Genome-Wide Association Studies from a Large Prunus persica Germplasm Collection

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    Genome-wide association studies take advantage of the natural variation present in germplasm repositories for identifying genes underlying agronomic traits, through plant molecular and phenotypic characterization. For tree crops, in vivo maintenance and phenotyping are particularly onerous and the reduction of redundancy and duplicates could help lowering management costs. In the frame of the European project FruitBreedomics, a collection of 1580 Prunus accessions from different institutions in Europe and China has been genotyped with the IPSC 9K SNP Array and phenotyped for different agronomic traits and a GWAS analysis with 4271 SNPs on 7 monogenic traits has been carried out (Micheletti et al. 2015). In the present work, the same set of 4271 SNP markers was used to identify a peach core collection by applying the maximization strategy implemented in the software PowerCore v 1.0 (Kim et al. 2007). Out of a total of 1540 a core of 72 (C72) accessions was identified, representing 4.7% sampling size. C72 contains the accessions with higher diversity representing the total allelic coverage with an efficiency index of 0.83 with respect to random sampling. In the view of setting up a genomic tool for GWAS analyses a reference subset of 150 accessions was also developed taking into account allelic and phenotypic traits representativeness through the maximization strategy, population stratification and controlled redundancy required to have enough statistical power. Preliminary PCA analysis shows population structure to explain less than 30% of variability due to the local varieties. Validation of the reference set will also be presented

    Quality of care indicators for head and neck cancers : the experience of the European project RARECAREnet

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    Background: Monitoring and improving quality of cancer care has become pivotal today. This is especially relevant for head and neck cancers since the disease is complex, it needs multi therapy, patients tend to be older, they tend to have comorbidities and limited social support. However, information on quality of care for head and neck cancers is scarce. In the context of the project "Information Network on Rare Cancers" we aimed to identify indicators of quality of care specific for the head and neck cancers management and to measure the quality of care for head and neck cancers in different EU Member States. Methods: We defined indicators of quality of care for head and neck cancers based on a multidisciplinary and expert-based consensus process at a European level. To test the proposed indicators, we performed an observational population-based retrospective study in four countries (Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, and Slovenia) in the years 2009-2011. Results: The main quality indicators identified are: availability of formalized multidisciplinary team, participation in clinical and translational research; timeliness of care, high quality of surgery and radiotherapy, and of pathological reporting. For head and neck cancers, the quality of care did not reach the optimal standards in most of the countries analyzed. A high proportion of patients was diagnosed at an advanced disease stage, showed delays in starting treatment (especially for radiotherapy), and there was only a very limited use of multi therapy. Conclusions: According to the achieved consensus, indicators of quality of care for head and neck cancers have to cover the patient journey (i.e., diagnosis and treatment). Our results, showed suboptimal quality of care across countries and call for solutions for ensuring good quality of care for head and neck cancer patients in all EU countries. One possible option might be to refer head and neck cancer patients to specialized centers or to networks including specialized centers

    A sharp condition for scattering of the radial 3d cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We consider the problem of identifying sharp criteria under which radial H1H^1 (finite energy) solutions to the focusing 3d cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (NLS) i∂tu+Δu+∣u∣2u=0i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^2u=0 scatter, i.e. approach the solution to a linear Schr\"odinger equation as t→±∞t\to \pm \infty. The criteria is expressed in terms of the scale-invariant quantities ∥u0∥L2∥∇u0∥L2\|u_0\|_{L^2}\|\nabla u_0\|_{L^2} and M[u]E[u]M[u]E[u], where u0u_0 denotes the initial data, and M[u]M[u] and E[u]E[u] denote the (conserved in time) mass and energy of the corresponding solution u(t)u(t). The focusing NLS possesses a soliton solution eitQ(x)e^{it}Q(x), where QQ is the ground-state solution to a nonlinear elliptic equation, and we prove that if M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q]M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q] and ∥u0∥L2∥∇u0∥L2<∥Q∥L2∥∇Q∥L2\|u_0\|_{L^2}\|\nabla u_0\|_{L^2} < \|Q\|_{L^2}\|\nabla Q\|_{L^2}, then the solution u(t)u(t) is globally well-posed and scatters. This condition is sharp in the sense that the soliton solution eitQ(x)e^{it}Q(x), for which equality in these conditions is obtained, is global but does not scatter. We further show that if M[u]E[u]∥Q∥L2∥∇Q∥L2M[u]E[u] \|Q\|_{L^2}\|\nabla Q\|_{L^2}, then the solution blows-up in finite time. The technique employed is parallel to that employed by Kenig-Merle \cite{KM06a} in their study of the energy-critical NLS

    Genetic Dissection of Complex Fruit Quantitative Traits in Peach Progen

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    Major research efforts in peach are dedicated to the discovery of genomic variants causing phenotypic effects in complex fruit traits such as: maturity date (MD), fruit size (FW), sugar (SSC) and acid content (TA), flesh texture (slow softening, SSf) and resistance to brown rot by Monilinia spp. (BRr). Five segregating progenies showing phenotypic variation for at least one of these traits are available in our experimental fields. For SSC and TA, an already validated approach based on Near-InfraRed spectroscopy (NIR), is being applied to phenotype some segregating progenies. For SSf and BRr instead, trait characterization has been performed, resulting in the identification of co-factor traits and definition of standardized phenotyping tools, which are currently applied in the characterization of segregating material (in the context of FruitBreedomics EU project). High-density linkage maps have been constructed with genotypic data obtained from IPSC Illumina 9K SNP chip (Italian Drupomics and FruitBreedomics frameworks) and Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS). Additionally, parents of these progenies have been re-sequenced (30-40x) and genetic variants present along their genomes have been identified. Multiple-QTL models (MQM) coupled with the use of co-factor traits is leading to the discovery of significant QTLs. Genomic variants are explored within QTL intervals on the genomes of progeny parents, in order to identify possible mutations causing phenotypic differences, and develop markers for marker-assisted selection approaches
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