1,348 research outputs found

    Diels-alder cycloaddition in the synthesis of 1-azafagomine, analogs, and derivatives as glycosidase inhibitors

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    This comprehensive review deals with the synthesis of 1-azafagomine, analogs, and derivatives having the Diels-Alder cycloaddition as the key step. Most of the compounds referred are racemic or have been resolved by lipase transesterification. There are two asymmetric cycloadditions leading to 1-azafagomine or to an analog. In one case both enantiomers of 1-azafagomine were prepared together with a pair of derivatives. The study comprises glycosidase inhibition studies of the target compounds to a set of glycosidic enzymes, and evidenced molecular features that enhance or diminish their activity as glycosidase inhibitors

    Statistical Mechanics of Two-dimensional Foams

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    The methods of statistical mechanics are applied to two-dimensional foams under macroscopic agitation. A new variable -- the total cell curvature -- is introduced, which plays the role of energy in conventional statistical thermodynamics. The probability distribution of the number of sides for a cell of given area is derived. This expression allows to correlate the distribution of sides ("topological disorder") to the distribution of sizes ("geometrical disorder") in a foam. The model predictions agree well with available experimental data

    Oxide thermoelectrics prepared by laser melting: effects of processing atmosphere

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    Traditional thermoelectric materials suffer from two main problems, the toxicity/scarcity of the elements used and their stability at high temperatures or in non-inert atmospheres. Thermoelectric oxides appear to be a promising alternative to traditional materials due to natural abundance of the constituents and high thermal stability. This work focuses on the processing of these materials using the Laser Floating Zone (LFZ) technique. Particular emphasis is given to LFZ processing under various redox atmospheres, allowing unique opportunities for tuning the structural, microstructural and thermoelectric properties. This technique allows the growth of fully dense fibres, as well as the formation of metastable phases and/or promoting different oxidation states by adjusting the growth conditions. Here we report the processing of model manganite- and titanate-based materials including donorsubstituted Ca(Pr)MnO3 and Ti(Ta)O2 systems. XRD/SEM/EDS studies demonstrate some guidelines for tuning the phase composition and microstructure by adjusting the growth rate under different redox conditions. We report high power factor values of 303 μWm-1K -2 at 1120 K for the Ca(Pr)MnO3 system and 317 μWm-1K -2 for the Ti(Ta)O2 system. The obtained results suggest that LFZ is a suitable technique for processing thermoelectric oxides if optimized control over growth parameters and re-equilibration conditions is imposed.publishe

    Diastereo-selectivity in diels–alder cycloadditions of erythrose benzylidene-acetal 1,3-Butadienes with maleimides

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    Maleimides were combined with D-erythrose benzylidene-acetal 1,3-butadienes 1 and 2 to study the facial selectivity of the Diels-Alder cycloadditions. The selectivity was found to be from moderate to good. The reaction diastereotopicity can be reversed with the temperature. Simultaneous coordination of diene 1, having a free hydroxyl group, and maleimide 3 to a chiral bimetallic Lewis acid catalyst (LACASA-DA reaction) occurs with complete diastereo-control to give a single adduct, using an extra chiral inductor either R- or S-BINOL.Thanks are due to FCT for project funding PTDC/QUI/67407/2006 and FCT and FEDER for funding the NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III 400 as part of the National NMR Network. V. C. M. D. also thanks for PhD grant (SFRH/BD/61290/2009)

    Dimensional crossover of a boson gas in multilayers

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    We obtain the thermodynamic properties for a non-interacting Bose gas constrained on multilayers modeled by a periodic Kronig-Penney delta potential in one direction and allowed to be free in the other two directions. We report Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) critical temperatures, chemical potential, internal energy, specific heat, and entropy for different values of a dimensionless impenetrability P0P\geqslant 0 between layers. The BEC critical temperature TcT_{c} coincides with the ideal gas BEC critical temperature T0T_{0} when P=0P=0 and rapidly goes to zero as PP increases to infinity for any finite interlayer separation. The specific heat CVC_{V} \textit{vs} TT for finite PP and plane separation aa exhibits one minimum and one or two maxima in addition to the BEC, for temperatures larger than TcT_{c} which highlights the effects due to particle confinement. Then we discuss a distinctive dimensional crossover of the system through the specific heat behavior driven by the magnitude of PP. For T<TcT<T_{c} the crossover is revealed by the change in the slope of logCV(T)\log C_{V}(T) and when T>TcT>T_{c}, it is evidenced by a broad minimum in CV(T)C_{V}(T).Comment: Ten pages, nine figure